The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1992
Womens' Page Ohio Wom en' s Mission Union Update I\ • .. lit ,\f ii/er. f >TtSl <l e.111 L ooki11 back to a bu y and ble edfall: l~rt1n1 Scptcn1b ' r ~ tl1 l vcn1bcr U1 , women of tl1i tate enjoyed three ret.reat , nine area fellt)\VShip n1c ting , and ll1e WMU fall raJly in Toledo. It's no wonder ll1al \\ ) 111c n fron1 t11cr stat ,.s n1arvel at tl1c unique opportunitie we Ohio women have. l.1) \\ e n )ver lake tl1e.. e f r granted, but continue to prai e our Lord for Hi special 2.t :>dne.... tl)U ~. '- \. pe ial tl1ank.. t tl1c ladie of Men1orial Bapti t in Columbus, Miller burg Baptist in ftllershurg. and Brown .. treet Bapti t in Akron for ho ting the retreats . It was evident ac each retreat ll1at the c women had pent much time in preparation and prayer ll1rt)ughout U1e year, and G d ble ed abuncL'lntl y. I ll1ank the L rd, t for tlle officer of our nine area fellow hips. I was privileged lt) attend ix of tl1e.. e meeting , and, in each ca e, I left for home praising God for all I had .. ecn and heard. ontinue to pray faithfull y for your area's officers. I really appreciate Paul a Eddy' " acri fice" for our state meeting . She rode all the v.ay from olun1bu to Toledo in the back eat of Roxane Brock' car, since our can1pfire (OWMU program prop) would only fi t in the front! Her ''sacrifice" was e ~ential becau e tile OWMU program wa centered around our 1991-92 project and theme. We ang campfire ong , read and beard te timonie of camp experiences from Jennifer Roloff, Carrie Thomp on, Roxane Brock, and Sharon Aoyd; and listened as allte 1cElwain challenged our hearts with the importance of camp ministries here and around the world. The new OWMU communication, SPAN, was also introduced during the afternoon meeting. Thank to Diane Fuller and the ladies and staff of Enlffianuel for tlle ir graciou ho pi tal ity. "To God Be the Glory," it was a wonderful day! Looki11g ahead to a busy a11d blessed spring: Ye , the pring wi ll bold more opportunitie to "join band and SPAN the world for mi~ ion "if Je u doe n't come for u before then. Plan now to attend your area fe l1ow hip meetings and mark April 21 on your calen– dar. That' the date of tile OWMU spring ral ly at Lakeview Baptist in Dundee, in Holme County. We're encouraging women to come on Monday, April 20, and enjoy the Ami h country crafts and food. We' ll end motel information to your church so you can pend the night and come to the Tue day meeting. You' 11 not want to miss th1 peciaJ OWMU pring get-away! Make arrangements to come! r >' Ckmentint, Ministrks ~~ • New Addre • New Programs Have You Been Looking For Your Camera? One of the ladi es who attended the Salt Fork Retreat Nov 7 & 8 left her camera. To c laim it, contact Brown Street Baptist Church 541 Brown Street Akron, OH 44311 216-376-5548 They're Stacking Up! .-- """ .• ame Quality • Sun hine and Laughter -~ ..., " We'll prai e lhe Lord togelher! (M.:, Mu ic • Devotions • Drama ,.,._,/' • , , ...u ,- .r L ~ Invite u along. ;: ......f:. ,.. We're till available ~~~ ' throughout Ohio. Elaine Baldwin (and Clementine) 735 tennetc ... \.\'heeler burg. OH 45694 6 At $3,500, we 're over halfway towards the goal of · $6,000 for a dishwasher for Skyview Ranch.
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