The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1993

, Keeping Up With Our Camps • ew Vi and Henry Wolff retired June 30. H enry (Dutch, Pop) Wolff, Skyview Ranch foreman since the origin of Skyview Baptist Ranch in the spring of I969, In 1969, Dutch was seeking the Lord's will for a youth ministry that would all ow him to put his multiple maintenance skills to work. When Skyview began i ts ministry, Dutch answered the cal l to serve as caretaker . He and his wife,Vi , moved from El yria to begin ser vice to the Ranch. Henry 's testimony U1rougb the years to hundreds of staff and thousand of ranchers came from the dedicated service atti tude li ved out of his li fe verse, Psalm 84:10: "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wicked– ness." For those who worked with him, and called him " Pop,,, it was hard not to be touched by fierce integrity, warm spirit and godl y wi dom. The Ranch owes much to the Wol ffs. In the earl y years of the Ranch, Dutch and Vi did everythi ng. Vi cooked, handled registration, and helped cut grass. Dutch took care of all building , grounds, and horse programs. I t has been their dedication which ha kept the ranch going for over 24 year . I n hi 24 years of service he ha seen approxi – matel y 70,000 ranchers served by t11e camp and has been a part of an esti - mated 3,000 deci sion for Jesu hri l. Joining our staff on a full -time basis is Matt Oswald , wit11 his wife, Chri s, and children Zachary and 1'iffany. Matt has worked on a part-Lime basi s LJ1e last four years as coordinator of U1e horse program and grounds keeper . Dutch has been grooming him to become propert y director . Matt has grown up at t11e cru11p. A men1ber of Millersburg Daplt t, he helped out at lbe Ranch frequently during high school and became the high school guys crew chief . He ha exten– sive experience witJ1 horses and is a certified horsemanship instructor . Fall schedule: Sept. 16-18 OAABC Ladies Retreat Oct. 5,7, 12, 14, 21 Nov. 12-13 Sen ior Cit izens Days Coup les Retreat Baptist Bible Seminary Ohio Extension Master of Ministry Degrees FALL COURSES Oct. 11-15, 1993 PT602 Principles of Church Growth --Dr. Howard Bixby SPRING COURSES Feb. 14-18, 1994 TH602 Church and Baptist Oistinctives Feb. 21-25, 1994 TH501 Oispensational Premillenialism --Dr. Robert Myrant Site: Call : Graham Road Baptist Church Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 216-928-7742 or 1-800-451 -2287 .. - • Baptisl ( ' hildrcn's Ilo,nc & fan1i l y n1inistrics Dr. Don Worch President Family Counseling Foster Care Child Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 Ohio 513·322-0006 Iowa 515-964 -0986 Indiana 219-462-4111 Michigan 517· 681 -2171 RUPP AGENCY, INC. Spec ializing in church property & liability insurance, with over I .JOO churches insured state .,vide • Church • Life • Auto • Health • Horne • Disability • Bus iness • Annuities 1357 Wes t Laoe Avenue Columbus. OH 43221 Call to ll -free: l -800-282-9258 or 6 l 4-486-59 11 Cont act Ben Rupp Preferred Risk Insurance Company • A uJo • l ife • Church • Hea/Jh • Ho111e • Business Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Professional consulting and sale for your fin ancial and ins urance nerds Dorr R. Phelps, GP, FP, RFP. NQA 659- t-l Park Meadows Drive Wesler viJle. Ohi o 4308 1 Phone 6 14- 99-6 0 FAX 99-6022 Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy qualtty for less a t ~t,t,1'!':'f Transportat ion IJl,;".;t:J Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 Seaman Rd . Oregon. OH 436 18 41 9 836 2835 Toll -free nat1onw1de 1-800-227-3572 "819 church di scounts· ask to, Bud Grallarn 7