The Ohio Independent Baptist, November/December 1992
1 (,\t ,,t f h' ()hh,, llC\\ '"t R · 'ul.u 11,\pt,,t nun,,tt ,, ~ ( ll\ U"\ ( ' htt,ll,\tl , \ .. }\\)(\}. f;~~~~ 11, • , 1lh.· I he ,1..·h,~,1 ' 'I ·ncd Sl·ptc1nh •1 I ,, 1th l!' ,h.J1..·, K . Having an Impact on Ohio ' 'A Larry Fetzer State Representative beautiful example of how to handle difficult i ue in a God-honorino 0 \l:ay." That wa the univer al opinion ..~poken after the Tue day morning bu ine hour. The topic: a fai led ho.. ' pitalization plan that left the OARBC deeply in debt and ome of our people without heal th-care coverage. Ye , there were ome pretty heavy i u up for di cu ion. But through it all a loving pirit of concern for one another. Not the lea t bit of rancor, no arguing or accu ing, no finger-pointing. Ra ther. a trong expre ion of upport and cooperation. The mood wa not gloomy nor defeati t, but rather, very optimi tic . Ye , it i a Jo t of money, but le t not cry about it. Let' get going and rai e the needed fund . Let ' make sure all our people are properly cared for, and get the thing paid off and put it behind u ! We cannot let thi hinder u from the work God gave u to do. What a joy to be a part of uch an as ociation. I thank God for the po itive pirit, and the action taken already. By the clo e of the conference, over SI00.000 had either been given in cash, or committed to the Regular Bapti t Fellow bip payoff account. It i our intention to continue to pursue tbi matter to it conclu ion along biblical lines. Please pray for u, . I ha, e ome open date for thi winter, including ome in December . If I can help you. please caJl me at 614-523-3666. 2 T Thi in Your Church Id eas That Work! In an effort to reach the uncl1urched in Willoughby Hi ll , Nottingham Bapti t hurcb ran 100 pots on two local radio tation . The ad were de igned in- hou e, by the Nottingham Marketing Group, and profe ionally produced. The goal wa to make the unchurched of the area aware of Nottingham Baptist. "We want to grow our own, rather than take in people from other churches," said Nottingham pastor Scott Renstrom. The informative and humorous ads apparentl y produced the community awareness they were seeking; attendance is up about 80, according to Pastor Renstrom. Has God blessed your church with an unusual ministry ? Tell us about it! Write Ohio Independent Baptist PO Box 293058 Kettering, OH 45429 A Gift That Will Last A ll Year Spiritual Diary for One Year by Quentin D. Kenoyer, M.D. A few of the Diary topics: Focus for Worship Steps of Faith Personalizing Scripture Goal Serting Cotn1nents on the Diary: "Since I used your Diary the Lord has turned my life around."-A.J. "A rich experience for me."- R.P. Order the Spiritual Diary for One Year now. Improved and bound in hardback, 3-ring notebook. Price $13.75 plus postage. Send no money now; invoice will be enclosed wilh your order. Book Dept. Baptist Mid-Mi ssions PO Box 308011 Cleveland OH 44 130 M,uia ll1 ggs, r:aith ll ~aplt s t hurch, Mount V ' tnnn , wu~ awarded Skyvicw l~anc.h's highest hon~r .during the 1992 sumrncr camp Rea on by re c1v1ng the Skyv1·w Ranch l)ircctor's Award for support stuff Mnria, a cdnrvi llc College elementary cducat!on major, spent ten weck5 al the Ranch c unscltng young people and workin g with crafts. Cedarville College News T be 2, 172 students who started classes fall quarter a t Cedarville College set another enrollment record. The student population, up 126 over last fall , bas grown 80 percent in the 14 years since Dr. Paul Dixon became president. The class of 593 freshmen includes a growing number of top scholars. Ten percent ~ ere valedictorians and 27 percent were 10 the top ten percent of their high school classes . This year's freshmen include 10 national merit finalists or semi-finalists as well as 49 President's Scholars who scored in the top two percent in the nation on the ACT or SAT tests. To help house the growing student population, the College recently built a 96-bed addition to Willetts Hall women's dormitory. Cedarville College has named its Engineering Department in honor of the la te Dr. Elmer W. Engs trom, an interna– tionally known engineer and president of RCA who actively shared bis faith in Jesus Christ. The Engineering/Nursing/ Science Center was dedicated during the Homecoming Weekend. The building provides almost 100,000 square feet for the deparnnents and for the study of the applied sciences. General classrooms serve almost 70 percent of the student body each week . Completed for the 1992-93 school year, the facility is the focus of a $7 million campaign. A $400,000 Kresge grant will complete the campaign. Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto •Life • Church • Health • Home •Business Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Professional consul ting and sales for you r financial and insurance needs Dorr R. Phelps, GP, CFP, RFP, NQA 659-H Park Meadows Drive Westerville, Ohio 43081 Phone 614-899-6000 FAX 899-6022
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