The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1993

, Keeping Up With Our Camps Camp Patmos Left to right: Pastor Lynn Roge rs, Trustee Dick Johnson and Jim Fitzgibbon 1993 Schedule of Speakers Your church shoul d he recei ving lhc new regi . Lralion fonn. for 1993 in r:ebruar y. Please try to get your June 14 June 2 1 June 28 Ju l y 5 Ju l y 12 Jul y 19 July 26 Augu t 2 August 9 Augu t 16 Jr I-Ii Junior Jr I Ii r I Ii Junior Jr/Sr I Ii Family l~amily Family Fan1i l y Di ll Davi Charle Hubh,trd Drew Gelatl Tom Town end Ton1 K ing Glen Amo arl I Iolwerda Murray Murdoch Dav id Moore l 't1n1 Wright rcgi . Lrations in earl y. We ftre rej oicing in whal God is doing lJ1rough C,unp J)aU110.. Recentl y we recei ved a 19- foot sai Jboal fron1 Ji1n f-i tzgibbon of Rocky Ri ver, Ohio. Our tJ1a11 k to brother r: i tzgibbon ! Pi ca ·c rcn1en1ber to gi ve to Lhc water Lrcatment facility. Fund arc corning in lowl y. Pray tJ1at God will n1eel tJ1i need. O.A.K.B.C. MINISTERING Youth Committee Spring Activities T Reaching Funtastic (2 locations) Ohio State University Kent State Universi ty March 20, 1993 March 27, 1993 For promotional video con tact Pastor Dave Black, T Training Bailey Road Baptist Church, 2121 N. Bailey Road Box 176 North Jackson , OH 44451 216-824-3698 Talents For Christ Cedarville College April 3, 1993 For promotional matenal con tact Pastor Tom Graef. Berea Baptist Church, 250 West Street Berea, OH 44017 216-234-9797 ...... . Bap11 \I ( 'hild1 t• n', I l onl\.' & I ,11111 I y llll 111 , It It' ' Dr . Don Worch President Family Counseling Foster Care Child Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparai so. Indiana 46383 Ohio 5 13 ·322 0006 Iowa 5 15 964 ·0986 Indiana 2 19-462-4111 M1ch1gan 5 17 681 2 111 11, Dividend Paid to OARBC Group Property Insurance Plan RUPP AGENCY, INC. .\'pecia/izing in cl11u ch JJIU/Jerrv <~ liahilirv insurance. H•irh o,•er ] ,3(){) churclzes ill .H ll'<!d Sf(l/(.'H'icfe • C hurch • IJifc • Auto • Health • Honie • l)isahility • llusi ncss • Annuities I j57 West l_anc Avcnuc < 'nlurnhus. () 11 4.322 1 c all lo ll -free: 1-800-282-9258 or 6 14 -486 -5 1 ) l l ( 'onlact llcn l~upp or l )aviJ Bell Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at ~t,t,t,~ Transportat ion jJl,;I;J.;t!J Equip. Sa les Corp. 6401 Saan1,tn fld . C)rcgon. <)11 43616 41 9 036 J835 Toll free nat1onw1de 1 800 227 3572 "Big church discounts" ask I 01 Bud r, rc1hc1rn 7