The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1992

Keeping Up With Our Camps Scioto Hills 1992 Sc ioto Hills staff T o God be the glory for Hi continual provisions and blessings. We have ju t finished a great week of staff training. The many hours of studying the book of Philippians bas drawn the staff closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and to each other . Registrations are coming in for our fall couples retreats Sept 25-26 and Oct 2-3, so register early. The fall senior saints retreat, Sept 29-0ct 1, is already over half full. The Broken Tree Sawmill bas been working great. We have been able to cut all the material for the bunks in the new A-frame, which saved the Lord ' s work here over $600. We have been licensed as an animal care/protector for injured and orphaned animals in Scioto County. Our first animal to care for was a 3-day-old fawn . We have named her "Babe." What a joy to be able to raise those little creatures who cannot help themselves. We can use volunteer help at Scioto Hills al l year around . If you have a day, a week, or any time avai lable to help, contact Gary Storm at 614-778-2273. Camp Patmos T be camp season is underway, and U1e trustees would like to thank all of the volunteer l1elpers who came to prepare the camp for this year. Our development fund ha already received some contributions, and we are anticipating the Lord 's leading to rneet the need of a wastewater treatment facility. Should the Lord so direct you or your church to give to this need, please send all contributions to: Rev. Dean Henry 777 Rex Lake Road Akron, OH 44319 A promotional video describing the camp and its operation is avai lable. You may obtain a copy for showing to youth groups, etc ., by contacting U1e trustees or U1e director, Rohn Thomas. August 24-25 is a special date for all pastors and youth pastors. We have planned a retreat, and the onl y cost to the pastor and his wife is the boat fare from Marblehead boat dock. The meals and hou ing will be provided. We wa11t pastor , youili pa tors and wives to come and enjoy our facility . Dr. Paul Dixon will be guest speaker. All the waterfront activi ties will be available. The cost to register is $10, which will be refunded when you arrive. Register for this great time of refreshment and fellow hip by contacting: Pastor Brad Quick First Baptist Church Box 929 Elyria, OJ-I 44036 OARBC Men Promoted to Glory Dr. B.C. Jennings went to be with hi Lord on February 18, 1992. I1e was a pastor-evangelist in West Virginia and Ohio for over forty years, and he founded the firs t hri stian high school in We t Virginia. The Jennings moved to uyahoga Fal ls, Ol1io, in 1960,where he served as pastor of Gral1am Road Bapti st burcb for 12 1/2 years. In 1974 be accepted the call Lo become pastor of Cal vary Baptist in Lancaster, Ohio, where he served for five year . Dr. Jenning was an author and a poet, having written The Bible in Verse, as well as otl1er poems and tract . Dr. and Mr . Jenning celebrated their 60th anniver ary January 1, 1992. Milton E. Barkley wa ushered into heaven June 8, 1992. During hi 53 years in Lhe 1nini try, he and hi wife, Doroll1y, served a pioneer mi ionarie to Ala ka, and Mi lton pas tored hurche in Michi – gan, Indiana, Penn ylvru1ia, and Lancaster, aldwell, and ho ton, Ohio. Ile was a 1952 graduate of Grand Rapid Bapti t . emin,u-y, a WWII veteran, and a lieutenant colonel in U1 ivil Air Patrol. First Baptis t Chris tian School FACULTY NEEDElJ •Secondary Englis h • Art K-12 For in formation and application send resume to Ralph C. Duffy, Administrator 11400 LaGrange Rd . PO Box 929 Elyria 0 1-1 44036 2 16-458-51 85 ~ Baptist Children's Home & famil y nlini stries • • ./ v ' · Dr. Don Wo rc h President Family Counseling Foster Care Child Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 Ohio 513-322-0006 Iowa 515-964 -0986 Indiana 21 9-462-4111 Michigan 517-681 -21 71 RUPP AGENCY, INC. Specializing in church property & liability insurance, with over 1,300 churches insured statewide • Special multi -peril coverage • Church vehicles • Pastor ' personal property policies 1357 West Lane Avenue Columbus, OH 4322 1 call toll -fTee: 1-800-282-9258 or 614-486-59 11 Contact Benjamin Rupp or David Bell Westside Baptist Christian School (K-8) establ ished 1975 with present enrollment of 150 (A-Seka Curriculum) seeks primary and upper elementary teachers for the 1992-93 school year. Send resume to Robert Sparks Westside Baptist Christian School 9407 Madison Ave Cleveland OH 44102 2 16-961 -7375 A n1emor1al service for l~lton C. Hukill wa held at BeU1 -el 11aprisl Church of l~lyria June 2 1 . l: lLon crvccl as pastor of several churches in Mi ~11igan and () hie, ,u11ong U1em An1bro ·e Baptist () f I :ayc ttc, Berlin I leight I)aptisL, anti a. 1nteri1n pasror and pas t<>r cn1critus <) f llcth-cl, where he rcn1ainc<l a 111cn1bcr Ile was a Li ve in Ulc work of ( .,,u11p flat111os. 7