The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1992

The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol. 65 No. 3 April 1992 Reaching Chinese Students Requires Team Effort ne. Ju t one young Chinese student who agreed to attend an Emmanuel Bapti t Church of Toledo home Bible study with her sponsoring famil y. At tl1at Bibl e study Japing found more than opportunities to practice English and learn American custom ; he found tl1e living Christ as her Savior . Japing' salvation pro1npted other members of Emmanuel to reach out to their Chinese contact at the Univer ity of Toledo, ar1d an al l -Chinese Bible study wa born . A Chinese 1nan heard the Go pel and wanted his wife and children to bear; a woman wanted her husband and children to believe. Soon the tudy outgrew the uni versity tudents, apartments, and in August of la t year moved to the home of Robert and Peggy Latham. The LaU1ams say U1ere are thou and of Chinese tudents like Japing tudying in Ameri can universities, and 1nany seek friend hip and opportuniti es for expo urc Lo customs of their host country . The Lal11an1 regard U1e Chine e 1nini try a a tcai11 effort. Their co-worker , Pat and Lori Ryan, keep in contact wiU1 l11e tudents during the week, and pick l11e1n up for Bible ·tudy . cveral times they' ve even gone to court wi tJ1a hinesc student invol ved in an accident. Mo t ' Ludcnts arri ve witl1 little Lo set up tJ1cir apartments, so one team me1nber pend tin1e hopping for bargains in furniture and household goods. A t tJ1ei r 1nontJ1l y ocial ni ghts, college students fron1 tJ1e church show up to play volleyball and interact wi U1 hinese students on a one-on-one ba i s. ·rwo wornen di sciple sludent wi ves who speak Jillie English. .In l ike~a.oner the levcland hi nesc ~vangclical 'hurch, ·pon. orcd by cd:tr 11111Bapti st tn level and, reaches out Lo touch U1e li ve of C hinc ·e uni versi l y students . Origi nated and directed by l) r. J)eler ·rang and his wife, Mei-Mei , 01c !11inistr~ go~s beyond .a week l,Y B.ibJe study attended by 40-50 hinc. c Lo language instruction 1n Mandar i n nnd J~ngll sh, pot-l uck suppers, rccrcationaJevents, and classes for chi ldren and yout11. A ccording to f)r. Tang, a paU1ologist at , l. I...ukc' s hospi tal in Cleveland, special speakers ~uch as rnainl and ( ' hina pastors bring ,L\ many ~s 25() to hear tJ1e (Jospel. In Nc)vcn1ber c) f last year tJ1c group began Sunday worship ~er vice in U1c edar I l i ll fcl lc)w~hip haJI , wiU1 ser vices in Mandarin an<.1 LngJ1sh. In This Issue • If you can p lumb, wire, hammer, cook or paint, ABWE needs your help. Page 2 • OARBC hospitalization plan stabilizes under new management. Page 2 • Cedarv ille engineering students place second in nat ional design competition. Page 5 • Ohio women to gather for spring meeting. Page 6 • Scioto Hi lls experiences another mirac le. Page 7 rfhe LaU1am offer rnc advice for Lhose intcrc tcd in cross-cultural 1n ini try. O E Lnbli h a friend hip. Il e concerned enough to spend tin1e witJ1 tJ1en1 . Invite the1n into your ho1ne. Ask U1crn to corne to a 1 iblc study where I ~ngl ish is spoken slowly. l .atllan1 reconl n1cn<.1s tJ1c use <) f hi ld l ~vangcl is1n flannelgraph t<) teach tJ lc Ciospcl. I Tc has seen (>hl ) , <)11 tJ1c edge of their chairs, stra ining to sec what picture w,L" being pla cd <>n the rtannclboard . n l :ind a IC,Ull worker whc> wi 11 phone prc)spccl~and pick thc1n up for l \iblc study. (1 }>resent the Scriptures in a k>vi ng way. Ile wil l ing I<) let the love of ( 'hr t~t radi ate through y<)u r I 1 re. r1 Ile ready to have nl ore ( 'h1nc~r tea and "g<>odic~" nex t week, bccau~c 1norc wi 11 C()ll\ e