The Ohio Independent Baptist, March/April 1993

, Church Plantin In Ohio Laying The Foundation Shawnee Hills Bapt ist Church The Port mouth church building at empty for more than a year. Today, through the effor ts of nearby Temple Bapti t church, the building i home to a thriving new work, Shawnee Hill Bapti t Church. Last summer, Temple Bapti t, pastored by John Gowdy, called Jim Colling worth, of Des Moines, I owa, to j oin their taff a a ociate pa tor of church planting. Ili a ignment was to establi h a nev, church in tl1e empty building, which had been turned over to Temple. In Augu ta "Go Tell Every– one,, (GTE) telephone campaign was conducted to 1,600 number , out of which came a mailing li t of 200 naine . The fir t Sunday ervi ces were held September 13. Since that tirne 26 have become charter 1ne1nber , and atten– dance has grown to a high of 59. They already have an acti ve youtJ1 prograrn, a 10-voice choir and plan for a VI3 outreach this summer. Pastor Colling wortJ1 ' strategy i to build a church on the three pillars of prayer, vi itation and Dible study. Every vi itor , of which there have been man y, ha been followed up with a per onal vi it. Temple Baptist i s helping financiall y in the e ear ly day , aJtJ1ough the Shawnee l-Iills congregation i already providing about 40% of the total operating expen e. Pastor Gowdy repor ts a high level of excitement in tJ1e motJ1er church about t11eir part in the proj ect. Cedarville College To Host Creation Seminar R epre entativc of over 160 Valley churches and luistian organization met recentl y to prepare for a ' ' I3ack to Gene i "seminar to be held April 16-17 at Cedarville College, co-spon orcd by 01c ('l ) I{ Radio Network. 111e meeting featured Ken I lam of tl1e Institute for Creation Re~arch (IC'l{) of El ajon, aJifomia Mr. J faro, featured speaker at l("R's "Dack LO Genesis,, sc1ninars held across the c.ountry, discussed 01e i111portance of teaching the biblia tl account of creali<)n. "'Mc>sl p<.X>plc have been led to believe there are many qucsll<>ns ,tb<>ut C1cnesis that JUSl cru1' l be an'iwercd, and tJ1at there is a great CC>nflict between so-called ~cicncc ,u1d what tl1e llible !->ay~." I uu11 said tJ1is li>pic is unrx>rtanl fc,r aJl ( 'lm~ti,Ull) because evolullc>nary tl1c<>ry attac~ tJ1c f<>unilitli <>ns of ( 'hn\ ttan behef Many have hec_trtJ Ken I la111' ~ quick– w1llcd, hurnc)r<>u~dchvcry <>n tJ1e ilitily "Jlac.k to (;enc~•~ .. radi<> brc.>adcast <>f ( ' J)ll radio at 7:()2 a.1n tu1d 4·4() p n1 l ·<>r tJ1e ( 'c<larvule ~cn1u1,tr, Mr. I uu11 will be J<>incd by Ur I )um1c {1t'>l1 ,u1d Dr. Donald hittick. Dr. Gi sh i s known a tJ1c world's forerno l creationist debater ,u1d is tl1e vice pre idcnt of ICR. 'll1c . pcakers will address the ·cicntific evidence for botl1 evolution and creation and give m1swers t<) omc of tl1c co1runonly-tl~ked que. lion about creationi n1, su h as "Where did Cain get his wife?" ru1d "Why docsn' t tl1c 11ible n1cnti(>n dinosaurs?,, Al l tl1rce speakers will share U1eir cxpcrti c in various 1ncctings in April, ,tll held at CcilitrViUe ("'ollcge. l)aily chapel services for the college LudcnLl ApriJ 13- 15 wi ll air on U1c CJ) I~ l~ tdio Network (9<).3 I ·M in J)ayton/Springficld). A free schcx>l ,L<i!->cn1bl y 1:riday, Apri l 16, is dc~igncd f<>r ( 'hri~Lian scht)(>Jand hon1c !->Ch<><>l studcnL\ to lcan1 atx>ut crcatic,ni~n1 . ·111c " Jlack l1> C,cncsb/, ~cn1inar I :riday night, ApriJ 16 tluough Saturday, April 17, will include ionu11'i appropnatc for tJ1c whole i;ul1ily, age~ 10 anti up. A liln1, ..,I'he ( ,enc~•~ Solutic>n," 1s also a vat table fc)r ~howing 111 area churchc~. ( "all 513-766-7878 for n1orc infonnation on ,u1y <>f tJ1csc evenL\ . WANTED: Prayer warriors for our nc"v church– planting cfforl. l f you woulJ I ikc lo be incluJcd in a team that will Ii ft thi s project to C ,od faithfully and without hinJranccs to your prayers. we need you. Write Pas tor Cius Guthrie, 733 N. Sandusky St. . ·riffin . C) II. 44883. ' Church Pew Padding • Adds Con1fo rt and Beauty to O ld Pc\vs • On-Si te lns tullat ion • 15 Year Gu.1 rJntee • St.-:i ys in Pl.1ce ... Will N ot Slip or Slide Like a Loose Cushi o n • Nearly 50 Colors o f Fabric Call 1-800-232-1822 The American Pew Padding Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave . Lancaster. Ohio 43130 t - TeJth \\ tlh 111.HenJI thln build, on thL lound.u11 n of (,cxl , \X'or<l Thi, ne,, I) re, 1,ed t umL ulun 1 .., ea~1er to u,L·. n1,1~1ng the tL·.1dHng-k·.1n11n..: rrcxe," ll1l>fL' en10, .1hle l ,1ng till 1\1\ .1, • l ~tan<.ltrd tl'\t, the le \on, r1nph.1.... 11t t' .111~l '" 11 ,ind B .. 1ptt'll d1,t1nu1, L'' ~ nu " 11 L'l10L I· , • teaching h, u,1ng thl' l t1m1. ulu111 th.11 1, tn1e to I It.., \\ ord For a frtt rop)' of our< urrkuhun ( ~L1Jog c tll. 1-800-RBP-4440 Gul Regul,,r &,ptist P1·ess I\,,, ,11, Eizet1Rti i\ti,u s trie~ • .., 1 1 ''"' 1 1 >~s The Mogadore Christian Academy (A.C.E.) is accepting resumes from interested teachers for '93-94 Send inquiries to Rev Robe rt Seyn1our Box 126 Mogadore, OH 44260