The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1993
KBF Fund -Raising Report 1,hl' l{l\l I und l{.u,11H.! ( 'nnun1tlt'l' .. 1..'lHl,1 t, l,t ( ' h,111111.111 1l' r I~ n lnnc,, J)r l' \\ l\a~cr .ind I .urv I l'ttcr l'hcv have . ., hl' t' ll h.ud , ti \\lH~ l'(llll't'nlrat111e. on .. 1.11,,ng a\ lllUl'h lll lHll')' "' { JOS.\//) /{' a. 4u1rJ...I~ a, 1>0 ,,,1,tc tn pay <)fr the nt lls t p,c,,,ng cla11n:-- a, SlH)fl a,· 11ossil1/(' We dn t~l'ltc, c !hat " .\Vtlh ( 1(ld. all th111~s .... t hru-_f pro~res.,· report : ()ut. tand1n~ c la1 n1 \ a\ ()1 J)cccn1hcr l : "' - --~.--~ (t h1, cou ld 11 ,c . lt glul v) . .... ~ ~1olll'\ Cl) l l\n11ttl'd h\ churches ()r . ., 1nd1, 1dual t(1 pa_ nrr Ll1 ' ir O\.v n dehL~ or dch1, ll l <Hher, apprnx 1n1a1cly $ 11 6,()()0 (. <Hnc n l 1h1\ t \ already paid) . 1lHl l') a lready gi ven a\ a p,lfl <)f tJ1c Seed lnncv olfcrin~ rece i ved at the ~ annual C<Hllcrcncc and since ll <)W ;1nH,un1 tn ah<)Ul S55,()00 . . ~<)Il l C () f l11 i · n1onc~ 1, al\<l part llf the ah<lVC catcgc>ry, lll'~1gnatcd f<) r ~r cc ilic c lain1s. ' l'hc entire ( 'ounctl l )f ' l'wc l vc ha~ hccn hcavtl y 1n ol vcd in this process, nnt onl y in 1nak ing contacts wilh our paslclrs acros~ the state, hut als<> in having a part L11cn1 scl vcs. C'ouncil n1cn1hcrs have l<>-datc gi ven <)r co1l1n1iL– tcd over $7(),0()0, including personal g1v1ng a. \.Vcl l as tJ1at of tJ1cir churchc.. A vital part <)f the fund -r '-ti , ing progr,u11 i s long-range gi vi ng by n1cans or n1c1n1hl y con1n1itn1cnts in church hudgcts. At tJ1c date of IJ1L writi ng, 111any churchc. have no t yet had their annual n1cctings. We have been gi ven indica tion that at least 2,500 i being con11niltcd U1r<>ugh n1ont11J y gi ving. /\ n1ajor f caturc of fund -rai. ing i . tJ1e ~pccial Victory Offering on February 14. l' lcasc read tJ1e ~trti c lc on page four rcg,uding thi . cffc)rt to ignificanll y reduce our indebtedness. Check tJ1i. page in future i. uc · for an update CHl our pr<>g rcss. • Direct all correspondence con– cerning the RBF Health Care Fund to '\; ev.. , leu er l) f the < )hJo 1\s'\oc1allon o f Re guldr Baptist ( ' hurche.-. ['() Hl)X 29,05X Ketk' nnu <>IJ 4~429 ~ State Representative Larry Fetzer 884 Knebworth Ct. Westerville , OH 43081 614-523-3666 • Gifts to the fund should be made out to OARBC/RBF and sent to the above address. Non l..rofi t ()rg. US Po. tagc l~AID l )ayton ()H Permit 838 I C edar\'l ll e Coll ege can prepare yo t1 to er\ e the Lord v: ith the talents He has g t \'en you. Our graduates are ready to n1ini ter as teacher ~, busines- leader ,pastors. nurses. cient i sts. and 111 a hos t o f o ther pra te ions. Hov; can you get ready? Our quality acade1111 c progra1ns... Bibl e cour e .. . opport unities to practi ce 111 in i try .. . Chri -tian fr iend~...hand -on , high-tech 111 -tructi on... the ·e vi tal a peer- of a Chnst1a11 college experience \v iii help \'OU ~rO\\' . ~ <.; V i~ i t ourcrunpus. 1neet the student . talk to the professors . Y ou'll see th at Cedar, II le is a great place to ge t ready for the re-r of vour l 1fe ~ ., • 75 progra1n of . tudy • Accred ited Bapti -t coll ege of a 11s, sciences. ru1d profe-- iona l progra1n s • Worlct ,,·icle Christian 1ni11i - tri es • O, er 2, I00 ~ tudents fro1n al I O\'e r the \,\·arid • F111anc1nl aid: call I - 00- ~4 1-2433 A k about the Obio Choice Grant~ CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Ret1dy j,,,· yt>lt .
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