The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1993

Tb~<> The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.66 No.2 Special February 1993 issue Having An Impact On Ohio by State Representative Larry Fetzer ecause of lJ1e ·peciaJ needs witJ1in our OAJ{I3C, we have produced tJ1is special issue of the ()In devoted large l y t<> tJ1e ()/\1~ 11(" hc)spitali,1a– tion insurance plan . ~fhc arti cle on page two ex plains tJ1c problcn1, tJ1e cru x <>f which i~ tJ1at our in. urance plan h,t~ failed, leav ing approx in1atcl y 5578,228 wor01 of unpaid clain1s fc)r which the ()Al{ll( ' is rcsp<)nsihlc. ()lJ ( ' JI ! 'J'hat ' ~ a l<) t n1orc Ill (>ncy Ll1an I a111 used lo handling. I l ow in the w<>rld can <)ur little ass<>ciati<>n <> f churches C<)rnc up w iU1 tJ1at kind <>f C,L\h? l s thi s a caut~Lr<>phc tJ1at will dc\tr<>y our a~s<>ciation and irrcp,lfahl y dan1agc our tc\ lln1ony fc>r C1od? I~ il t1n1c lo panic, wring our hands in dc\pa1r, quc~uoning ( jc>d · " Why tJ11~ di\a\Lcr?" MY ANSWJ~I{ · N() , N(), N(),a thou\~u1d 11rnc~ N()! 1 liL\ tJ1 c fa1U1ful ( iod I or\akcn u~ '! I las I le t1h;.u1d<>11cd u~ and Jct l U\ a~ <>rphan \ 111 an alien world? J l a\ I l e relegated U\ to Lcr1n 1nal poverty '' Indeed, I l e lHL\ not 1)o you JH>l rcrn crnber l 1 h1hpp1an\ 1 6, " li c1ng conJ1dcnl <> f th1 ') very Lh1ng, ll1at I l e who hd~ begun a g<H><l work 1n you, will pcrfc>nn 1l until tJ1c <lay <> f JC!)U\ ( 'hr1 \ l " I c~pcc1ally like t11c N IV rendering " wi ll carry ll un l<> <:<>n1pl ct1on " • r • UDI 1 ,u11 absolutel y convinced tJ1at C1<)d ha, indeed begun a good work in I.he OARlsC, and tJ1at we flfC far fro1n cc)n1plction. Tc) use a f,u11ili rlf statc– n1cnt, ··c}od i n' t finished wi th u. yet. " We have a big work to do, ~u1d I l e has a bigger work to do in us, tUld I re intend~ to sec it Lhrough. I ' d like to sugges t that y<>u r hattle cry should be, " In all tJ1 esc tJ1ings \VC arc rnorc than conqucr<>rs tJ1rough I Jin1 who loved us." Mc)re than ever before, (iod is ca lling us to a ful l and faitJ1ful dependence on I l irn . It is beyond our capacity to pay tJ1i s deht off \villl <>ut tJ1c help of our I ,ord , ,u1d I l e wants us 10 ca l I on l lin1 urgentl y for I lis h ·Ip. " ( 'al l unto Mc and I wil l ,u1 swcr you and show you great and n1ight y tJ1ings whi ch you do not know ." ·rhin gs we did not even ... drearn were poss ihl e. '' 11ut with ( i<>d, a ll things arc poss ible.'' I ,ct us aJl<>w thi s situation to he a v ictory and not a defeat . I l i~ not l oo h1 g for (i<ld . (>ray for your ('ouncil and for inc every day . Whal an opportunit y to dc1nonstrat e Lo the \vorld the unit y of lJ1e llody of ( 'hri~L. ()ur ()/\1{1\( ' v isi on ~latcn, cnt \ays : " We c.Jraw toget her to \ lrcng lhcn and ~harpcn one another through 1nutual r ncouragen1en1 and cd1 fi cation .. Now let·~ dcn1on~trat c that the l\ody doc~ work toget her ancJ 1~ cll cc ti vc 111 <>vc rconung eve ry chal – lenge " ( (we) can do all thing~ through ( 'hr1~l who ~Lrcng. thcn~ U\" 1 )o you hcli cvc 11 '' In This Issue • RBF Plan closes despite a two– year attempt to save it . Page 2 • Council of Twelve plans to pay oldest claims f irst. Page 2 • Ask God fo r $1 00,000 on February 14. Page 4 • Wish you had a directory of Ohio churches? It's coming! Page 5 • Ohio women announce spring meeting. Page 6 • Youth Committee plans two Funtastics and Talents For Christ Page 7 • Regular Baptist Insurance Fund update. Page 8 Would you plea~e a~"- C it)d ,vhat I le \vould ha ve y<>u <l<> per~onall y to help pul thi s challenge hch111<.l ti \, and prC\Cr c our lc~ t11110 11 y he fore a ,valrh · lfl 11 \\!Or ld '> ,:-..