The Ohio Independent Baptist, May/June 1993
The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.66 No.4 May/June 1993 an nto ~auses • rium rist esus.'' · In This Issue • There's help available for churches in distress. Page 2 • It 's not too late to become a prayer . warnor. Page 3 • Ohio Talents For Christ winners announced . Page 3 • Coshocton churc h shifts prayer hour to Sunday evenings. Page 4 • Oh io churches help Shepherds get van from soup. Page 6 • RBF fund reaches 43°/o . Page 8 e Have Met Our Brotherly Love Go 100,000 I W e really be lieved God was going to do a miracle. We were told by experts that we couldn't do it . They were right, but God could do it, and He has . We asked God for a great out– pouring from His people to help His people. God answered our prayers. As of this writing, the total for the Brotherl y Love • offering is $11 0,000 witJ1 n1ore expected. So far 97 churche.. t1,1ve given an aver,1ge of $ 1,0 2. Please . ee tJ1e la .. t p,1ge for a co111plete re1)()11.
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