The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1993
\ '- htll\. h \\ tlh 11\Ullt('lc..• ,t,tft h.,, .t~tc..•c..•d t,, p,l\ the ,,ut,t .1nd111c. '-l,11111, " ' ,t, ... c..·nt11c..· ,t.,fl. ,\t1h1unl1n~ t,, \l\C,'l \ } \).(){}() 30-Year-Old Insurance Plan Closes A lll'r lll <) f l' tl1an Ll11rl y yl'ars <)f r r<) \td1ng alf<lrdahle hcaltl1 and IH), pi – tah,al t<)n in~urancc, the Rcgu lar l1aplist I c ll o,, ,hip (R 111 ') l l calth ( ~; tre })Ian fc)r pa tur. ,u1<l church ~laff has clc)~cd. ·rhc Rill · 1>1an ,va~ a self-funded insurance pr<)gr,u11 funucd S<) lcl y hy Ll1e prcn1iu1ns pa1Li int<> it hy tl1c ... uh. crihcrs and n1ana~cd on a C<)ntract hasi s hy Lhe I ·1npl()yce llcncfit Managen1enl (~<)rpo– rati<Hl ( l : IlMC~). In recent da vs , wild l y escalating co. t~ - . .... ,vcrc rc~p<Hl. i blc f<) r c lain1~ Lhat ,.vent hcycH1d tl1 c capacity of Ll1c pl an I<) pay. ( ) vcr the hL"t twc> year. , severa l ver y large c l.urns (<) er . 5(),()()() each) pr<)vcd 10 be Lhc la~t ~· traw . ·rhc rc: u IL wa~ 1ncrea~ing indcbtednc~. by Ll1e pl an witJ1 a shrinking inc<)lllCwitJ1 which to pay clain1.. l)uring Ll1i: tin1c your l()uncil t) f ·rv:c lvc . pent an incrcdi hlc ~u11ount of t1n1c and energy in a futil e atten1pt Lo sa\ C Ll1c phu1, on l y to discover it wm heyond repair. T he onl y prudent tJ1ing tn do \.\'a. l<) c lc). e tJ1c plan d()Wl1 C()lllplctc l y bcft) rc it drove Ll1c entire a~. <JC tat i<Hl int<) bankruptcy. Much effort \Va~ ex pended in seeking an insurance co111pany w illing to u1kc over 1..hc en ttrc plan: n<) takers were t<) be fC)Ulld. ·r11e Rill : [)Ian officially cc,t,ed <)perati on at Ll1c end of Octc>hcr 1992. 1\II <)Ul~tandi n2. cl ain1s \.vcrc t<) be turned .... 111 l (> our businc.. agenl, I: llMC\ by Ll1c cnll of c)vcn1hcr . We ~lfe nc)w able to ? - Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto • l 4ife • L'hurch • Health • Ho111 e • Business Insurance for non-drinkers your " best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Proft",-. ional con -. ulting and <;a )e for ~our finan cia l and in!'>urance need ,; f)urr R. Phelp, . GP. CR'. RJ:P. NQA 6.59-H Park ~1eaJows Dri ve V.'e..,lcr'-1 ll e. Otun 4308 1 Phone 6 l 4-h9<J- n(X>O FAX 899-6022 a. scs~ our indcbtedncs. fairly accu- ralc l y . Wi U1 tJ1e cl o. ing of Ll1c c laim pcri ()d on Novcrnhcr 30, 1992, U1c outstanding clain1. ,unountcd to S57 ,228, plu , on1e legaJ fee . A hcaltl1y start ha. already been made in reduci ng Lh is arnounl. A regular feature of Ll1c O ln for Ll1e fore, eeable future will be Lo report on l11e prog re made in retiring tl1i debt. I3cginning wit11 thi i. , uc tJ1i report will be found on U1e l as t page of lhe OIB. Council Asks Moratorium On Claims Payments In l)eccn1ber the ouncil of Twelve wrote a letter to all our hcalt11 care provider. who have out tanding cl,tim again t U1e OARBC/RBF informing Ll1cn1 of our pre cnt condition and requc ling a 1noratorium on pay1nent of c lain1. until March l . Th i wil l gi ve u. an opp<)rtunit y to collect al l infonna– tion ab ut who owe whom Md how n1uch . It al o gi vc Lin1e to build up our accc)unl and make a planned approach at paying. Our de ire is to begin wiU1 tJ1e o lde t c lain1 and then work through the list in orderl y fashion . If yc)u are being pre ed for payn1ent, pica, e contact Larry Fetzer , o we can move you into a high priority category. We are very anxi ou not to further jeopardize l11e credit ... Landing o f any of our people. One of our young churches has •·~ s te pped oul beyond ils budget lo pi ck up $ 300 a month on its pasto r's medic al bills. A Message From The Council Of Twelve by Pastor Tim Kenoyer, Chairman, Council of Twelve We continue to be hurnbled by the godl y pirit of our OARB fellowship. Y ou have ri en to the challenge for I-Ii Name' ake ru1d are bowing the world, and even ot.ber believer , the difference lhal unwavering commitment lo biblical truth rnake . We, the Council of Twel ve, will make every effort lo keep our entire con titu– ency informed of effort being made and tJ1e progre in retiring the RBF debt. Our channel of co1nmunication will be regular update by mail l o pa tor and in ured, as well a regular progre report in OTB . We are con1mitted to aggre ive attention to lhi project until it i done. Council men1ber have taken variou areas of re pon ibility and are faithfull y following up on thei r . We met in Decen1ber and January, and will continue to cbedule meeting on a regular ba i until God has gi ven us vi ctory . T11e t to tl1e e n1eeting repre enlS a full day of travel and di cu ion for each counc i11nan each time we meet Thi repre enl a great inve unent o f Li1ne for already bu y pa tor . Deloved, be in prayer for lhe ouncil and for their mini lrie during their ervice lo you. Our tale repre entative, Larry Fetzer , i available to help you and your church find an wer to your que tion .
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