The Ohio Independent Baptist, May/June 1992

, Keeping Up With Our Camps T be winter retreat season at U1e Ranch was a huge success with 650 attending programs for juniors, teens, and singles. Kids from Dayton to Paulding to Youngstown and all points between enjoyed horseback riding, tubbing, friends, a variety of games, and great food . Over 20 decisions were made in the three chapel sessions at each retreat. Spring improvements are in progress at the Ranch to help spruce up, increase our program ability, and make the Ranch more comfortable. The Ranch is winteriz– ing the summer chapel for year-round u e to handle our constantly growing retreat ministry . We are removing the old concrete walkway behind the Lodge, replacing it with a wood deck. Al o planned is the installation of a second well to serve the boys' shower house and guest house. Other projects include four new cabin porches and resurfacing the drive in front of the Lodge. We have lots of work to be done and can use a lot of volunteers. Call us at 216-674-7511 . The Ranch taff and board of trustees want to thank the ladie of the state association for their generous contribu– tion to the dishwasher fund . God i u ing that money in an extraordinary way. The Ranch has been given an almost new dishwasher, allowing us to use Ule gifts collected to be put toward U1e in tallation of the dishwasJ1er, a new gas oven and gril1 , and other kitchen improven1ent . Thank you, lad ie ! Summer ched ule and peakers June 22 Junior Mike Patterson, OME June 29 Jr I Ii Mike Patter on, OME July 13 Sr Iii Pa tor Larry tarrett July 20 Junior l)astor Ken Floyd July 27 Jr IIi J)astor Gary Spence Aug 3 Junior Tim Mundi nger F~mily amps Jul y 6 Pastor Kevin Bogg August JO Dr. Wilbert Welch August 17 Dr. Wi lbert Welch We l ave openings for RV and tent camping for July 6 and August 10, and some cabins for Augu t 17 . ( ' a ll tJ1e Ranch to confirm a space. Scioto Hills A-Frame 4 goes up in record time. T o God be the glory for anoU1er modem day miracle- the rai ing of A-Frame 4. Scioto Hill was a beehi ve of action April 9-11 . The ground and base work were done al1ead of time, o by noon Thursday the rafters were up. From Ulere it was super exciting to see wbat was accomplished by a group of God 's men. By Saturday the cabin was almost complete-lacking ju t a few fini bing touche . Our special thank to some great people: Chief Bald Eagle and Chuck Butler for all their help in preparation; workers from Calvary Bellefontaine, First Gallipolis, Fai th Gal lipolis, Fai th Kenton, Washington Heights Dayton, Shawnee Hills Jame town, South Canaan Ailien , Walnut Creek Balti1nore, Grace Cedarville, Calvary Portsn1ouili, Grace Chapel We t Liberty, Faiili Wiln1ington, Believer Bible Lanca ter, Calvary Lancaster, Albany, Wheelersburg, Maranatha Springfi eld and Grace Bible Ailiens. It was exciting, encouraging and humbling to ee iliis group ©f 1nen a11d other u ing their God-given kill for I Ii work here at Scioto I Iills. Not only was tl1e A-frame rai ed, but much otl1er work wa accompli hed too: a new treated deck wa put on the hapcl, Log abi n 6 noor was put in, tree were planted, trees were cut down, k'lkcn to tJ1e saw1nill , and cut into 2X4 for tJ1e A-frame, and roads were graded. Thank you to all who had a .Part. P L U G I N T O THE CEDARVILLE COLLEGE MUSIC CAMP I for high choo l vocal . in. lru1nenlal. and keyboard ludenls I aweek of mu ic-making in a casual crunpus clling I June 14-Junc 20, 1992 I re ervation fee $25 luilion $170 (cover roorn, meals, in"lruction. upcrvL ed recreation) I Friday night concert Contact the Department of I\ilusic Cedarville College P.O. llox 601 Cedarville, OH 45314-0601 513-766-2211 during the month of May. !::::'" W hat piece of equipment does your church use every day? Probably, the copier. Well. the same is true in our OARBCoffice. But our copy machine is now 12 years old, obsolete. and almost unusable. Would you bewilling to help us replace it? Wewill needat least $2.500 to buy a suitablecopier It will certainly make our OARBCoffice more productive If youareable to help 111 any way. please send your contri bution to OARBC Treasurer. POBox 28221 Columbus. OH 43228 Thank you so much 7