The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1992
11.,t-.. o l I tt, l'.,,h 't 1l 1 l\ n 1•. J,,nl·,. p .1,h,1 o t l·.,ith ll .1pt1,t ( hu1" h. h,u nt \ c 11h,n Ill· 14..''- C'nll \ ,, .,, ·'l'l~'llllld tn the ()h10 l la1 Li st l lihlc (,nllcg<.· ancl Seminary h.,~ been gr.,ntcd approval by lh · s late of P ·nnsylvania \ ,,,, 1,\th,n ,,r Rl· •ul.u Hapt1,t C'hu1l·hc~ (\,u1H.·d ,,f 1,, ... · t,c t,, 1'11 lhc ,c.,t v.u.:.llcd h, P.n1l 1,h.. k. ,,,n. to olf ·1 th· J)octn1 o f Ministry degree ( ,nu~c~ nrc scheduled to hcgin 111 r:cbruary Having an Imp act on Ohio Larry Fetzer State Representative A rter pending 24 year of our Ji ve in DayLon, the Lord h led the Fetzer to rel ate lo~er to Lhe center of the tate. He arranged to ell our hou e in Dayton \Vithout our even putting it on the market, then He found a hou e for u in a perfect l ation for the work Ile ha cal led u to. The hou~e i in We terville, a northea t uburb of olu1nbu . llnderstanding that tl1e hou e i , indeed. a gift fron1 the Lord, Pat and I '" have determined that it hould be u ed for tl1e Lord to further our mini try . Our de ire i~ to develop a home-based mini try to pastor and their wive , where they can come and pend a day or two \.Vith u for piritual encouragement or coun eling, for di cipling, or for tudying and learning together. ome of the mo l important work we do i with individual pastor and their wi ve . We will now be able Lo further develop that facet of our mini try to pastor . Thi change will make it easier to keep 1n touch with our churches throughout the tate. I hope to be able to ee more of YOU. ., In tlle mean lime, I Land ready to erve you. I do have open date for meeting yet thi fall . Cal l me if I can be o f help. ? - Ce darville College News CDR Radio announcer Brian Blair W hen Brian Blair selects music for airplay on the CDR Radio Network, he read the contents of the station' s music library into bis laptop computer, locates a ong from over 13,000 entries, and in less than a second loads it into the station y tem. Not an unu ual task for a program ho tin a station whose format is 70 percent mu ic. Not unusual at all-except that Blair ha been blin<I from birth. CDR' s network of stations serves central and southern Ohio and portions of Indiana and Kentucky. A the station celebrates 30 years in broadca ting, announcer Brian Blair i completing bis eighth year witll tlle tation. Hi di abili ty i not a deterrent to his work. "What oilier announcers see on the computer monitor," be says, "I hear through a voice synthesizer. I u e braille on CDs and tapes and I have a braille printer." He writes and announces news and weather and operates tlle CDR station by himself everal hours each day. "After I graduated from Cedarville [witll a broadcast major in 1983)," Brian ays, "I worked for a ervice in Dayton which reads new papers over the radio to blind people ." In 1984 be joined the CDR staff . Many things Blair does surprise people. He ays his activities are not dictated by his blindness, but rather by his interests. He' been a ham radio operator and plays the piano occasionally at bis church, where be is on the evangelism committee. Brian use a cane and travels indepen– dently. "When I worked in Dayton, I rode the buses and bad to transfer." He ays, "God bas given me opportuni– ties to give my te timony on the air and to encourage other with disabilities." 1991. Canton Area Golf Tourne Planne T he Canton Area Baptist Golf Tourna- ment Werbeach Memorial will be held August 22 at the Lyons Den Golf Course, Canal Fulton. Cost is $2, plus green fee of $14. Send $2 registra– tion fee to Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, P.O. Box 426, Smitllville, OH 44677, by August 18. Church Pew Padding_ • Adds Comfort and Beauty to Old Pews • On-Site Installation • 15 Year Guarantee • Stays in Place ... Will Not Slip or Slide like a Loose Cushion • Nearly 50 Colors of Fabric Call 1-800-232-1822 The American Pew Padding Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave. Lancaster, Ohio 43130 Preferred Risk Insurance Company •Auto • Church •Home •Life • Health •Business Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Professional consulting and sales for your financiaJ and Insurance needs Dorr R. Phel~. G.P., CFP, RFP, NQA 659-H Park Meadows Drive Westervi lle, Ohio 43081 Phooe 6 14-899-6000 FAX 899-6022
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