The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1993
, Many OARBC churches took part in the National Day of Prayer, May 6. Washington Heights in Dayton and Mid-Brook of Brook Park were among those whose congrega tions participated in the "Meet At City Hall" prayer effort. Church Planting Consultant Appointed For OAKIIC U pon the recommendation of the Church Planting Task Team, the Council of Twelve bas appointed Missionary Earl Shaffer as consultant for church planting proj ects in Ohio. The Sbaffers serve under ABWE. Earl i s welJ-trained in church planting proce– dures and bas just completed the successful planting of Good Shepherd 's Baptist Church in Sidney, Ohio. The Sbaffers have just begun a one-year f urlough during which they will be visiting their supporting churches, all of which are in Ohio. ABWE has gi ven approval for Earl to give up to ten hours per week to serve during this furlough year as con ultant to church planting proj ects in Ohio. As a missionary with support, be will serve without remuneration from the OARBC. His expenses ( travel, phone, postage) will be covered out of the church planting account of the OARBC. The purpose for this position i s to encourage church planters in Ohio, and offer to them any assi stance requested in the process of establishing growing and reproducing churches. This position is not intended in any way to in fringe on or duplicate the administrati ve leader– ship of our established mission agenci es. It is rather designed to make Earl 's expertise and encouragement available to those working in our state, and to build a support unit of church planting couples working in Ohio. Please pray much for Earl and hi family as they undertake tl1i s special proj ect of encouragement in the OARBC. Cedarville College News C edarville College received a $400,000 chal lenge grant from The Kresge Foundation Loward funding the $7 million Engineering/Nursing/Science Center . This $400,000 gi f t brings the total gifts to over $6.5 million, the largest amount ever commi tted to any one proj ect at Cedarville Coll ege. Dr. Daniel Estes, associate professor of Bible, will assume responsibi l ities of assi stant academic vice president effective faJI quarter 1993. A 1974 Cedarvil le graduate, Dr. Este earned ll1e Th .M. degree at Da.llas Theologica l Seminary and the Ph.D . at Cambridge University in ngland. Defore joining lhe edarville faculty in 1984, he ervcd as assistant pastor of ClintonviJle 13aptist hurch in Columbus, Ohio. l) r . Es les received a 1990-9 l Sears-lloebuck r:oundation Teaching ~xcellence and Campus I-1eadership Award . J) r . Jack Riggs, professor of Dible and director of institutional re earch, will become chairman of tJ1e Depart– ment of Biblical bducat1on at t11e beginning of the 1993-94 acade1n1c year. He replaces Dr . Robert Gromacki, who chaired the department for 28 year and will continue to teach as distin– guished professor of Bible. Dr. Riggs holds degrees from Taylor Univer ity and Grace and Dal l as Theologi cal seminarie and took po t-graduate work at the In titute of Holy Land Studies in Jeru alem, I rael. He i the author of two book , a well a numerou maga– zine and journal article and Sunday chool rnateriaJ . Pha e II of CedarNet wi lJ add Ilrock, Willetts, and Maddox dom1i tories to the campu wide computer network for the 1993-94 chool year. Thi addition will bring approximately two-thi rd of U1c students onto the network through computer work tations in U1eir don11 room'". Pha e II wi ll add U1e capacily of re earching l ibrary pcri dical s tJ1rough Lhc network. "fhe college fru11il y will also be able to access Paucrson Clinic and Lhc Maintenance l)cpartn1cnt. C)t11cr features of Phase II include additional t.raining for students, new softwarc, ~u1d additionaJ laser printers in computer labs. Bap tist Mid-Mi ss ions will be placing veteran miss ionaries Jim and Carol Ruck in Marysville, Ohio, for the purpose of planting a new fundamental Baptist church. ' I \ \ - ==--- - . Teach \Vith n1acenal that hu1ld~ on the foundJuon of God' \X!ord. TI11~ ne,vly rev, ·ed cuniculun1 1" ea ier to use, making Lhe teach1ng-leJrn1ng proce more enjoyable. L 1 ~1ng the KJ\. J . tht> -tandard text, the lelison~ emphJ:,,t7e e, Jngelt.,111 and Baptist di.tinctive~ You \\'111 ennch \ our teaching hy u. ing Lhe curnculun1 th.It 1" true to His \X'ord For a free copy ofour Cu.nicutwn Catalog call; 1-800-RBP-4440 G Regular Bapti~t Pre~s , J\ CA'-.\DA Eizenga Ministri es• l '"ll 9J ..i3,- 19H8 Ml01231003 Mother-Daughter, continued Washinglon Height.. ha continued to expand its own ministry, wi th atten– dance that ha ri ·en fron1 500 to approx imatel y 700 per week. Thu , actuaJ attendance between the two churches ha almost doubled in j u t eight year through the mother-daughter concept. So much for the idea that church planting re ·trict , local church growth ! l) a tor trect ·ays , " l3c ·idc · the fa · t tJ1at n10 l early New Te tru11ent chur hes were tarted thi way, lhc n1other– daughtcr n1c1..hod prov ide · a reliable and i1nmcdiate upport ba c of resources and seasoned leadership fron1 Lhc n1 >thcr church. ·111 i s enable~ tJ1c daughter church to avoid tl1c pitJaJ ls of a storc- f ront in1agc." Without question, the ()J\R ll (~ has a nun1ber <)f churches which arc capahlc <>f servi ng ncarhy C<) n1n1unities by reproducing daughter churchc~. Will y >ur ·hurc:h C(Hl~tder tl1i~approach a~a natural (>u tflow t)f y<>ur purp<)SC ~tacr - 1nen t in your ~traccgtc phtnning?
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