The Ohio Independent Baptist, May/June 1993
2 l\R() r111~: R1 . , , l ,()\' I': <>l•' l~'1 4 :RI N<; ~nn,c \_)f l,ur vcr) s rn . II churchc. have given bcyonJ all C\(X'\."tatH,n ()nc ,vith ,\ n, 1:-.~il,n,1r pa~to r gave $ 1.(X)O. 1\ 1H,tlH.'r ~111.,ll chu rch l!Jvc over 2,200. One hurch on the ... rel)( ,uth.l frn rn decli ne..· g.ivc l.,vc r 1.100 13lc. s G d. Baptists for Life in Ohio • Motivating hri s tians • Pro-Life peakers, eminars & Videos • Pro-Life Cou n eling • As i ting With Cri sis Pregnancies Through Our Maternity Re ou rce Cen ters BFL of Greater Akron/Canton P.O Box 1114. Norton. OH 44203 (2 16)825-9246 BFL of Central Ohio 341 7 Palmetto St Columbus. OH 43204 (614)274-2687 BFL of NW Ohio P .O . Box 100 Mt. Corey, OH 45868 (614)943-3344 A mission agency assisting mission and non-mission Baptist churches with their building needs. First Baptist Christian School FACULTY NEEDED • eco ndary Engl i. h • eco ndary panish For more information and applica tion end resume to Ralph C. Duffy, Admini trator 11400 L aGrange Rd .. PO Box 929 Elyria, 0 1 r 44036 216-458-5 185 Serving Ohio State Representative Larry Fetzer 884 Knebworth Ct. Westerville, OH 43081 614-523-3666 Open dates throughout '93 Having An Impact On Ohio Larry Fetzer State Representative What i more precious and exciting Lhan a newborn baby? For this old State Rep, the t11rill of holding in my arm a two-day-o ld granddaughter wa exhila– rating- almo ta pecial a when my own kid can1e. Well, after all, I do consider this one a my own, too . Just let me know if you'd like to see her picture. Her nan1e i Monica Joy Millard. All t11i ha brought to mind in a fre h way t11at when God poke of the entrance of a inner into His kingdom, he referred to it as a new birth. What i more precious and exciting than a babe in Christ? And to know that God has u ed you to be a vehicle of the me age l11at introduced thi new life to a lo t inner, c.hat truly is exhilarating. Now most of us can only go through the birt11ing proce in our familie ju t a few times . But i n' t it wonderful to know that t11ere i no limit to the number of spiritual off pring we can have? Not al l of us have the spiritual gift of cvangeli m, but all can, and 1nu t, do the work of an evangeli t, and we mu t do it uncea ingly. And that is l11e way God' church grow . It' s "every member evangeli m." If you want to liven up the life of the cl1urch and bring in tl1e fresh bloorn of new babe , ju t get bu y and win ome to Chri t. No, I don ' t mean ju t you who are pastors. I mean every one of you who know Cl1ri t. Let' alJ bec61ne reproducers. Now wouldn' t that be exciting? F~ ~ One small church whose pastor had significant outstanding claims has raised almost$ ,000 through the Brotherly lA>ve Offering to help pay their pastor's claims. What manner of love i thi s? New Ministry Helps Churches G od ha in recent day raised up a new ministry of help and encouragement to the local church, and to our mission– arie . It is called the Institute of Biblical Leadership (IBL) . The director is Dr. Ru ell Lloyd, from the Washington Heights Baptist Church in Dayton, wbere he has served in a teaching and coun eling ministry for many years. Dr. Lloyd's heart's desire is to help pastors, churches, missionaries, and other Christian leaders, and to share bis experti e in leadership and organization, as well as in counseling. The IBL mini try is committed to working with local churches, particu– larly on two levels. The first level is preventative: helping churches develop their leader hip skills and ability to work together as a spiritual team. A maj or part of the IBL ministry is helping churches crystalize their mission into a conci e, workable vision statement. The second level is restorative. Dr. Lloyd i e pecially burdened for hurting pa tor and churches. IBL is a heal ing ministry aimed at reconcilliation and relieving the stre s within the local body. God has already u ed the IBL team to give exten ive belp on several mi ion fi elds in Africa, South America and Asia.The team assists field counsels in developing a more efficient organiza– tional tructure, thus improving their effectivene s in fulfilling their mini try. A objective ob erver , IBL can point out i ue in need of resolution without emotional hurt to the parties involved. Dr. Lloyd is retired from the US Air Force, where be ta ught at the Air Force Academy and held other key leader hip posts. State Repre entative Larry Fetzer has worked with Dr. Lloyd for many years, and currently serves as chairman of the board of directors of IBL. If you would like to get better acquainted with this ministry, call Dr. Lloyd at 513-429-2700 in Dayton, or contact Larry Fetzer.
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