The Ohio Independent Baptist, May/June 1993

Hear Paul Tassell, Tony Beckett, Randall Chovaa, William Commons, Paul Dixon, Joho Greening, Tim Kenoyer and Ken Rudolph at the 62nd Annual Conference of the GARBC in Des Moines, Iowa, June 19-23. Team Reports Enthusiasm For Church Planting Arter only two meetings of the Churcl1 Planting Task Team, the enthusiastic outlook of the group of cataly ts and entrepreneur-types is contagious. Each meeting focused on tbe question, "What do we need to DO to encourage church planting in the state of Ohio?,, The task team has done or i doing the following: •Pastor Gus Guthrie of Tiffin sent out a letter asking for prayer warriors from each OARBC church. Many responded, and we now have a team committed to regular prayer on behalf of church planting in Ohio. •Those interested in planting a church in Marysville are being contacted. The plan is to start a Bible study with tbern . We hould be able to report results froo1 that in the nex t couple montl1 . spots" for planting a church. The Ii t will lead to demographic research. A list of potential church planters i being assembled. We wi ll communicate with thern, nurturing that interest as tJ1e Lord leads . The funds, which were flowing in , have slowed to a trickle as our attention has focused on the RBF situation. We can ' t afford to forget church planting! We need funds for demographic research, training for potential and current church planters, and communi– cation. There will be a full report, display and slide presentation about Ohio church planting at the OARI3C Annual Conference, October 18-20. --Joel I-larrin1an Our Tn k Team Prayer Warriors support group for church plan ting ha begun its mi ssion of intercessory prayer. It' not to late for you to be included . If you have th e interest and gift of intercessory prayer, write I>astor Gus Guthrie, 733 N. Sandusky St., Tiffin. 0 1 I. 44883 . Church Pew Padding • Adds Comfort and Beauty to Old Pews • On-Site Ins tallatio n • 15 Year Guarant ee • Stays in Place ... Wi ll Not Slip or Slide Like a Loose Cushio n • Nearl y 50 Colors of Fabric Call 1-800-232-1822 The American Pew Padding Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave. Lancaster, Ohio 43130 • f. \R \l,\I IU I ,l .( }J{ \ •We are assembling a list of areas our pastor and people con ider to be "hot Cedarville College News Teens Head For Des Moines \ The National Yout11MinistJie Confer– ence recently recognized Dr. Cheryl Fawcett., assistant professor of Christian education, for '"Outstanding ContJibution to Youth Ministry, 1993." A popular speaker and seminar leader in church education, Dr. Fawcelt also writes unday chool material for Regular Baptist Pres . Charles Pagnard, as ociate profes or of instrumental music, presented a master class for the 1992 Tri-StalCTrumpet Guild Conference at the University of Cincinnati College- onservatory of Mu. ic. J)agnard, principal trumpet of the f)ayton fJhi lhar– monic Orchestr~ also was featured perfonner on "Carillon Ch.ristn1as," a Cl) and ~ seue relea.'>e by the prize-wiJ1n ing brc1ss quintet, Cannon J3rass. Charles Allport, director of engineering progrclllls ru1d associaLC profc~5or of mechanicaJ engineering at ( "e<..larvi lie C'oUege, ts oneof 21 outstandu1g engineer– ing educ.awl'!) to take part in tl1e SAI~ engine.enng society's 1993 Ralph It . ·recL<>r l~ ucauonal Award l>rogrdllt, in Anal1cun, (~aJtfon11a I>rofessc,r Allport wtll discuss current engineenng issues with prdCU<..1ng engineers of tl1e aerospitce u1du~try Q n April 3, Ohio teens competed for an opportunity to repre ent U1e state at this year ' National Talents For Chri t conte tin De Moines, Iowa. Ohio' s first-place winner wi ll compete for college cholar hip at GARDC ap– proved chool . Tbe winners are: Piano: An1y Clutz, Grace Bapti t, Westerville Organ : none Female Voice: Lori Ander on, Southgate Baptist, Springfield Male Voice: John Seba~tyn, First Daptist, Brun wick Woodwinds : Rebecca Lakes, SouthgalC Daptist, Springfield llrass : Michael ·rhompson, (jracc llaptist, ·rroy Strings : L,caAnne ("hurgovich, r:irst l1aptist, Medina Bible Knowledge: Chris I Ialc~. Abbe Road IJ aptist, l~lyria Writing: Meli sa Flay, Grace J3aptist, Canton fremale Pul>lic Speaking: l)cb<>r,~1 C,rifficth , Ciracc Ilapti ~L, ·rroy Male l)ul)lic Speak ing: llrian Kell y, I,akcvicw llapl1~t, l)undcc In addit1<>n, the Abbe l{oau llapll \ l (I~1 yr1a) scn1<>r high puppet tean1 tool-. ftr !) t tn puppet c.:on1pc t1t1011 - Teach \~·1Lh Lhat htnld-, on lhl' tounJJ11nn of God' \X'or<l. Thi. ne,,I\ re, '"L'd tUml ultnn ,, t'J)ll'r 10 u. e. n1ak1ng Lhe h1ng-k.1n1U1l! prcxe~~ n1ore en10\'ahle l -,111g the I\J\ .i-- Ull' ,tancL1r<l tcxL. the le -,on. en1ph.1-,1?t' t'\ Jn~d1,r 1 Jnd BJpll~I <l1~t1ncu, t'"i. You ,, ill ennt h , \ )tir tcachrng b, u~mg 1lll· l urnl ulun1 1h.n ,.., true to H1~\\ ord For a frtt copy of our Cunicu.Jum tatak)ft call. 1-800-RBP-4440 Ea Regular Baptist Press I\L\\\ll\ Eizenga .tttn,stries • ,1,,1 1 ,~ , 1 ,~h M1D t231093 The Mogadore Christian Academy (A.C.E.) is accepting resumes from interested teachers for '93-94. Send inquiries to Rev Robe rt Seymour Box 126 Mogadore, OH 44260