The Ohio Independent Baptist, March/April 1993

2 Pews & pulpit furniture available. Pews seat appro 500 Take all or part E. cellen t cond1t1on Pastor Jim Vogel, Southgate Baptist. Springfield 513 325 0619 A Cn11l'ct1on of So11gs f () r thl' Fc1n1il y ' 'Hearts Need A Place To Call Home' ' Deb & Dee A 11,7u rccordi11~ e11co11ra~iJ1s: 1110111~, ,irllf:-. t.:, ki(is to b11 l ld !heir }l(l/1/t'~ (;Olf,S 1Pf1y . Cl1L'c l,.,.-. t<) . Deb Sea rle.', 51264 Oet t Rd. Wc l1 ington, OH 44090 $9 + Sl p<)"i tt1ge & hanc.iling A mission agency assisting mission and non-mission Baptist churches with their building needs. First Baptist Christian School FACULTY NEEDED •.. ccon<lary Engli l',h •Secon<lary Spanish 1:or more information and application ~end rcl\umc Lo Ralph C. Duffy. Admini slrat t,r 11400 f4aGrangc Rd .. PO Il ox 929 I:lyria. () I I 44036 2 l 6-458-5185 Serving Ohio State Representative Larry Fetzer 884 Knebworth Ct . Westerville, OH 43081 614-523~666 Open dates throughout '93 Having An Impact On Ohio Larry Fetzer State Representative O ftcn we j udge people by the way they rclalc to cri i situations. Over the last f ew n1onth , through all tl1e confu- . ion and tre invol ved in the demi c of our I~nr IIeal tJ1Care Plan, you have displayed under tI111ding and caring hearts. 'fhough I have poken with m~u1 y who have been put in difficult po. ition by U1is failure, not once have I met wiU1 har hne nor anger . I have ob ·ervcd patience and cooperation, especiall y by tho c w ho have out tand– ing c laims U1at arc a danger to their credit rating . We have 23 unpaid cl aim o f over $5,000 each; of t11e e, 12 people have cl aim of over $10,000. Many have been quick to help. So far nearly $100,000 has been paid by people and churche covering tJ1eir own c lain1 . A nurnber o f churche are helping a 111i ionary or another pa tor in need . The Drotherl y Love Offering on rcbruary 14 wa a trernendou di play o f the willingne s of God' s people to share w ith a brother in need . Several churche have added U1e RDF need to U1cir budgets. Uncounted hour have been inve ted b y your ouncil of Twel ve to bring thi n1attcr to a proper conclu i on. All along U1cy have been 1noved by a convi ction tJ1a t t.he problem mu t be re ol ved in a godl y fa hion based on biblical prin– ciple . T hank you, n1en o f U1e Council. T rnu t ay today tl1at I an1 very proud of our OARBC, and ain honored to be a part o f U1is ble sed f e.llowship. · F-- Congratulati on to Grandrr1a and Grandpa (I .Jarry) 1:etzcr . Grandaughtcr M onica Joy was born l o Prank and Laura Millard february 18. Church Planting: Full Speed Ahead by Joel Harriman The OARDC Church Planting Task Team 1net for the fir t time on January 26. The n1is ion tatement was dis- co cd and clarified ( ee page 1). The f ollowing ta k were identified: •Prophetic - remind and cal l in titu– lion to the biblical mandate o f the Great Comn1i si on. • Planning- gather data, find unreached p opulation and devel op trategi e . • Recruiting and enli ting-inter ce - sor , planter , laity, and network of support and per onnel. •Training- for pro pective church planter , Ta k T eam per onnel , pou e , lay l eader , and U1e OARBC. • E valuate-planter , proj ect , and trategi e . •Public ize- hot pot , planter , plant , events, and opportunitie . Other objectives of the ta k team include: •Providing guidance, a e ment, and coaching fo r cburcb planting pro pects and one another . •Building a network o f rel ation hip and re ource for planter s and spouses. •Devel oping prayer partner and interce or team for each planter and proj ect. • haring information and tool to enhance their effectivene . •De i gning and refining local and reg ional strategie f or church planting. •Providing accountability f or godli– ne and wi e teward bip of resource . This i certainly a TALL order . But God i able a we allow Him to u e u , His human instruments, to accompli h Hi will.