The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1992

Ohio Women's Missionary Union 1992 Project Final Total: $U, 591.53 Medina Hosts 64th Hebron Meeting Top quizzer Scott Borl ing Scholarsh ip winner Kim Quick The 64th annual meeting of tbe Hebron Association of Regular Baptist Churches was held Friday, May 15, at the First Baptist Church of Medina. The host church provided an excellent meal for the messengers prior to the business session. The main event was a Concert of Praise to God, featuring special mu ic from various churches in the Hebron Association. A 70-voice Hebron Men's Chorus presented two anthems of praise, one of which was accompa– nied by a 30-piece Hebron Orchestra. Special awards were presented to this year's top three youth quiz teams, with first place going to Grace Baptist, Westlake. The three top individual quizzers also received trophies . Scott Borling of First Baptist, Parma, took first place. A Hebron Youth Scholarship of $500 was awarded to Miss Kim Quick of First Baptist, Elyria. She was selected from several applicants for the award. Applicants must be planning to attend a GARBC approved school and be open to the possibility of vocational ministry to receive this award. More than 400 attended tl1e concert, which concluded with the "I-Iallelujal1 Chorus" from IIandel's Messiah, played by the orchestra. ollowing the concert, everyone was welcomed to a build-your-own sundae treat from the host church. Tl1e Hebron Association, fonned in 1928, is made up of 43 churches in north central Ohio. Talents For Christ Names Ohio Winners T be Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Youth Committee announces the 1992 Ohio Talents For Chri t winners as follows: Piano: 1st, Melody Young, First Baptist, Bowling Green; 2nd, Eric Anderson, Southgate Baptist, Springfield. Organ: (no first); 2nd, Michelle Myers, Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo. Female Voice: 1st, Kimberly Beresford, Calvary Fellowship, Painesville; 2nd, Lori Anderson, Southgate Baptist, Springfield. Male Voice: 1st, John Sebestyen, First Baptist, Brunswick; 2nd, David Hamilton, Grace Baptist, Canton. Woodwinds: 1st, Becky Lakes, Southgate Baptist, Springfield; 2nd, Erica Hunter, First Baptist, Elyria. Brass: 1st, Mark Moseley, Grace Baptist, Lima; 2nd, Jennifer Roloff, Perry Bapti t, Canton. Strings: 1st, Amanda Whitmer, Fir t Baptist, Bowling Green; 2nd, Lea Churgovich, First Baptist, Medina. Bible Knowledge: (no ftrst); Mark Prugh, Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland Hts. Writing: 1st, Elizabeth ShinkJe, Lemoyne Baptist, Lemoyne; 2nd, Scott Parcher, Southgate Baptist, Springfield. Female Public Speaking: 1st, Kimberly Quick, First Baptist, Elyria; 2nd, I-lolly Peterson, First Baptist, Findlay. Male Public Speaking: 1st, Kelly Peter , oulhgate Bapti t, pringfield; 2nd, Thoma Cress III, Grace Bapti t, Troy. TAKE TIME OU1' to attend the OARBC Conference at Immanuel Baptist, Columbus, October 26-28 . Please no te change of dale from last year. • rue o 1s or ' \ - • Teach \\'Ith mJterial that bu1kb on thl' lounllll1on of God\ \X 1 or<l. 1111... newl\' fl'\ 1 l llml ulu1n 1, • easter to use. rnak1ng the tl'alh1ng·h:.1m1n~ prcx:ess more enjoyable l ...1ng 1he KJ\ .1, 1hl' ~tanc.Jar<l teXl, the k"l'lOO'l en1rha'il/t' l'\ .1ngl'11,11 and Baptist di'lltnct1\'C'l You \\'1ll l.'nnd1 \ uur teachmg hy u ... ing the lUrnculurn th.I! 1, true to His \\'oru For a free copy of our Curriculum C.awog call: 1-800-RBP-4440 g Regular Baptist Press 1,t~,~IJI\ EizengaMin, s tries • 1~ 1 1 Jl ,, , 11)>-iH Baptist Bible Seminary Ohio Extension Enroll Now For October 12-23 (Dr. John Lawlor) 9a.m.-12noon Int ro to OT I OT Literature 6:30 - 9:30 p .m. Studies in Minor Prophets Call : 800-451 -7664 or 717-587-1172 Si te: Graham Road Baptist Church 705 Graham Road · Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 Some housing available at $7 per night Call Graham Road Baptist for details Ohio Teens Win at Milwaukee Three Ohio teen placed in the National 'falcnts 1:or "hri t c nLc ·t held at tl1e annual conference in Milwaukee. Melody Young, l;irst Baptist, Dowling C,recn, placed first in piano, and Mark Mo elcy, Grace J3apli ' L, Lima, placed first in brass. I~ach receive · a fu ll -year cl1olar hip a l one four approved schools. An1anilit Whitn1cr, Pi r t Baptist, Dowling Green, placed ccond in string .• he wil l re 'Civc a half-year cholarsl1ip. 3