The Ohio Independent Baptist, February/March 1992
The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol. 65 No. 2 February/March 1992 Sacrifice: A Common Factor in Church Planting hurch planters. They start wiU1 a ha,ndful of believers, work hard, pray a Jo t, reach out to the comn1unity, and, in due time, people are aved, UJe nucleus grows, and a new church i s in the making. The people are few, tJ1e income sparse, tJ1e co t great. The rent to pay, grocerie to buy, tire to replace, the copier to fix– it seems never-ending. Church planting is expcn i ve, and rnany are doing it witJ1 woefully inadequate income. No cornplaining, no griping, ju t plugging away, Ii ving acrificial l y. Exanzple: Pa tor Gary Bragg, Harvest Bapti t Church, WapakoneLa. The church i j u l i x monU1 old, meeting in a public In This Issue • Sometimes it's too late, says the State Rep. Page 2 • Talents for Christ offers two levels of competit ion for teens. Page 2 • Is your women's group struggling? Read about Westerville Women·s Minist ries. Page 3 • Ohio wel comes 7 new pastors . Pages 4-5 • Summer camp schedules are here. Page 7 chool , not yet fu ll y organized, yet already growing. Pa, tor J3ragg is tcnt-n1aking as a coach and ub titute teacher. rfhc fellow. hip i not under a n1i. sion h<)ard, and h;L" no motl1er church. Ju ta group trying to c. t1tbl i. h a church al 1 alone. Exa,nple: Pa tor nrucc harpi c, 1 7 aitJ1 l lapti st ( "hurch, Wiln1ington. ·rhc congregation just co11plctcd a lovel y new building c)n the edge <>f to\.vn after year of n1ecting in a roo1n al Wiln1ington College. J)ui lding Cc)sts used up tJ1cir re crvc fund , iliough they did 1nuch of 01c work tl1cn1 sc l vcs. J>astor Charpic , crve~ under Oapt isl Mid-Mi ions, bul is cri ticall y under-supported li;ra,nple: l)astor Jeff M inniettr, ( ,race l lapli st ( hurch, i>ort ( ' linton. With a fine new building in 01c heart of U1c I ,,tkc I ~ri c vacati )nl ancJ, t>ast<l r Minniear ha rganizcd n1inisLrics desi gned 10 r "ach the transient population as we ll ,L5 tJ1e area re!')idcnts. Ile serves under ( "<>n tincntal l\apti~t Mi ·si ons, but is sorel y lacking in support. W<>ulcJ y<>u he wi l ling to help ~upp<l rl one o f these w >rU1y n,cn? Any <1nc of thc1n C<>t tld gi ve a thr1lltng rcp<>rt 10 your church of "vhat ( i<HJ t ~ dotn ~ .... W tH JI dn' l y < > ur chureh he c c1tcd l<> hel p huild a chu1ch tor ( iod l ll another to\Vll 1n ( )h10?
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