The Ohio Independent Baptist, September/October 1992

The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol. 65 No. 6 September/October 1992 ::::::::: :-:·:·:· :=:~::~~. ·.·•·.•. ·:=:. :::· .· :- . •. ·-:·.· ·.• ... :· . • :;:- You Are Invited Dear Brother and Si ter in Chri l, " And lhe e word , which l comn1and thee thi day, hall be in tJ1inc heart: And thou hal t teach them diligentl y unto th y children, and shalt talk of them in tl1ine bou e... " (Deuteronomy 6:6- 7a). In a day when marriage are falling apart and familie arc f rag1n cnti ng, the homes of God ' people need to t.and out a di fferent frorn tl1e ho1n es around U1er1 . A we seek to reach otl1er for Chri t, building and strengtJ1ening godl y familie mu t be part of the trategy . We i nv ite you to c t a i de time to Ludy "Chri t In the Ileart of the Home" - the tJ1eme of U1e 1992 O.A .R .B .C. Conference . What better place to con ider n1atter of U1e heart U1an w itJ1 God's peopl e in ' 'Ohio: The I l eart of It A ll"? And what more central l ocation could be de ired tl1an Ohi o' beautiful , grow ing capi tol cit y - olun1bu ? We a t Immanuel are an ti cipating your coming to ··our home" to gather and hear fron1 tl1c Word o f God. I t i our de~ire and prayer U1at this conference w i ll encourage, ble and br ing grow tJ1 to tJ1c churchc and pastors o f our great state. If we can help you in your preparation for your ti n1c with us October 26-28, please feel free to contact us. In I Iis Ser vice, 131 11 Abernathy l 'a~lor OAKBC Annual Conference October 26-28 Immanuel Baptist Church 34 I 7 Palmetto Avenue Columbus, OH 43204 Conference Program Highlights Monday 7:00 p.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 1 :30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. W. Paul Jackson Merlyn Jones Associat ion Hour Mini -messages from the churches Ohio Women's Missionary Union Men's Workshops State Representative Larry Fet zer Lynn Ro~e rs Associat ion Hour Tim Kenoyer