The Ohio Independent Baptist, March/April 1993

The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.66 No.3 March/April 1993 Church Planting Alive In The OA In This Issue • You're terrific, says State Rep. Page 2 * * he ( ,ounci l <> f 'J'wclvc of L11e ( AllllC · has ~cl a new d1rcc tic>n in U1c prornoli<Hl of church planl1ng in ()hi<>. Jlc– cau ~c of tJ1c fi nancial preS!)UfC\ resulting frcn11 tJ1c in~urancc h~~ue, t11c plan fc>r a full - lln1e church planting c<><>rd1nator <>n the ~utf f <> f tJ1c ()Al~JiC ha\ been tahled . J\ ccause of a '>lr<>ng C<>nvacuon cc>nccrning tJ1c need i<>r ho1nc n1i~~ion\ 1n our state, tJ1e < 'ounc1l ha~ establi shed L11c ( 'hurch Planting Task rf eam LO explore and implement every po ible mean · of church planting avai lable to u . The ta k tean1 wi l I con i t of: Joel Harriman, New Richland Bapti .. t, Belle Center, chairman; .James Beight, CaJvary Dapti l, A hland, pro pcc– ti ve church planter ; Gary Dragg, church pl anter, I Iarve t Baptist, Wapakoneta; Jim Collingsworth , church planter, Shawnee I Iii ls Rapti t, J)ortsn1outh; Ken l)ady, Word <)f L.ifc representati ve, ("al vary fiapti t, llcllcf ontaine; [Jarry l 1 ~etzer, OJ\1{13(' state rcprescntati vc~ Gus (; uthrie, ('ouncil of ·rwelvc, Ca lvar y Ilaptist, rJ'iff-tn ; l)ick t•ettit , retired pastor, l ·ind lay~ l~arl Shaffer , church pliu1tcr, C,ood • Back to Genesis is coming to Cedarville. Page 3 • Ohio welcomes 6 new pastors. Pages 4-5 • Women plan spring meet at Mount Vernon. Page 6 • Dr. Wendell Kempton to speak at Scioto Hills. Page 7 • Insurance fund update. Page 8 Shepherd 's Jlapt ist, Sidney~ Rick Wils<>n, ( "' lcarcrcck ("'hapc l , Springhoro. J>lcase pray for these n1cn as they seek l< > in1plcn1cnt church planting tn ()hio. OARBC Church Planting Task Team Mission Sta tement The n1issi ()n <)f the ()ARB C' l1urch Planting T ask --r can1 i~ tc) ..... ac tively cnc(>uragc, devcl<>p , c<><)rtl inalc anti pr<)l11 <) lL' churcl1 planting in ()hie) . We will assi~t i11 r ·cruiti11g cht1rch plan ting tcan1 s a11tl huiltling a suppc)rtivc 'nvirc)n n1enL 111 l>hcdicr1ce tc) the Great c) n1n1i s.sic>n .