The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1992
t,, l\1,t\,r ll ' I I Ian tn\.H\ • ,, \ l)lJ • Cf\\l' ,Ul Uft'Cl1l'V Ill lh ' ll' •d ~ . tl,r ,1 nc.''' l' hurrh .Jr, clr•r c.· r? " l J rgcnc y" 1 dctinl"d .1, c.tll1ng 1<.1 r ()r dcn,anding 1n1n1cdhltc .1ttentton Svn(ln n1s f ()f • "urgent .. ~1rc · prc~~tng, hun11ng, cl.1n,l,r,.1u~. cr) tng, d1rc. i 111 pcrati vc. tlll[)('rtUll,llC. lll~l\lClll. 1~ this tJ1c ,va\ v<.1u v1c,v the need for ~ . (hurl'h pl.1nt 1ng in tJ1c state of ()hi<.)? I~ tl1crc a prc~:,ng need. n huming need, a Cf) 1ng ne "d. a dire need, an in1perati ve need and an tn. 1. tcnt need for hurch planting? ll1crc 1s a .._(!reclf need f r church planting 1n Ohio. ll1crc i. a ... (! recit need becau c God i.. .. nt)l ,v1lling tl1at ru1y ·hould peri h, t"lut tJ1at a.II ~hould come to repentance" (II l)eter 3:9). Planting ne,v churche. i ... rec<.)gn11ed a. ··me ingle mo t effective .. .. e, angeli. tic methodology under hca,cn" (C. Peter Wagner). ll1ere I a great need becau e every man ,viii cand accountable before God. ll1e evangeli tic v.'ork of pa t genera– Lton ,~ not enough. God has no .... grandchildren. Each new generation mu~l be confronted with the trutll of tl1e gospel <.)f Je. u, hri t and offered an opportunily to re pond lo it invitation. I. cJ1erc a pre ing need, a burning need, a crving need, a dire need, an ., .... in1perat1ve need and an in i tent need for church planting? YE... ! My prayer 1 tJ1at \Ve \Viii aJ I ee the urgency of the need and upport tJ1e OARBC new church deve loper. 5th Day of Prayer Set The fifll1 annual OARBC ..One Accord" Day of Prayer ha been et for .. epten1ber 27, 1992. Thi pecial <L1y h~ been de,iQnaLcd bv tlle Council <>f ...., ., Tv.·el,·e l () be held each year on tJ1e last . unday of . epten1hcr. ()ur . ugge tion 1 Ll1at all our churche pau. e in their \\'Or hip en 1ce at I I·()() a.m. and Join toge ll1cr for prayer in ..One Accord... ~1an~ ble 1ng. have been reported in Ll1e pa,t h} participating churche . ~faybc you can tJ11nk of a way Lo make u 11 a pectal day in }our church. Sul,11utred L,, "(; us" Gurhr,e Education Co111111111ee Chainnan 0.4RBC Council of r ..... eb·e Ideas That Work! Catvary 11aptist (-.hurch of Ilroadvicw l lctghts has be ·n involv d 111 n l...cnd-a- 1lantl progr~Ull thal pr vi<.lcs fi d for 3 - 4{) fnn1i lie, ca h 1nontJ, . Thi progran1 ha~ h en a Lrcnlcndou, tc~ tin1 ny of (1t)d' l vc and kindnc.. to tJ,c comn1u– nity. Each monU1 U1e c familic come to al vary ru1<.l receive ab ut two week w rtl1 of gr eerie . Pa Lor Gregory IIogan and hi wife, Karen, are al o facilitating a upporl group for the recipient , dealing witll piritual need , parenting kill , budgeting and care of tJ,c hoine. Member of the congregation are active in collecLing, orting, and di tributing tJ1c food and clothing. Baptist Bible Institute Graduates 54 T be 47th annual commencement of the Bapli l Bible In tilute was held at the Nottingham Bapti t Church, Willoughby HilJ , on May 11 . Ten Ludents graduated with the four-year Ma ter Bible Diploma and forty-four received certificate of recognition for the completion of one or more erie of ix elected cour es. Dr. David L . Moore, pa tor of Cedar Hill Bapti t Church in Cleveland, and a long lime tru tee of the chool, was commencement peaker. Cla e in 199 1-92 completed fifty year of teachi ng in the Cleveland area through BBi . Church Planting in Ohio Layin the Foun ation Our nine-month-old cl1urch in Wapakoneta i growing quickl y. Pa Lor Gary Bragg of Harve t Bapti t Church report on the continued ble ing of God on their work. Atten– dance has already topped 100 three time . Five people were baptized recently and new familie have joined the fell ow hip. Work i proceeding on the con Litution and doctrinal state– ment They hope oon to be a fully organ ized Bapti t church. Continue to pray for thi exciting work for God. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE e're the people you' ll depend on at CedarvilleCollege...your friends, your professors, your family away from home. We know you want a Christian college experience that will prepare you for whatever career you choose...strengthen your faith ...make you feel welcome. You expect a lot from us. And as your brothers and sisters in Christ, we honor Him by serving you. We pledge to you that we will help you grow...and we'll have fun growing together! We' re affordable, too.Cedarville'scosts are well below those ofmost accredited, independent colleges.AndmostOhioans are eligible to receive an Ohio Choice Grant to attend Cedarville. Your choice of a college will be one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Come see what Cedarville College offers. • 75 programs of study • Accredited Baptist college of arts, sciences, and professional programs • Worldwide Christian ministries • Over 2,000 students from 48 states and all over the world • Financial aid: call 1-800 444 2433 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Friends yo,, can count on.
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