The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1993

, The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.66 No. I January 1993 • • ISIOD as I • W e are the Ohio As ociation of Regular Baptist Churches . We are ded icated to the building of New Testament churches commi tted to f ulf illing the Great Commi ssion locally and thro ugho ut the world . No one of our churc he can accom– plish th is alone. We draw together to strengthen and harpen one another thro t1gh mutual encouragement and edif ication . As a fellowship we will impact o ur sta te and the world for Christ. n 1989, at the annual cc)nfercncc <)f the OARBC, tl1c n1csscngcrs of theAssc>c iati c)n ac– cepted the rccc>mmendatic>n c)f the Cc>uncil <> f Twelve and the state repre~cntativc tc> adc>pL the ahc>vc as the official statc111 cnt <> f visic>n fc)r the n1inistry <)f <>ur ()ARB . As we begin a new year, it i~ tin1e <>nee m<>rc t<> call t<>n1ind what <>ur n1ini~try is all ahc)ut. Sure ly <>ur vi~ic1n f c>r 111i ni~try ha~ nc>t changed . With tl1c dran1atic change~ taki ng place in <>ur ~La le and C<>untry, with the n1c>ven1cnt t<>ward a n1c>1l ! lihcral and pern1i s– ~ive ~<lciety, we 111u~t ~a feguard that unique purpose for which we cxi ' t. The Great Comn1is– si c)n is still ot1r driving directive '-' fron1 the Head c1f the Church . M c)rc than ever, we arc Ct)n1n1it– ted tc) it. It is essential that we C()nti nuc t< ) ' 'draw tc>gcthcr" tc) '- strengthen, sl1arpen, encc) uragc and edify <>nc anc)thcr. The crit ica l challcnoe c1 r church C' planting, Le) pern1catc ()hi<> witl1 the d<)c trine <) f Jesus hrisL, prc~~c~ LI p <H1 us. Tl1c cha l lc11ge f c> r each cl1urch l<>rcac l1 fc>r its grcale~ t p<> tcnti(1l rc111ains. Th c c ha 11 cn o c < > f tl1 c e hc>~pitali,ati<>n ~ituati <)n 1<><) 111~ In This Issue • A tornado hits Arcanum, and Immanue l Baptist reaches out. Page 2 • It's time to rebu ild, says State Rep Larry Fetzer. Page 2. • An old na il keg helps Galion church raise money for building fund. Page 4 • Wish you had a directory of Ohio churches? It's coming! Page 5 • Church plant ing is alive in Ohio. Page 5 • Summer camp schedu les are here. Page 7 • Regular Baptist Insurance Fund update. Page 8 ah() c LIS. A s we dra \V l llge t her , Wl' can DEF AT it , rre · <)urscl\ 1 cs l'r<)l11 l h c debt , an u h c I p 11 ar1 y <) r <) u r pastc>rs. Bt1t just a rcw c·111n c) l tlt) it. We n1ust I) l{AW 'l ~<)GETI IL: 1{ ll ) help eac h <) thcr tl1rt)t1gh this critical ti111c. We n1usl n<) t h) tli vcrtctl l r()ll1 l )UJ . pr1n1ary purp<)~L' .