The Ohio Independent Baptist, May/June 1993

, Keeping Up With Our Camps In the eyes of the kids coming to camp this summer, they are heroes . They are not sport stars nor well-known people nor Christian celebritie . Who are the e heroes? They are the Ranch staff. Ordinary young people with one common trait- a desire to serve the Lord. The deci sion to serve at the Ranch means giving up making " real money" and time with their friends. For college students, it means the sacrifice of another three months away from home. Instead, they come to the Ranch to give long hours of work in hot conditions, and gi ve up their privacy to li ve and work with other staff and ranchers. Their benefi ts, however , are great– much greater than any wages we could possibl y provide. Le sons come from their step of faith as they pu L to practice Camp Patmos T he tru tees and new camp director, Doug Wi l son, are eagerl y looking forward to the 1993 camping cason. In order to get the camp ready, we wil l have work weekends held every weekend in May, except May 7-8. Items to be accompli shed include painting, some roofing, vinyl iding, and general clean-up. We need your help to get the camp operational . 1'he camp also needs two new outboard motor5, 11 5 hp Mercury, for the boats. '111e5e n1otors will cost between $6-7 ,000 each. 'fhere are openings for cru11pcrs for Junior II1gh week , June 14. Jl feasc send regi strationb to· J) arlene Morgan, l{ egi strar Mogadore J3apll5l Church Dc>x 126 Mogadore, 0 1 I 44260 216-746-22 14 what they learned from faiU1ful parent., pa tors and teacher . Maturity comes by tretching them el ve through new experiences, handling pre ure of mini try and working with people. Attitude of ervicc are developed and te ted. A combination of thorough training, supervision and teaching throughout ll1e Ulnmer witl1 the practi – cal experience of li ving and doing God' work produce a new per on by the end of the su1nmer . The te tin1ony of the taff i one of good example, love, and fri end hip. A imple co1nbination that makes thern become heroe - a rcfre hing change from the heroes offered by our society. The Ranch de ire a staff wiU1 an attitude of blame I es nes before God. The result of thi te timony yearl y i a good deci ion rate and an immea urable impact made by the example of dedi– cated yout11 to their peer and younger children. Plea e pray for tl1e final election of tl1c e young people for this ummer 's staff. lbis sun1mer, pray that God would guard their heart , gi ve tl1en1 tamina, and motivate them to reach out boldly witl1God ' Word. Scioto Hills AT"fENTION BLOBBERS!! The Blob will arri ve in the lake at Scioto I-Jill Can1p tlli ummer . All Blob-battling blabbers hould report to camp to attempt to conquer tl1e Blob. A t la t ighting U1e Blob wa eight feet ta JI , ten feet wide, and almo t f orly feet long. B labber landing on tl1c Blob are catapulted high into tJ1e air, tllen n1u L prepare for landing. Onl y by experienc– i ng the lllob can you trul y know what blobbing is al l about. SUMM I21~CAMP (' ITE DlJLE June 14- 19 Jr lJi June21-26 Jr June 28-Jul y 3 Jr July 5- 10 Srlli Jul y 12- 17 Jr Iii Jul y 19-24 Jr Jul y 26-3 1 Jr Scioto l Till s ( a_rn p wclco1ncs the l)avid J cll f,unil y a~ L11c newest add it i<)n to the tea1n . !)avid wi ll a5sun1e Ute posi tion of fo<>d service rnanagcr, along witl1 help fron1 his wife, Jenn ifer, and tl1cir t11rec son~, ll r1an, I ) , u1 icl and llcnj '-un1n. I l<)W we tJ1,mk (iod ror prov iding this couple. f->1ea5e pray wi tJ1us a~ tJ1cy ge t geared into tl1e progr,u11of S i<>t<>I 1111~. .. ... Bapt ist ( ' hil<lrcn's 110 111~ & fan, i l y mini slr it!s Dr. Don Worch President Family Counseling Foster Care Child Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 Ohio 513-322-0006 Iowa 515-964-0986 Indiana 219-462-41 11 Michigan 5 17-681 -2171 RUPP AGENCY, INC. Specializing in church property & liability insurance. i,,virh over 1.300 churches insured srarewi£fe • Church • Life • Auto • Health • Home • Disability • Bus iness • Annuities 1357 Wes t Lane Avenue olumbu. , 0 11 4322 l Call lo lJ - free: 1-800-282-9258 or 614-486-59 l l Contac t B en Rupp Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto • I ...ife • Church • Health • H 0 111e • Business Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Profe sional consuJting and sa les for your financial and in ·urance needs Dorr R. Phelps. GP, Cl·l>, Rf-'P, QA 659- 11Park Meadows Dri ve Weste rvi lle, Ohi o 4308 1 Phon~ 6 14- 899-6000 FAX 899-6022 Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality tor less a t ['1l'Jt,1'~ Transportation l,JI,;"'~~ Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 Sean1an Rd . 0 1egon. 0 1 I 436 tO 4 19 836 2835 Toll- tree nat1onw1de 1-800~227-3572 "Brg church discounts· ask for Bud GrahanJ 7