The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1992
, Talents for Christ Competition for Ohio Saturday, April 25, 1992 Cedarville College & Grace Baptist, Cedarville Theme of Competition : 'Good & Faithful Servants" Grades 8-12 eligible For information contac t: Jamie Beight Calvary Baptist, 401 Center St., Ashland OH 44805 ~ Ken and Sandy Van Loon, with Jonathan and Rebecca · Ken and Sandy Van Loon, veteran church planting and development - missionaries with Baptist ~ - L Mid-Missions, have begun a ~ church development ministry at Emmanuel Baptist as of November. The Van Loons came to Paulding from Alaska, where they brought Anchor Point Baptist Church to full self-support. VanLoon is a graduate of Cedarville c;otlege and holds a chaplain' s commis– sion at the rank of major in the Civil Air Patrol. They are commissioned to missionary service through Shawnee Hills Baptist in Jamestown . The Van Loons have two children, Rebecca and Jonathan. On Friends Day, October 27, Faith Baptist exceeded their goaJ of 400 with a g final count of 407. This es– ~-·__tablisbed a new attendance ~ record surpassing the previous record of 391 set on Easter Sunday 1990. The children's church also exceeded its goal of 70, with attendance of 75. The children launched 100 bal loons with tracts and a child's name and a New Testament during their morning activi ties. Pastor Merlyn Jones reports U1a~ al l were blessed by lhe overwhelming number of friends and f1rst-time visitors present, but says the greatest blessing was the decisions made including the salvation of one man. ' Left to right: Pastor & Mrs. Bill Bowers, Pastor & Mrs. Karl Stelzer, Pastor & Mrs . Frank Oder, and Pastor & Mrs. Pau l Reimer •• ~ O~ Octobe~ 26-27 the ~~ Bable Baptist Church ceJebrated its 30th - anniversary. The church, . ~ . which began as a Bible study ~ 1n the late 50s, was officially organized as a Baptist church in the fall of 1961. On Saturday the church hosted a banquet for a capacity crowd of pre ent and fo~ er members and former pastors, along w1~ many friends. Mr. Ed Spencer of Cedarville College, wbo served twice as interim pastor, spoke on the anniver– sary theme, "Thirty Years for the Glory of God." Sunday morning, Rev. Bill Bowers, Rev. Frank Oder and Rev . Karl Stelzer, all former pastors of BBC, participated in the service. In the evening, the church fainil y made plans and Ii tcd ideas for future ministries in 1992, if the Lord should tarry . Newark is the county seat of Licking County, home to over 100,000. The DBC family is excited about the growtJ1 they have een and the potential they have in reaching people for Chri tin central 9 hio. Th~ present pas tor of Bible Bapti t is Paul Reimer. He and hi wife, Debbie, and their four boys, have been enjoying tl1e strong foundation laid by the former pas.tors and working with a congregation which he ays ha "a graciou , loving spirit witJ1 a mind to work." .- ~ Mi Gwen Abell , a 1.99 1 ·~ graduate of Moody R1ble ~ In titute, i crving a a - rnusic intern at her hon1c ~ · church, Grace Baptis t . ~ om news deadline for February-March • issue: January 13 Pastor Terry Smith, Deborah, Tim, and Peter Boardman Baptist Temple has called Terry Smith as its pastor. Terry ~ is a graduate of Henry Ford ~?' Community College and ~ William Tyndale College, and he hold the Master of Divinity degr~e from Detroit Bapti t Theological ~em!na_ry . ~be miths previously served 1n mission 1n Au tralia, where he p~ tored in three churchc . Terry, his wife, Deborah, and their children, Tim and Peter, began their ministry in Boardrnan December 29. Ohio Independent Raptlst is a publication of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptis t C hurches Editor Sta te Represen tative Larry J7etzer Managing Editor Linda Thom as Proofreader Pa tric ia Fetzer Technical Assistance Depar tme nt of Pu blic Re lati ons , Cedarville Co llege Regis te r G raphics, Rando lph, N ew York Please direc t all comments, correspondence, an<l news to Ohio Independent Ba ptis t P.O. Dox 29 058 Ke tteri ng , 0 11 45429 51 -294-029 1'he 0 18 [ISSN 0747-07621 is publi hcd b1- n1onlhl y Feb/Mar , May/June, July/Aug, Nov/l)~c and n1o nthly Jan. Apr, s~p t, Oct , fo, $ 1 ixr y~ar by the O tuo As~ociat, on o f R~gular 11aplls t ( hurc h~s. 127 l:.ast l) n v1.\ l)a yton , ( ) II 4~41 9
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