The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1993
A mis iooary pasto r in I ndiana, who has no direct connection but beard about our need, has seat a contributi on to the RBF Fund. Camp Patmos May Serve As Collateral For Loan "...we do want you to pray earnestly with us that a loan will not be necessary." A s an associ ation o f independent Baptist chur ches, we own ver y l ittle: a three-year-ol d car the state repr esenta– tive drives, a twel ve- year-ol d typewriter , a copier that does nol work , and ome file cabinets. The only a et of any real value i Camp Paun o , wb ich i ow ned by the A s ociation it el f . (B oth Sky vi ew Ranch and Sci o to I--Iill Camp are i ndependent approved agenci e owned by thei r re pect ive board of trustees.) In the event o f a l awsui t again t the OARBC to recover money to pay claims, Camp Patmo could potential l y be at risk. T11e camp i the onl y a et suffici ent to serve as collateral for a l oan to pay off claims thal tn ighl be tJ1e subject o f l egal action . It i for th i Council of Twelve Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Tim Kenoyer, Maranatha Baptist, Columbus (Chairman) Lynn Rogers, Northfield Baptist, Northfield (Vice-Chairman) Tom Wr ight , Memorial Baptist, Columbus (Treasurer) Drew Baker , Emmanuel Baptist, Dayton (Sec retary) Larry Engle, Graham Road Baptist, Cuyahoga Falls Ken Floyd, Perry Baptist , Canton Gus Guthrie, Calvary Baptist, Tiffin Joel Harriman, New Richland Baptist, Belle Center Merlyn Jones, Faith Baptist, Mount Vernon Max MCCullough, Grace Bapt ist, Canton llen Reed, Faith Baptist, Niles Ken Spink, Berea Baptist, Berea reason that the Council brought before the annual conference the requc t to merge the camp and tJ1e A ociation. T hi action wa a technicality which l egitimatized what wa already the actual relation hip bel ween tl1e can1p and t11e A ociation. Inquiries have been made at two l ar ge bank conceni ing a l i ne of credi t to draw on as neces ary to cover back cl ain1 . T here arc st ill some legal poin ts to be traigh tcned out before such a line of credit can be finalized . Tl1e de i r e o f the Council i to concentrate on f und- rai ing up f ron t, and thereby avoid goi ng f urtJ1cr i n debt. Though appr oval has already been gi ven to borrow, we do want you Lo pray earnest ly wi tl1 u. tl1at a l oan w ill no t be necessary . God ' peop le work ing togetl1cr hould be able to re ol ve thi · wi tl1out hav i ng to f urtl1er obligate our el ve f inanciall y . Please Let Us Know When You Pay Q ur business agent, El1MC, has already drawn check f<>r each o f tJ1e c lain1s pre cntcd for l{l~l-;'. As funds bcco1ne avai lable they arc depos ited int <> tJ1c checking account and t11c clain1s payn1cnt checks arc n1ai lcd . If l11c l ,ortl sh<>uld pr<)vidc f <>r yt>u to pay off son1c of y<>ur <)wn clai1ns, please notify I ,arry I :ct1cr i111n1c<lintcl y so tJ1at tJ1c particular check c:1n be w i tJ1drawn . W e do no t want to pay any c lain1s tw ice. Write or cal I f ,arry l 7 c t1cr 884 Knchworth ( ' t. W c~Lcr v11lc, ()ll 4~()8 1 6 14-~23 -3666 W e wi ll need your narnc, whon1you have paid ,u1d h<>w 1nuch, and Lhc account nun\hcr 1n order to rcrnovc 1l Jrorn our record o f out~tt1rHJ1ng c la11n~ So far 25 c hurches have ind icatc<l their in tention to pay o ff their pastors' c lai1n s. Church Pew Padding • Adds Con1fort c1 nd I3cc1uty to Old Pc,..vs • On-Si te lnstc1 ll c1 t ion • 15 YcJr Gui.1 rc1 ntce • Stuys in Plocc ... Will Not Slip or Slide like a l oose Cushi o n • Ne.1 rl y 50 Colors of Fc1b r ic Call 1-800-232-1822 The American Pew Padding C o . 676 E. Sixth Ave . Lancaster, Ohio 43130 - l \J, ,l(}Jf) . • '(e.1d1 \\ 1th ntlll ' th.II hu1ltJ... on the l()und.111u11 ol Gcxl.., \X ord 1111.., 11l'\\ h re, 1,ed t Uflll ulu111 1-. l',l..,IL'r lo u..,e 111.1~1ng the tl'.tl h1ng k·.1n111L! f)f<Xl','1 lllOfL' L'r1JO) .tb]c [ \ll1g thl l\f\ .1' l] L 'lt,1ntbrd te\t. the Jt·..,,on.., l'rnph.i-.11e e, .111.!L' ,,. , .ind lt1rt1'>l d1..,llntt1, l'" You ,, 1ll u1nd1, i. r ll'.ILhtng h, lhtng the tu rntulun1 1, tntl' to 111.., \\ ord t-or a free ropy of our <urrku.Ju.m <~u.k)k rall. 1-800-RBP-'!440 GJ Reguu,r &,ptist Press 1, <,,\I> \ Eizenga Jlin,~trit' • "1 11 , ,, 1 1 ..,.., The Mogadore Christian Academy (A.C.E.) is accepting resumes from interested teachers for '93-94 Send inquiries to Rev. Robert Seymour Box 126 Mogadore. OH 44260
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