The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1993
The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.66 No.7 October 1993 ASSOCIATION OF BAPTISTS FOR WORLD EVANGELISM new mission administration and training center, Harrisburg , Pennsylvania • IO urc es • • ICI • s rocn gcncraJ superinten– dent to ~ c>f carpen– ter!), fini ~h carpcnLcrs. bricklayers, electrician , plun1hcrs, CO<>k , and general helper~. () hio men, wo11\en and teens played a !) tgnificant part in tJ1c Assc>eia– taou of J!apusts for Wc,rld l~vangcltsn1 ' s ..M aracl t ~tl J--larri !)burg " C)IH<>w1 r avid f>urringLon, cH1c <>f 1l1rec gtnt ral superintendents c>vcr the course <>f U1e prc)Ject. 1!) a 111c olbc 1 of Wht:.eler~hurg 13apti~t ( ' hur<.:h. And rnany, n1any Ohio churches rcspc>ndcd l<) lhe call for an army o f volunteer to bui ld tJ1c adn1inisLration :ind training center for AJ3Wl~ in I larri~burg, [>cnnsyl vanin. ·rwo ()hi <> churches, 1:ir. t J1aptist of Stryker and Washingt<)n I]eight · llaptist of J)ay t<>n, were anl<>ng the top fc>ur in nun1ber responding. ·rhougb son1c were pr<>fcss i<>na1 cc>rlstructi <>n worker ·, the volunteers carnc fron1 every wa lk <.> f life. Re ·c>rd show accountants, engineer ·, n1ilitary pcc>plc, pastc>rs, 1n1 ·si<>naries, s ·h<X>I teacher~. l)ankcrs, sales,ncn, a train OAR.BC Annual Conference October 18-20 Northfield Baptist Church S. K. 82 at North Boyden Northfield, OH 44067 Conference Program Highlights Monday 7:00 p.m. Dr. Warren Wiersbe Tuesday 9:00 a.m. Associat ion Hour 10: 15 a.m. Larry Fetzer 11 ; 15 a.m. Dr. Warren Wiersbe 1:30 p.m. Ohio Women's Missionary Union Men's Workshops 7:00 p .m. Dr. Warren Wiersbe Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Triumphs from Ohio Churches 10:00 a.m. Association Hour 11 :00 a .m. Dr. Warren Wiersbe C<>ncltH.: l<.>r, and a pri vale detect1 vc signing the V <>luntcer 11cx>k. 1:<>r aln)<>sl a year they ·,une, al la.. "t C<)unt 1.()6() strong, \.Vc) rking ll1rc)ugh frcc1. ing weather. rain an<.J nlud, ·1 ·hing n1us ' l cs and uncxp • ' tcd delays, saving AllWJ ~ <>Ver ' I ,{)()(),()()() in Lah<)r ens ls. Many <> f Ul ' V(>luntccrs \Vere c>n hand f<>f th· I .ab< )r J)ay we ' kcnd J •d1cat1<>n. M issic>n adn11ni~traLc>rs hc>pc ll> cx:cupy Ll1~ ".\~t.S()() square fo<lt facility hy ()c lllhcr l .
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