The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1993

Mark your calendar now for the 1993 OARBC Conference October 18-20 Northfi eld Baptist Church, No rthfield, Ohio Speaker: Dr. Warren Wiersbe Cedarville College News D r . Jo epb Stowell III returned to Cedarville to pre ent the Winter Enrich– ment Conference me age January 4-8. Dr. Stowell , a graduate of Cedarv ille College and Dal la Theol ogi cal Semi – nary, i pre i dent o f M oody Bible In titute. Dr. Barbara Loach, a ociate profe or of Spanish, recentl y pre ented a re earch paper to the third annual Congre on Hi panic Culture at (he Uni ver ity of Chile in antiago. Dr. Loach al o has wri.tten a chapter in an anthol ogy o f Chilean wornen author which will be publi hed next year in Chil e. Dr . Loach studied in pain, PortugaJ, and Quebec . She has traveled in Chile and Puerto Rico and led student mi i on trip to A rgentina and Mexi co. During I lunger A warene, Week, Nove~ber 16-20, edarvi 1le students took part in a number C> f project . Campus organ i zation spon 'Ored acti vi – tic which heightened the students' awarene o f hunger bolJ1 locally and worldw ide and re ultcd in a gcncrou contributi on Lo the l)ayton Gospel Mission Sc>up Kitchen. C.O.M.E. Approves Evangelist Ti1c C'<>n1n11ttcc ()n Mt \s ionary 1:vangcli \ nl ha\ cUl <>U1cr approved cvangcJi sl. Waller Srn ith has 17 year~ o f pa\ l<JraJ cxpcr1cncc, 15 ycctrs 111 ( ' hristian \Ch<>ol at11n1n1\ tratH>n anti 4 year~ of radio 1111111\ try I le 111,tkc\ his hon1c w iU1 Ins w if c, J>aula. and ll1rcc children in Sil~cr ~pr1ngs. 1 loricla Another daugh– l~r t\ 111 C<>llcgc ( ioc.J ha\ already blc\scd hun w1lJ1 ruany <>pp<>rtun1ti cs o f fru1 tf uJ cvangcJi snl Waller \1n1th 1nay he conltt<.. tl!<l at I'() Ji <>X J 7()( ) Sti ver \ pr1ng\, J l<>r1d a, 12()88, ph<>IIC 9()4-23(> 41 8(). Try This in Your Church Ideas That Work! C l1ri tma weal hirts are helping to gel the word out about L en1oyne Bapti t Church, I_Jemoyne. The wcatshirts, which are o f excellent quaJity and ell for the l ow price of $15, ay Pa tor Ron , hinklc, h.ow a Chri tI11~ ccnc on tJ1c front al ong with the word , Cel ebrate the Pre cncc of Je. u ," and the na.rnc of the church. T- hirl ordered thi umn1er were al o of goo~ quality .and were priced rea onabl y. Por infonnat1on, contact lhc hinklc, a t 419-837-5408. E 111m:1nuel I3apli t of Dayton hrL~ iniLi ated a " I lclper n oard" to encourage n1en1ber Lo n1eel each otJ1er ' needs. ·111c but letin board Ii, Ls categori c, uch a · "j<>b opportunitic " and " iLcn1 for sale." K ey to the board ' ucces · i s kccpi ng iL currcnL- lcaving Lhe reques t up for onl y a specified lengLh o f tin1e. A lready t11e board has helped one per~on find a used table and chairs, and another find son1conc to do a sn1all plun1bing j oh. En1n1anucl' s staff ·ays there has hccn good rc~ponsc to LJ1e board. B ai lcy l{oad Jlapti st, NorlJ1Jackson, h,L~ instituted a scholar~hip proo r,un for U1cir senior highcrs. l3y n1cn1 <>ri~i ng lliblc . ~ verse~, reading LJ1rough lJ1e New ·r cs ta- n}cr~t , .having a regular quiet tin1c, reading ( hr1sL1an h<><>ks and hcin g 1nv<) l vc<.l in an rtrca o f ( ' hri~llan ~crvi cc, ... thc teen~ can ~arn one-half of a ~u111n1cr can1p fee (>r $75 f<)r use toward a ( ' hr1~tian college or ~un1n1cr n1is~ ions trip . ·rhc proo ra1n . I C' 1nvo ves no n1ccting~ tl1c teens arc on tJ1cir own, wi tJ1 quarterl y tc~ ts on tJ1c 1nc1nori1alion antl a final, which includes a pra~11ca.1applica11on ~ccti on. in Jul y . ' l'hc pro1cc l 1, ~upportcd hy g1f l ~ f'r<>n11hc congrcga t1011 J ,c\ Wchstcr 1, ,enH>r p,L\ l or and I >l1,·1d l3Jac~ a,\1\ tanl pa, t<>r a l l3a1h:y l{oad Looking for a bargain'? Scio-co Hills Camp has many feet of data storage shelving . If you need some, ca ll Storm Cloud at 6 14-778-2273. Church Pew Padding • Adds Comfort und l Beauty to Old Pews • O n-Si te Instullat ion i f\\ • 15 Year Gua r.:int ee I • ,, . • • St.:iys in Pince ... Will Not Slip or Slide Like a Loose Cushi on • r--: ea rl y 50 Colors of Fabric Call 1-800-232-1 822 The American Pew Padding Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave. Lancaster, Ohio 43130 • - · 1 e.tL h \\ uh n1.1h:n.1l th.11 hu1ld, 1 in thl' 111untL1111 ,n ol God .. \\ ord Thi, llL'\\ I\ fl'\ 1,l'd LurnL ulun ,, l'.t .... 1l'r to U'll' n1.1k1ng till lL,tdHn!.! ll'.1n111'..: • • prex l'"~ ,norl' L'l11<>\ ,1hk l .... 1ng I ht I\ I\ .1, • L -itJntllrd tc:-.t lhL· ll' ....... on.... l'1nph.1'1 'L L, .11,.!t ,n ,ind BJp(1,( d1 ....t1nt ll\ l''I ~ nu \\ 11! t llOl h\ r lL'.1Lh1ng h, lhl!l.~ !ht· t t1n1t Ulllll' 1h.1t , 1n1L I<> 111, \\llrd For a frt-e <.'Op) of our < urnruhun < '1Wo~ l ,i.11 1-800-RBP--!+iO fM] Regular &,ptist Press I\< \\\ll\ fiit>n}!.fl .'1 i 111 ll r1 t'l • ,,, 1 ~' Disappeared?? NO!! The bu1ld1ng n11n1s try fon11elly with BMNA 1s still ass1s t1ng Baptist churches across our nation The new m1ss1on agency 1s Baptist Missionary Builders PO Box 1024 Elyria, OH 44036-1024 216-327-0558