The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1993
~ IMPORTANT ,/ ANNOUNCEMENT Bible Knowledge ques tions for 1994 Talents For Christ \\,iJJ be taken from I Corinthians. Need encouragement? Come to the OARBC Annual Conference. October 18-20. Northfield Baptist Church, Northfield, Ohio. Ten Men Could Save $25,000 Lking for an opportunity lO llave a ignificant hands-on part in missions? Missionary Kirk W~link serves with Baptist Church Planters in New Mexico. I-le is a member of Abbe Road Baptist Church in Elyria, and is supported by five other Ohio cllurches. God has wonderfully ble.ssed his church planting ministry in Rio Rar1cho, AJbuquerque. The challenge now is to get their new building up. The foundation is complete. Money is on band for I.he building materialst framing, iding, roofing, doors and window . The one thing lacking i money to pay tl1e labor costs. Would it not be a great thing if one of our churchest or a group of churches together, could take on this project? Kirk say 10 to 1 5 men could get tllC building up and enclosed in about ten <ttys. Savings to themission church would be about $25,000. Thi is an opportunity to visit a 1nission field only a couple daysdrive frorn home. New Mexico is a beautiful place to visit in the faU . Call Kirk Wesselink atSOS-867-9341, or call Larry riet.zer for help coordinali1lg your group with another Ohio church. Cedarville College News N early 160 rncmbers of the edarvi llc College family served in Missionary Internship Service appointments tM summer. One team helped at a can1p for the in Jamaica. Another team ministered in several cities in Russia. Distributing several thousand pieces of literature, tJ1e team reports over l 00 profe ions of faith. A teaJn to umbia led vacation Bible school in three churches with attendance averaging 400, (j()() and 800 per day. One hundred thirty children professed (Jui t and adozen were baptized. Oneoffour te.arn~ nlinist.ering in Brazil assisted mis, ionaries in Belo Horizonte and Carnpinas. The team presented a concert and puppet ministry in churches, public schools, universities, parks~ y<)ulh centers, and on Lhe treets. Since their return t11e tcarn has l~U11ed <) f many new fXX>plc in the church~ and several decisions for hrisl New majors this academic year are philosophy in theDepartment of Bible and multimedia technology wilh tracks in broadcasting ru1d music. eda.rville is one of lhe firSt colleges in tlle nation LO offer m~timedia teclmology a! an undergraduate maJor. The College isplanning iL~twenty-second tour of I racl for March 7- 16, 1994. Dr. Rohcrt Gronuicki will re providing insights into Bible passages while he, tour host l)r. Martin ( ~lark, and tl1eir tour gues~ visi t the actual location where the events occurred. 1--'or rnorc infonnatic>n call ) 13- 7f56-7810. Shepherds Expansion Set On Se()lembcr 27, Shepherds l lon1c brc)ke grc>Uncl for its $ 1.5 rrullir,n capitaJ exp,u1sion prOJCC~ .. ~n1c f :ulure ·roday." ·r'hc IJnaon Gr<)vet Wisc<>nsin. Jacility, which ~>flf!Th c·lui.\tian c tre for th~ n1cntally duktbled. prc)vi~. r~ 1denuaJ aue for ah<>ut J 60 n1cn and wc>1ncn 11,c ct!nterp1oce for the 2<>-ycar expansion pn,gr.u11 is I lent.age J Jc>use. When C<">n1- pte1c.<J~ 1t will mcludc hou~ing for g _.~t~ and f;unili~ the re i nu,, adr11mistn1l1vt <>f1i~. a gi ft h and welcc>t11e center AJM, u cludw in t!1e ex.pan~n,n progrun1 are phul\ ror rclt<>fitting tJ1e WcxxJ Center, a new infirmary, resident C<)unseling centers, master plans for dcvcl<>pr1lcnt of Shep– herd ' rcn1aining property and f(>r future operation of tl1c Shepherd~ 1ninisuy. Shepherds also pr< vidts a nu11\her of <>U1cr service~ such ,L~ J\ihlc-ccnlcrc<l cumculUll1 fc>r U1c rncnt:illy dL~ahloo, spcct.aJi1,C(J wc>rlcs h<.)ps for churchc~ and sch<>ols. sh<Jrt~tenn ~pile care for n1cntHll y tlisahlc<l tl<lulLli. vc>l uu trer pn>gnm1.,, U1d 11!.\tdcnt gu~pcl (CHfllS. • TL":td1 \\ 1th lhat build, 1 >11 thr !, 1u1KL111, 111 \,f {i!X.J.., \X'ord ·nw., fll'\l. I\ fl'\ l'l'd (Ufnl Ulllll. I" c.hll'f Hi U'll., nt1~1ng thl' tl',ll h11,g·1t.·.1n11n"– pnx.e "n1url· L'n1ovahlc I ,i.n~ thl' 1\1\ J, tlw 'IW11tbrd ll~Xl. thl' ll'.'1~00.., l'll1rhJ,Jll l \ Jlll.!1.'lht!l .1nJ 13apu,t d1... t1nct1vL·, Y(Ju \\ 1ll 1.·11nl h, 1111 ll\H h1ng hi tbtng thl' tum~ ulun1 tlu• ·, trut 10 I11~ \\ , ird For a fl'\"t <'Opy of our C.W'f'K"\1.lum Lat.aJog call: 1-800-RBP-4440 g Regular BatJtist Press 1, t "'"I>, Eizeng11 Mlnt~tries • , ; • 1 d, 1 1 11'\)ol Ml0• 1)t00l C.O.M.E. Evange list Woody Hoskins 518 Spicer Street Akron, OH 44311-1832 216-535-3711 Available for reviva l, mi sions & l/Outl1 tneetings Trave l Off the Beaten 1~ath... with Leeland & Mary Crott Bapti ts for Israel S minars ontact us f r written details for p lannir,g our trip to I rael! ~· •m1n,,r L'tx,rd 1n.1 tor < ~1r \A' <.. ·,u,dL ... h, l'd~tor· f l•dch~r Bo, t.Jo • < ~n1ndy l•ntl•r, IJ.\ ')(h"\8 ~ 19 824 '\12-1 1\,-, tul", Wr1tL' tor llllr h\-t• 111, nu( 1, "rlovv To u..~,,tl A ~ •n11ru, r 'I'np 'l'o l-.ral.•I J
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