The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1992
Women's Page De Lad ies, w ()Uldn ' l <)U l ) C l () have been u,crc , l1cn ll1 .. , till ... tnspeccor ~ k d Rr ll1cr Bill Roi ff if he had U1c nc\l di ·h \l a.. h r f r ,"~y\'ie\\ Ranch? an ' t you ju.. l p1 Lure Rill 's gnn as he repli d, ·· .. ir, let 111c tell \(..)U all aroul tJ1e n \ di h\va~hcr and t11e ~real 1od I en 1 !"? " .\ nd if ou were nol al tl1e WMU • n1eeung 1n pril, l et me tell you about ll1e d1Sh\vru her and the great God we all ..... :en·e! I \\'ill never f r get what I aw w hen Jaine ecnhui and I were a ked to lip out of cl1e n1ceting and come to tbe room \\•here they were ounting the proj ect m ney. Right in the middle o f the table ,va a mountain o f quarter aver . E l aine had hared \vilh me earlier that we had already met our goal; but, after the mountain \Va counted and E laine announced we had 12,000, I wa in awe of our wonderful Lord and Hi goodnes . Then \.\'hen Karen Rol off hared that the di hwa her had recently been donated, 6 1992 Ol1io Wome,z 's Retreats cioto Hills Date : eptember 10- 12 Speaker : Dr . Cheryl Fawcett, Cedarville College Mr . Barbara Anderson, Baptist Mid-Miss ions Hostesses: Women of Calvary Baptist , Cbillicotbe Cost: $30 before Augus t 10 532.50 after Augus t 10 alt Fork Date: Theme: peaker: Cost: November 12-13 "God's Well-Watered Garden" Marcia Elmore $47 /4-6 per room $5 2 /3 per room SS 7 /2 per room Registra tions due by Sept. 24 Regis trar: Waneta Bradley 2890 Old US Rt 40 NW London. OH 43140 kyview Ranch Date: September 17-19 Theme: "Redeeming tbe Time: Ministering in the '90s" Speakers: Deb Searles and Kari Zentz Ho5tesses: Women of Perry Baptis t, Canton Cost: S34 President: Sue Miller 1750 Flintbill Drive Columbus, OH 43223 614-875-4128 Vice-President: Diane Varner 5101 Fairland Rd Barberton, OH 44203 216-825-6178. Secretary: Barb Walker 632 Champion St., East IA Warren , OH 44483 216-847-7208 (H) 216-847-6364 (0) Treasurer: Elaine Veenbuis Rt. 2 , Box 341 Dundee, OH 44624 216-756-2502 lllc e for your meetings. I know many of you pastors read this page, and 1 would encourage you to reque t the video a well, so again ll1i year we can have whol e churches involved in aving quarters and praying a we ' ~oin bands and span the world f or mi sions.,, In His Love, Sue Miller '92-93 Area Reps Akron Area Fellowsbip Mrs . Diane Varner 5101 Fairland Rd. Barberton, OH 44203 216-825-6178 Bethany Area Fellowship Mrs. Shirley Friend 937 Ohio Avenue McDonald, OH 44437 216-530-9946 Canton Area Fellowship Mrs. Sharon Floyd 439 Genoa, NW Massillon, OH 44646 216-477-3840 Hebron Area Fellowship Mrs. Cindy Nilius 333 E. Homes tead Medina, OH 44246 216-722-0307 Maranatba Area Fellowship Mrs. Cheryl Jarvis 10 Evans Heights Gallipolis , OH 45631 614-446-8008 North Bethel Area Fellowship Mrs. Barb Love Rt. 2 , 11922 Rd. 16 Wes t Unity, OH 43570 419-924-2907 Northeas t Obio Area Fellowship Mrs. Nancy Sidle 13209 Soutbview Ave. Cleveland, OH 44120 21 6-491-8557 South Bethel Area Fellowship Mrs. Pat Warren Box 601 Cedarville, OH 45314 513-766-5913 Wes t Moriah Area Fe llowship Mrs. Sue Miller 1750 Flinthill Dr. Columbus, OH 43223 614-875-4128
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