The Ohio Independent Baptist, September/October 1992

0 _ n Motel modations f,h' "' \ \f '\( ) l\ll'tl\, 1, 'L' ( . l \ l dl' hl l lh' <) \ I' I\( l ' ,,nll'l l' ll\.' t' ,n h\, th thr 1.urtu ..·ld ~ l.trrHltl Inn .1nd ~1 ,llt'I c,. h~.111.·d ,ll the 1',,nlt' llil hard l{d t' \tl > l ) ,, 11 1-.... (l. \\ l', t , , I l \,I u In h u, I h l' \l' 11\('lt'I ,ui..· nt·,, ,lnu l' ah ,ut 1() n,1nulr~ lr,,111 lht' t·hur\..'h I h t' l l' .lrl' \t' \ l' t , tl ta~ , ft'<XI ~•nd 1.un1l, rt'\ l,llH ,tn1 , l()l.'a tcd at tlu, t'\1l. .1, ,,t•II .1 1,,ll nthc1 lll<l lCI~ " ll'd ht'l\l\\ Rt' c..· r, ,llu,n 111u,t ht' 1nadc ll () la1cr th.1n ll1ur d,l\ . ()l.'hlht'r l . f(lr lhc . 1 ·a,rl I t' Id Inn ,llh.J Ill' l.1tc1 than l'hur.,day, < )t· t,,ht.•r I 5. l\,r t ,,tcl 6 \\' ht.-n ca lling to n1akc a, atit>n, you n1us t s tate that , ou ar~ ,, ith th~ () RIJ " .,<>nfer- • ~nt·e to )!t't the "pet·ial r~tles. It h<,ultl he n<1 tcd that ( .,<l lun1hus ha .. a hed ta\. tha t rnu l h " pai d fl <) n1attcr ,, hl'rt' , <'U tav 1cucraJ and ~late taxc. . . can ht· a, <lttlctl i r your church pay ~ for ,,lur r<l<' lll and a h lankc l certificate ()f C\.t'n1pti\Hl i pr<lv i<lcu at check-in . - ,, . " I • \ (.'a irticld Inn \4J 9 . {0 1 , 1ng lr /dnuhlc ()CCupancy (l 14 /7()-2( I ( ) Intel 6 ':'-.27 .99 for any nun1hcr ol occupant~ () 14- 7()-()991 C)thcr Motel s Al I - 7(), l ~xit 91 Red Roof Inn 6 14- 7 -9245 {} f 1- 00- 43-7663 "ros ,ountry Inn 6 14-870-7()90 ·or 1- 00-62 1-1429 ·rw<> otJ1cr n10Lel • are not as new, but arc adequate and clo. er to Lhc church. The Ramada Inn West I-270 and We l l3road t. (exit 7 A ) 614- 78-530 1 or 1- 00-22 -2828 Econo l ..odge I-70 and N . Wil on Rd. (ex it 94) 614-274- 581 or l -800-553-2666 1-27 I \ 33 I '-.,c..___... ..-, I \ 161 "a O 9:> I I I I I ~ I ---'; "' ..., I ::, ·~ I s I ---"--'----'-~...:.·....:::· :,.=-..::..c;-..;.:.:;r.:..:..! __::.,_;;__...!._ I . ·.}..·.-:, I ""'-· v Gt • 2- · -~– . ., , ... - ....~o, I I I -------------- ---~ I.J 1- 70 £><1 t =9 1 lnot snown on map) , ; , \ \ \ 1-70 ( 0 I , , ; , ' \ ' \ , " , \ , \ ' ' \ ' \ \ ' \ \ ' - ra,rheld Inn, Motel 6, Red Roo r Inn, Cr oss Coun try I nn W= The Ramada Inn Wes t .2.., = [cono Lodge ..... " I .... ) J I ~ 161 Columbus 1-27 I ir111Lcd f rec hou~ing i a\ ai lable Lhrough L11e church. Please end a writlen re4uc,l hef ore (}c t(lher 5. , • • • I C edarvill e Coll ege can prepare you to serve the Lord with the talents He has . given you. Our graduates are ready to n1in1ster as teachers, business leaders,pastors, nurses, sc ienti s ts , and in a host of o ther professions. How can you get ready? Our quality acadetn ic progra,ns...Bibl e courses.. . opportunities to practice n1i11istry .. . Christian friends... hands-on high-tech instruction... these vital aspects of a Chri stian col1 ege experience will help you grow. Vis it our crun pus, 1neet the students, talk to the professors. You ' II see that Cedarvi I le is a great place to get ready for the rest of your life! • 75 progran1s of study • Accredited Baptist coJJege of arts, ciences. and professional progra1ns • Worldwide Christian tninistries • Over 2.1 00 students fron1 all over tl1e -v.·orld • Financial aid: call l-800-444-2433 Ask about the Ohi o Choice Grru1t! CEDARVlLLE COLLEGE Ready for y<>i1.