The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1993

, Keeping Up With Our Camps Scioto Hills W bat' happening at Scioto Hills Camp and Retreat Center? LOTS AND LOTS!! • Record number of campers - 1,2 1l plu taff. • Largest junior week ever- 232 catnpers plu taff (feeding 280 per meal , 3 meals x 5 days = 4,200 meal - now that·s a lot of food!) • David & Jennifer Bell are now in charge of the kitchen. They arrived in April with their 3 boys . The Pierponts left in Augu t, when Keven became assistant pas tor at Wbeelersburg Baptist. Thanks for a good job, Kevin & Carolyn. • Mike Wil on, who bas been a counselor for 2 years, joined the taff as all~arouod assi stant. • The pos ibility of purchasing 8.82 acres of land with house, adjoining s ·ew Ranch Another succe ful sumn1er has ended at the Ranch. Summer attendance increa ed from 1,206 la. t year to 1,2 I 7 lhi year. AJI camp were full. We saw a good deci ion rate; 190 youth ranchers made decisions. Ranchers responded well to the theme of, •'Living in the Light of Chri t's Return,H ba ed on the book of I 'Ibessalonians. Come and join u for our Fall enior itizens Days. Date scheduled are: October 5,7,12,14 & 21. o t for Lhe day is $8.50. Call the camp at 216-674-75 l I to schedule your group. Our annual ouple · Retreat will be November 12- 13. (Plcru c note t11at the fl yer rnailcd CHJt had tJ1e wrong date !) . Ca111p Patmos T he 1993 ( , a,np Paut,os seas<)n rt:cenll y concl uded, w1 tJ1 repons of a spiri tual l y fruitful and rewarding mina~try to our cburcbc~. children and faoJtlt~~ Apprc>x unately 2,()00 per. on , c..a11\c to carnp tl11 year, and were served hy a t.:ornn11Lled ~taJf of ton y-p lus 'l brough<>ul tllc ~un1,ner, scc>res <> f lite-(.h·u1g1ng dec1~1 >ns were n1ade l'hc J loly S1>1nl w<>rked each week an the hearts and live~ ot can1per • vt>l untcc, ,, ccJunsclurs, and ~taft member~alike. the cam.p, for $25,000. • Moving lbe office to a cenrral location until a new building can be erected. • The number of lives lbal were changed through tJ1c Word of God this ummer. Oh, how great it i to see God accomplish Hi purpo. e in the hearts and live of young people and staff. Upcoming activities: Dec 4 hrisana Dinner Concert Jan 28-29 Feb 4-5 Feb 25-26 Kingsmen, -.cdarvillc Jr I-Iigb Winter Reueal Sr 1 ligh Winter l{ctrcat .Junior Winter Retreat Master· Puppets Watch the next OIB for n1ore exciting action from Scioto I lill . To God be all the glory. l{ev . l Jarry 1-:etzer i the speaker. 'ln is retreat fill up quickly. A , 10 deposil i. required with your registra tion. l 'outl co t per couple is $40. Other Retreat Dates: Junior/Senior I ligh Summer amp Reunion- December 27-29 Singles Retreat- January 7-8. 1994 Teen Retreats Feb 4-5 Pcb 25-26 M,tr 11 - 12 Junior Retreats Feb I 1- 12 Mar 4-5 l{ ep<)rt · are being recei ved fron1 youth pa ·t<>rs indicating ongoing revival, fruitfulnc ·s. and outreach 1n youtJ:1 group~. C,od rewarded our crupha·•~ <>ll ~a fcty and <>ur W<)rk to iJ11prc>vc f l><>d ~ervice and tl1e physical pl~u1 t. ( 't>(.>rdi– naung opera1ions wi tl1 a new year-round ferry tx,a, ltnc prov ided c Cl' l lcnl ~ervu.:c for •ver y<>nc tron1 one dt eking le at1 <>n. ... ... Bapt1~l C' hildn:n·, l lnn1c & lan,il y n-un,, tn~s Dr. Don Worch President Family Counseling Foster Care Child Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparaiso. Indiana 46383 Ohio 513·322-0006 Iowa 515-964 0986 Indiana 219~462-4111 Michigan 5 17·681· 2171 A mission agency assisting mission and non-mission Baptist churches with their building needs. Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto • /Jife • l 'hurch • Hea/Jh • Ho,,,e • Busine.t s • Disability • Arin uitie.t Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy 11 Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Professional con sulting and sa le-s for your financial and insurance net-d-. f) orr R. Phelps. <..1P, C'FP. RJl-., Q1\ 659-11Park Me.tdows Dri ve Westerville , ()h 10 4308 1 !'hone 6 14-899-6000 FAX 899 6022 • Having trouble buying insurance? • Need high-risk insurance7 ..ancelled/rcjectt!d·? - \Ve can help! Buses & Vans For Sale 15 84 passengQr vehicles available Buy quality for less at f':f1''31'~ Transportat ion IJl,;.Jt,;t:J Equip. Sales Corp. & 10 1 ~Udltlttll lhf ( )IH! JL>II lH I 4 :Jtilfl 4 I <, U )b .'ft 'l') Toll tree nallonw1de l 800·'v 3 , -35/2 "Big cr,urc. h d1sc.ounts· c1sJ.. tor Bud t ,,,111a,n 7