The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1993

•• The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.66 No.6 September 1993 RO TO Dear OARISC Messengers: bree and a half year ago the Council of ·rwel ve engaged Dr . Warren W. Wiersbe to be tJle nui inline speaker at tJli5 year's Annual Confer– ence We are excited about heanng him develop tJ1e tJlcme, "What Kept Them Going?" 'f he la te evangelist I)r . Fred Ilrown used to say, ..W.W . W1ersbe i~ tJ1e oul~tanding 1 iblc teacher 1n tJle J:.ngl ish-speaking world today." So won' t you ~cl aside ()ctobcr J 8-2() and plan to be with u~? May I n1akc twc> requests. 1. l)<>n' l miss tJ1i~conference because fi nance~ are low- lake us up c)n tJ1e f rce l<>dging. If more requests come in tJ1an <>ur church can accommodate, otJ1er ()ARBC churches wil l help us {You have lo eat ~omewhere; our church wi ll offer a tree conunental breakt ~~t, and there are rea onably priced restauran ts clo e lo the church.) 2 . Would you please pre-reg ister earl y. It will be an enom1ous help to our registration people, and save you time at tJ1c registration table , l<>O. Our building is fully handicapped accessi ble, and we are in tailing a handicapped rest roon1 . We have a wonderful fellowship because it i c<>mn1ilted to glori fying <>ur great C}od. ·rhcre will be no way to relive tJ1c blessings- so plan to be here! In tJle bonds of ( 'al v,iry, I .ynn I:. llt)gcrs, t>astor OAKBC Annual Conference October 18-20 Nottingham Baptist Church S. K. 82 at North Hoyden Northfield, OH 44067 Conference Program Highlights Monday 7:00 p.m. Dr. Warren Wiersbe Tuesday 9:00 a.m. Associat ion Hour 10:15 a.m. Larry Fetzer 11 :15 a.m. Dr. Warren Wiersbe 1:30 p.m. Ohio Women's Missionary Union Men's Workshops 7:00 p.m. Dr. Warren Wiersbe Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Tr iumphs from Ohio Churches 10:00 a.m. Association Hour 11 :00 a.m. Dr. Warren Wiersbe Pastor Lynn E. Rogers Dr. Warren Wiersbe