The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1993
RBF Fund-Raising Report We're Over Half Way! G ()d's ~<.)pie in tJ1c () Rl <, have ralltcd t<.1gccl1cr in a 111 ,trvclc)US \va to .. l'Ut ()Ur lrCll\Cll0()U$ debt by ll l()fC tJ1an (.)Ile -half in just eight nl <)ntJ1... Y e , we dl) ochcv, what Gcxl say.. in Philippi~m ~ 19. " llut 111 C,c)d shall .. upply all your need acct) rding t I Ii ri he in glory by (,hn~L J ' . u..." 1 !e hm on c again den1<.1n.. tratcd I Iis fai thfulne LO lli pet)plc in providing the re ource necc, ~'lfy to n1ake dramati progre on \vhat sccn1ed like an in1p ible c...1. k. l lcrc · h w God prov ided: 1. A-fan.v churches lJnd pastors sacrifi– c1all_v paying off their 0\1-'n clai,ns. 2. \.-\'l)nderf ul response to the Brotherl_v l ()\'e o.ffe ring. 3. The v. ·illinJtness of so,ne doct() rS and hospitals to discount their bills. o,ne have even fo rgiven their lJi /Is entirely. We ,<J reat/_y appreciate the generosity of these people. 4. 1'he patience of ,nany of our insured people to ,,.vai.r, sorneti1nes a consider– able ti,n e, until f unds are available. Where do we tand now? We sti ll need about $285,000 to complete the pay-off. Thi fi gure could be reduced con iderably a other doctors and ho di count their claims. Plea e pray intently that God would be plea ed to bring relief in freeing u fron1 debt. Al o pray for a few who have not yet been able to secure medicaJ coverage . Mr. Bicycle Helps Keach Children For Missions by Sall ie McElwain E arly in May, Bapti L Mid-Mi ion held iLs ... pring regional conference in lfart cllc, Alaban1a. Eacb evening of ll1e conference, the children viewed tJ1e , I ide pre entation in the general e ion before being di 1ni ed for their own mi ionary conference . A palm lree, Mr. Bicycle, a world map, picture of children from around the world and African curio decorated the room. The children learned that they don' l have to wait until tl1ey are grown up to be mi ionary helper . They wrote letter to MK and gave their money to buy reader for ch ildren in Ghana. Each child received a pa ~port, vi a, inocula– tion certificate and ticket. The children e pecially loved the dai ly torie of 1':ewslener o f Lhe Ohio Associatio n o f Regular Baptist Churches PO Box 293058 Ketteri ng OH 45429-9058 Mr. Bicycle, a pecial mis ionary helper in Africa . The "Mi ionary Helper" conference wa developed by Mrs . Merle Brock, and I have enjoyed presenting it with her in several churche . Mrs. Brock's burden for reaching children for the cau e of mis ion was the impetus behind our current project to develop a five-year children ' mi ionary confer– ence curriculum. A committee is working diligentl y on these m.aterial , which will include five complete mi ionary program , each having five se ion . Pray that the project will proceed 1noothly and the materials will be effective. Non Profit Org. US Postage PAID Dayton OH Permit 838 • Over 75 areas of study • Accredited Baptist liberal arts college • Worldwide Christian ministries • 2,200 students from all over the world • FinancjaJ aid: call 1-800 444 2433 Ask about the Ohio Choice Grant Make a friend-and 1nake a diff ere11ce for Christ-at Cedarville College. CED~ . E COLLEGE Call Admissions 1-800-777-2211
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