The Ohio Independent Baptist, March/April 1993

KKF Fund-Raising Report w l' ll'llHL' l' tll \l'C \\h,ll C,od l ~ dlll ll !! (\)\\,lid {l' dtJ ( tng lhl' dl'hl () ( unraid ~·J.nn ,, I r<,nl lhc 1{1\1 1 l ca lth ( ,arc t>lan. \\ hen the ll111· clll,l'd <>ct(lhcr 11, the .tllll)Ufll llUtstand1ng ,, a, $57X.-2l . 9. .. I he I und l{.H, 1ng ('on1n1 1llc' ll f lhc ... ( \ )unctl <) l l \\'rlvc 111111,cdiatc ly cal led tnr an 1n1t1al --~L'l'd n\ t)flC .. ()ffcri ng to . .... l!l't u..., ~tartl'd 1n rl'duc,n g th ' ucbl. ' l'hal ... \llll'rtn!.! ult1n1a1c l v rrachcu $65,()(}() . .... . I he . l'C<Hld 1naj<)r c l f< l rt () f the ' lHHtn1llcc "'·a. l l) encourage past<>rs and the ir churchc~ t() help hy pay ing <> ff all or part () f the outstanding clain1~ in the narnc of thctr pasl c> r, staff or n1i s · ic)n,try. Sn far. the c la1n,~ paid hy <)Ur ·hurchcs ()riginal del1t Sccu nl<)ncy offering ("hurchc~ pay ing cl ,1in1s Jlrl)therl y l ,o c ()ffcring One year hudgct incorne C'lain1s outsuu1ding Add it i cH1a l ex pen ·c: atl<)rncy fee. I churches have cornrnitted l<> gi ve out (>f their budgets a total of $2,0()() per nH)nth toward thi · need. 'l'his will anl t>unt to $24 ,()()() in tJ1c first yc,tr. J>Jcasc I>l~A Y n1uch LJ1at our people and churches will cc>ntinuc to supp<1rl tl1i s effort to prc) tcct the tcs tin1ony of tJ1e I ,<)rd and I Ii. people. Action at tJ1c 1992 annual conference n1ade it pcnt1issiblc to u:c runp Pauno as co llateral for a loan . ali f ying RnF clain1: . As of tJ1i date, bank approval ha. n<.1t been gi ven for uch a Joan. lt i the intention of tJ1c Council o f 1~welve to avoid having to borrow money . The co. ts of apprai . al , clo ing co L and $578,229 65,0()0 97,5() 1 55,7 6 24,000 $335,942 a o f 2/22 legal ex pen ·es (e tin1a1c) printing, pos tage, telephone 30,000 5,000 5,000 l)eht still faci ng us ~Ul10Ulll l () $97,50 1.0 . ()n r:chru;trv 14, <>ur churchc across • tJ1c . rate parti cipated in a great llrc) tll - crl y I .clvc Vict<)ry ()ffering. As <)f r't~hruary 22, tJ1e fi gure rcpc>rteu to our ()ARilC <)ffi ccs f<> r tJ1i s offering rcprc~cnlcd 41 churches and 3 indi v idu– als gi ving a total <)f S.55, 786. ' f hat figure L expected t<) increase as furtJ1er rcp<lrts ccHne in . AJ~o, as c)f Lhc ~~u11e date, ~e~ , leuer nf the ()hio A ,;,nciauon of Regul ar H,1pti , t ( ' hurthes f>( ) Box 2<> , 058 Ke tt l..' rtni:! ( ) 11 4 5429 ... $375,942 intere t would add up to a con idcrable a111ount of 1noncy whi ch we can ilJ afford . Pica, c pray witJ1 u t11at we will be ahlc to avoid hav ing to borrow money. We encourage ALL, tJ1e reader of the Oin to praye rfull y a. k God what you could do to encourage your broU1 er and i ·tcr · in need. Non Profit Org. U Postage PAID Dayton OH Permit 838 • Over 75 areas of study • Accredited Baptist liberal arcs college • World\:vide Christian ministries • Over 2,100 students from all over the \.VOrld • Financial aid : call 1-800-444-2433 Ask about the Ohio Choice Grant When you think about how to make a difference for 0 1,r Lord consider Cedarville. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Call Admissions 1-800-777-2211