The Ohio Independent Baptist, March/April 1993

, Keeping Up With Our Camps Scioto Hills Dr. Wendell Kempton, pre ident of the A ociation of Dapli t for World Evangeli n1, will be tl1e peaker for Scioto II ill men' retreat . He wi ll al o peak on Wedne - Dr. Kempton day during our cnior Saints Retreat May 4-6. Dr. Kempton bas traveled in every continent and been invited to speak to the player at three footbal l Super Bowl and one baseball World erie . EVENT DATE COST M en· Retreat # 1 and #2 April 30-May I ; May 7-8 $22 per per on; pa tor come for 1/2 price by bringing 10 men($ 10 extra private room charge by re ervation only) Camp Patmos O ne key ingredient to a ucce ful year at Patmos i the help of volunteer from our churcl1e . Over the pa t 40 years many have conic here to use tJ1eir ta.len t for the L ord ' work . We are very thankful for tl1i heritage and we are asking tJ1at once agajn volunteers con1e to the camp for a scri c of workday U1i spring: May 1, 15, 22, 29, and June 5. Trustee Dick John on i. planning several projecls. J)Jea e C<>nUlCt h in1 a l 216-794-8930. A pastors and w i ves retreat is planned again this year. 'I'hc ilittes are August 23-24. 1:rank I Iarlwig of 13aptisl Church f)lanlcrs wi ll he the ~pcakcr. 'fhe retreat is free of charge fc>r pasLors ,u1d wives, however , a refundabl e rcg i \ liation of $20 rnu~t be sent to J)ast<>r J3rad Quick, J~1r~t Dapust ( ' hurch, 13c>x 929, l ~l yria, {)I I 44()36 J)fea~e n<> tc l11at there is a new ca111p rcg1~trar. l)arlcnc M<>rgan, registrar M<>gadc>rc Jl aptt ~l ( ' hurch f3CJX 126 Mogadc,re, ()I I 44260 2 16-628-2()1() A video oJ U1e c,ullp I \ av ,ul ablc. ( 'onlact ()a!,l<)r Ju11 Mc( 'httn 250 J3 cncdtcl Ave Norwalk, ()1 144857 EVENT DATE o ·r Senior Saint Spring Retreat May 4-6 $25 per person; $ 10 extra privale roon1 charge EVENT Senior Saints P,111 Retreat DA'"fE Septernber 28-30 SPEAKER Dr. J~une r . Jcren1ia.h COST rf o be announced Junior Iligh and Senior Iligh winter retreats have been a real bles. ing. God aved four young people during the Junior ITigh retreat. Oh, how we praise liin1 for the miracle of rebirll1 . Many live were challenged fron1 the Word hy our speakers, l)astor Al vi Poll,trd and l)r. Don CaJlan. When planning your f c:unil y' · umn1er acti vitic. , con ider tJ1e con1n1it– n1cnt , quality and impact of the Skyv icw Rtu1ch progr,m1 . The Ranch' n1is. ion is to ·crvc and glorify Jc ·us Christ by evange li zing, di ·cipling and 111oti vating people to erve the [..,ord . To reach the e goal , we believe in providing a quality progr,u11 with a purpo ·c, a trained taff, good faci litie~, and a wide variety of recreational opportuniti es to produce a 1naxin1un1 spiritual in1pacl. Our progrtm1 i designed to build relation hip · between God and ranchers. lsascd on I John I:3, we seek to culti vate a relationship wi th each rancher, lead tl1cn1 to ( "hri sl and bui ld tJ1cir relationship with C,od the 1:atJ1er L11rough I l is W<>rd . ()ur can1p counselors arc n1ature coll ege-age rncn and wc>1ncn . ·rhi s staff receive. 80 hours of training in biblical C<>unscling, disciplcship, leadership, progr<u11 phi losc)phy and safety. ·rhe rcsu It is an cntJ1usia.s tic and n1ot i vatcd staff f<>cuscd c>n changing li ves through the power of tJ1e I l ol y Spirit. ·rhc re~ult~ have been a record of l il'c– changing deci~ions. < )ver 2()<~ of rancher~ yearl y rnakc dcc i~1on~ for ( "hrt "i t, leaving with a de~irc for grea ter . se rvice . ' l'hc l{anch ha~a special and urgent need l'or whi c:h we need your prayer and \ UPP<>rl It ha\ been rnandated that \.VC upgrade our lodge sewer sys tcrn hc l orl' the su1nn1 cr ~ca\c>n beg ins I he cost ol tJ1c upgrade wtll he $7,.SOO. < itfl "i arc - ... B apt1s;1 ( ' hddll' ll 0 '- I lonl l' & fa rn il y 1111111\lrtl'." Or. Don Worch President Family Counseling Foster Care Child Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparai so. Indiana 46383 Ohro 513·322 0006 Iowa 515 964 0986 lndrana 219·462·4111 Michigan 517-681·2171 RUPP AGENCY, INC. S1Jecia/izing in church 11ro11erty & liability in: 1 u1rance. 'fvith o,·er 1. ?0() r lzu r<·lzes in., 11 retl srate1,i•ide • C hurc h • IJifc • Auto • Hea lth • Home • l)isa bility • IJusincss • Annuities I 357 W c;~ t I .ane A ven uc C'olu1nbus. () II 43221 call toll - free : l -800-282-9258 or 6 14-486-59 I l Contact Be n llupp o r l)avid )Je ll Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto • J.,ife • L'hurch • Health • Ho111 e • /Jusines. ..; Insurance for non-drinkers your " best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Professional con'i ulting and ~ It''> for your fina nc ia I and in-.u rel nee net.•d, l>orr R. l'hclps. <ii\ C' l ·I'. Rl ·P. N()A 659 -1I Park Meadow,; !)rave Wes terville. ()hin -l 1081 Phone 61-l -89') -6(X)O l ·AX hlJ 1 ) 6022 Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy qunhty for less nt :,t,r,,,~ Transportation IJl,;J;Jt,; t!J Equip. Sa les Corp. 6401 Sec1n1<1r1 r1c1 . (Jrogon . CJI I 4 lfi 10 4 1<) 836 283'> Toll free nat1onw1de 1 800 227 3572 "819 church di scounts c1sk to, 8LJ(i ~lc1hc1nl tl l'l'dcd lo l und tl lL' upgtade \\ 1thuut hur\ l ing the l{anch hudgl't . Ml'n 1 s l~l' lrL·at f\1.t\ l ~ I"' I )an ( iclatt, \J)l'a~e, 7