The Ohio Independent Baptist, February/March 1992
' • Th B t ompetition in the State of Ohio \ltRI HT TATE UNT\7ERSI'l'Y Da )1.on, Ohio aturda)', March 21, 1992 pecial Music by: Light Lynchburg, VA Speaker. Kenny Moyer Off eDBive I ,ineman with the Cincinnati Bengals COMPE'l'I'l'ION IN: Basketball: Junior High Boye " ruor High Boye -.--. ~""f.. Girl.a 3 on 3 Btlhard.s: Coed lndoor Soccer: Coed Volleyball: Juruor High Senior High Coed Walleyball: (K.e.::i.t Ool1> ~ Fr-ee Throw Shooung: h.,,,, / Puig Po°' : /o KENT STATE Kent, Ohio Saturday, March 28th I'l'Y Special MUBic by: Light Lynchburg, VA Speaker: Mark Miller Former Quarterback of the Cleveland Browns INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES: Billiards Bowling Group Games Ice Skating Ping Pong Roller Skating Swimming Video Cam.ea - (Pay'° Pla1) FOR MORE INFOCONTACT: BILL HIGLEY GRACE BAPTIST - LIKA 1-419-221-0112 1992 018 Deadlines I · April issue May/June issue July/August issue September issue October issue November/December issue January '93 issue March 2 April 10 June 15 August 3 September 1 October 19 December 1 Please send all news and OIB correspondence to Ohio Independent Bapt ist PO Box 293058 Kettering, OH 45429 • CEDARVII~LE COLLEGE FOR YOUR S urpri ingly, a Cedarville educa– tion co ts 1n ucb Jes lhan most accred ited private college and just lightly more than public univer i– tie . In fact, adju ted for inflation, Cedarville' co ts are the ame as lhey were 18 years ago. We offer a variety of financial aid option , work opportunitie on cam– pu , and payment program that can fit college expen e into a famil y budget. It' reasonable to attend Cedarville. Consider what you gel for your money: Outstanding career preparation leading to a re pecteddegree.Gradu– ates are vigorou ly recruited by employer , and tho e who cboo e further education excel in top gradu– ate cbool programs. Opportunities for spiritual growth. Chapel every day, weekJymini tries, godly profes ors, and many Chris– tian friends. Your tudent will be both well-rounded and well-grounded. Value for your investment. Affordability. Cedarville CoUege. • Accredited Bapti t liberal art college • 75 academic programs • New programs! Engineering International Studie Social Work • Worldwide Cbri Lian mini trie • Over 1,900 tudents from 45 tate • New financial aid packages avai lable! Cal l 1-800-444-2433 ADMISSIONS 1-800-777-2211
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