The Ohio Independent Baptist, November/December 1993

, ~ CONGRATULATIONS To Jeff and Betsy Brock (Cedarville College s taff), who are parents of triplet boys, born October 18. • on Welcomes S11aw11ee Ilills ofPortsmo11ll1 Q n September 28, 1993, the Shawnee Hills Baptist Church of Portsmouth called for a council of Ohio pastors to examine their articles of faith and constitution for the purpose of recogni– tion as a properly organized in~epen~ent Baptist church. They were admitted into the fellowship of the OARBC at the October conference. In 1990, the First Missionary Baptist Church of Eden Park, Portsmouth, closed its doors and turned the building over to the Temple Baptist Church . In May 1992, the church called Jim Collingsworth to join its staff as associate pastor of church planting, with the assignment of planting a church in the vacant building. The first services were held at the ite on September 13, 1992, with 62 in attendance. November 22, 1992, was Charter Day, with 32 joining the church. In the ensuing days, many have come to Christ through the testimony of Shawnee Hills Baptist Church. A Gift That Will Last Spiritual Diary for 4 Months by Quentin D. Kenoyer , M.D. A few of the Diary topics: Focus for Worship Steps of Faith Personalizing Scripture GoaJ Setting Co,n,ne nts on the Diary: "Since I Ubt:d you r Diary the l..ord has turned n1 y life around."- A.J . ..A ri ch experience for me."- R.P. Order the ~piritual Diary for 4 Months now New spiral binding . Price $5 .95 plub postage Send no money now; invoice will be encJuse<l with order. Book IJepl. JJaphsl M1<l Missions ll(J 13ox 308011 C'Jeveland, ()11 441 30 Cedarville College News A1umni and friends relumed Lo the Cedarville College campus for Home– coming festivities October 15- 16 . In addition to class reunions and the parade, special events included tJ1e Prism XIII Concert, 5K road run, facu lty/alumni breakfast, the Home– coming Alumni Chapel, alumni and varsity soccer games, and recognition of Dr. James T. Jeremiah's 40 years of service to the College. For fall quarter 1993, enrollment exceeded 2,200 students for tJ1e first time. In the 15 years since Dr. Paul Dixon became president, Cedarvi lle's enrollment bas increased approxi– mately 90% and the number of facu lty and staff has doubled. The College bas received a gift of a Saturn sedan for u e in a national engineering competition. Electrical. and mechanical engineering students will be participating in the 1994 HEV Chal lenge in Detroit next June. The competition con ists of creating a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) by replacing a standard automobile engine with a combustion engine which runs a generalor, which in tum power an electrical drivetrain . Satun1 Corpora– tion i co- pon oring U1e competilion along with the Deparunent of Energy, the Society of Aulomotive Engineer , and Energy, Mine , and Resource - Canada. Cedarville is one of 12 chool in the nation chosen to participate on the basi of their proposed de ign, the strength o f the dcpart.tnent, and upport from the local community. Regular Bapti t I>re., i publi hing a 11ible study guide entitled, Learning and Living God's Word, by I r . J)anicl l~ste ·, a . ociatc pro fc. sor o f Dible and as is1ant academic vice president. 'J'hc bc>ok i. a manual adaptable for sclf- study, gr<>up Iliblc studies, or "'t11c . c la s room . lt will be used a l ( cdarv1llc as a textbook for tJ1c general education course, Introduction 10 Jli blc Study . ("opies of tJ1 e publ ication will be availahlc in January . Mrs. Jane Ziegler will pr vi<le mus ic for lhe hri s tmas dinner at Scioto O Hill s on December 4 . 'n 1is is ~~ a change from the previously an nounced pr )gram. ' - - -- Teach ,-.·1th ,naLcnal thJt hu1kb on the founwuon ofGcxl':, \'(ford. Thi~ne,,·lyn:, ,~ed cumculun1 "' ea.,1er lo u:,e, n1ak1ng the le.1n11ng prcx·e~:, more enjoy:.ihle l \1ng the I\J\ .h lht· ~lane.lard text, the le~,on!'l en1ph.1 ...,11e l'' .1ngth,n1 and Bapti~l <l11itincl1\ e, You ,, 111 ennd1 , (lur leaching hyu.-i ing the cumculun1 th.I! 1, true lo Ht., \X ord For a free copy of our urricuJu.m CataJog call: 1-800-RBP-4440 &] Regular Bapti~t Pre~s 1 • I\ <A, \ I> \ Eizenga Mini s t r ies • l ") 1 1} 1 1 ~ ~ 1 )Sh t.11 0 1 23109 3 C.0.M.E. Ev angelist Woody Hoskins 518 Spicer Stree t Akron, OH 44311-1832 216-535-3711 A v ailable f or reviva l, mi sio11 & youth n1ee tings Trave l O ff the Bea ten Pa th ... with Leela nd & Mary rot t Baptis ts for Israel Sem inars ontact us for wri tte t\ details for planning your trip to I rae l! ·rninar <...oordin,ltor ( ;.,ry W. l c1nd1..,h, !',,.., tor 'l\.•,,chl'r lk,x 96 • C:rundy l 'entl'I , IA ~Ot, ~ ) 14 H24- :\124 P,1s t,>rs · \Vn f t' for our frt't> ,,,,,,11111/, " I l cnv I'o Le,111 A Sen111111r I'np Tt> l sr11el."