The Ohio Independent Baptist, February/March 1992

, Keeping Up With Our Camps W ork has begun on the winterizing and interior fini bing of the "summer chapel.,, Increa ed Ranch u e as a retreat center has made nece sary expanded meeting space for y~ar-round p~ogr~ns. Target date for interior con1pleuon 1 May 1. The chapel , when completed, wil l have two wood-burning stoves, new lighting, a stage and paneling, cr~ating a great atmosphere for chapel services. In November , $4,000 wa offered to the Ranch a a rnatching grant. The Lord quickly provided the matching fund . B y the end of December we had matched the fund with $4,740. We are planning to replace the "chicken coop' ' al the Ranch with six new cabins for u1nmer and winter u e. Remaining Winter Retrea ts Feb 28-29 Teen Retreat Mar 6-7 Junior Retreat Co t: $22 per per on plu $4 for hor eback riding; $1O deposit due witl1 regi tration Men's Spring Retreat May 14- 16 Speaker : Rev. Larr y Fetzer Cost: $34; horseback ridi11g $4 $10 deposit due wi th regi stration Pa tors: Bring 10 1nen from your church and attend free; bring 5 men and pay $ 17 Summer Camp Schedule Juniors- June 22-27; Jul y 20-25; August 3-8 .Junior High- June 29-July 4; July 27-August J Senior High- Jul y 13- 18 Co t: $ 110 per crunper . Regi ster before April 1 f or $95 Ji'amily Camp Schedule July 6- 11 J.>astor Kevin I3oggs Aug 10- 15 Dr. Wilbert Welch Aug 17-22 Dr. Wilbert Wel ch c·o~t: $ 11()/adult ; $75/child (3 & under free); $30 discc>unl f or Ulose ten t c,unping or staying in J~V~; $ J(X) deposit due wi tJ1 rcgi~tration Scioto Hills Summer Camp Schedule June 15-20 June 22-27 June 29-Jul y 4 July 6- 11 July 13- 18 July 20-25 Jul y 27-Aug 1 Aug 3-8 Jr I Ii Junior Junior Sr Hi Jr Iii Junior Junior Famil y Fred Iland Jim Sperry Jim Sperry Glenn An10. Ken GcntzJer TBA Rick Wil son Richard Mel ntosh Ba lists For Lie Offers Program Helps B aptist for L ife i offering an alterna– tive to churches who were not able to ob er ve the nationw ide Sanctity of I-Iuman Life Sunday in January. They are offering a packet which will enable each church to choose any Sunday in 1992 as Bapti ts for Life Sanctit y of I Tuman Life Sunday and allow for u age of BFL peakcr . ~rhe packet include bulletin in erts, a full -color po ter, tJ1c video, "Window to U1e Womb," tJ1c BI ·L unday Idea ManuaJ, 13-wcck adult Sunday chool curriculun1 on life is uc , and an assorU11ent of 50 brochure for U1e literature rack . The rnaterial . arc free of charge wiU1 rcque. t for a nR.. speaker, providing an honor,tr– iu1n and travel expense ; tll c nlatcrials alone can be purchased if no ·pc,tkcr is desired. hurchcs in Su1nn1it , Stark, Wayne, Medi na, <> r JJortagc countic should p lace <>rdcrs wi th 111~1.., , Greater Akron-Canton A rca, J>O 11ox l J 14, Norton, ()I I 44203, 216-825-9246. C~hurches in J ··ran k l in, l )cl awarc, Knox, L.icki ng, 1:airfield, or [>crry counties ~houltJ pJacc <>rdcrs wiU1 l\l If~ of C,cntral ()h i <>, 341 7 Jla ln1etto St~( "<> lurnbus ()11 43204, 614-669- C,()4() . ( "hurchc~ in other areas of lhc suttc n1ay order fron1 l\ apti \ ts for r ~ire, t>() l\ox 1 158, (1rand f{apids MI 49 C,() I , 6 16-669 -5(>-tO ' Dividend Paid to OARBC Group Property Insurance Plan RUPP AGENCY, INC. Specializing in church properry & liability insurance. ~,virlz o ,·e, 1,300 churches insured srare.,,,,jde • Spec ial multi-peril co, era g t· • Church Yehic lcs • Pas tors' pcrsonHI propcrt) policies 1357 Wes t T~ane I\ venue Columbus, 0 11 4322 1 call to ll - free : l -800-282-9258 o r 614-486-59 I l Contact l3cnjamin R.upp o r [)avid Bell Bapt ist ( 'htlc.lrcn's l l on1l! & fan1Jl y n1in1stn~s Dr. Don Worch President Family Counseling Foster Care Child Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 Ohio 5 13-322-0006 Iowa 515-964-0986 Indiana 219-462 4111 Michigan 517-681·2 171 Church Pew Padding • Adds Cnn1fort and l3c,1uty to Old Pc\,·s • On-Site Jn:,l,1llJl1L) n • 15 'Ye.. 1r Gu.. 1r,lntl' L' • StJy-. in PlaLr \\'ill ~ot Slip or Slide I 11..e ,1 l Oc)-.(' Cu-..h10n • ~e.1rly 50 Cl)lor-. of I·abnc Call 1-800-232-1822 The Amer ican Pew Padding Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave . Lancaster . Ohio 43130 7