The Ohio Independent Baptist, November/December 1993
Keeping Up With Our Camps Scioto Hills To God be the glory for His workers who are willing to donate their time and talents. We praise the Lord for the RV'ers, known as RVICS, who came for an entire month . Many projects were completed with their expertise and willingness. Thank you, RVICS, for all your help. Scioto Hills also bas some very special volunteers who have bad a big impact at the camp: Chief Bald Eag le, builder; Chief Brush-Artist; Dorothy Arnold, Kay and Gene Danner, pie makers and flower planters. We also praise the Lord for the many other volunteers who help each year. St111day School llas I asting bnpact One of my earliest memories is going to Sunday school with my grandma. She would walk about a mile to pick up my brother and me. Then she wou ld walk another mile home after church . I can ' t remember the names of any of my Sunday school teachers nor can I recall their faces . But I remember very well what they taught me. I remember John 3:16, the 23rd Psalm, Jesus Loves Me, Psalm 100, The 10 Commandments, the Golden Rule, and Gene is 1:1. Al though I didn ' t become a Christian then, these early teachings stayed in my heart. While doing my own thing in the world, I would fal l back on these preciou truth whenever my own wisdom would fai l me. Most frequentl y I would lean on Jesus' last words: "Lo, I am with you aJways, even to t11e end of tlle earth" (Matthew 28:20) . These tru ths constantl y churned in rny heart . Even though I was not a believer, they shaped my life.... n1ey kept me from ~erious trouble. 'fogether wiU1 ""' hri stian radio and tl1e prayers of many sai nts, the~e trutl1s eventual ly brought me to t11e I...ord at age 53. I w<)uld like to tl1ank • unday school teacher~ever ywhere for their ~elflcs~ ded1calHJn I would also like to tl1ank grandparent~who lake U1c ltlUe ones t<) Sunday ~ch0<>l A~a popu lar S<>ng say~, ···1hank you J<>r giving to Ule L,(>rd I am a hf e that w~ changed ., --An (JI B Reacl er Mark Your Calendars Dec 4 Christmas Dinner Concert Jane Ziegler Jan 28-29 Feb 4-5 Feb 25-26 Apr 29-30 May 3-5* May 6-7 May 10-12 Jr Hi Retreat TBA Sr Hi Retreat Drew Gelatt Jr Retreat The Master's Puppets Men's Retreat #1 Dr. David Drullinger Spring Sr Saints #1 Pastor Lynn Rogers Men's Retreat #2 Dr. David Drullinger Spring Sr Saints #2 TBA • Already Full Christ-Honoring Piano Course Play hymns first lesson. For free catalog send self -addressed envelope to Mary Jo Moore Dept. 0 , 286 Poland Ave . Struthers, OH 44471 Baptists for Life in Ohio • Motivating Christians • Pro-Life Speakers, Seminars & Videos • Pro-Life Counseling • Ass isting With Crisis Pregnancies Through Our Maternity Resource Centers BFL of Greater Akron/Canton P.O. Box 11 14, Norton. OH 44203 (216)825-9246 BFL of Central Ohio 3417 Palmetto St . Columbus. OH 43204 (614)274-2687 BFL of NW Ohio P.O. Box 100 Mt. Corey, OH 45868 (614)943 -3344 Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes, the whole family in the same passage yet each at their own level of comprehension! Grades 1-2; 3-4; 5-6; Teen/Adult Call 513-592-2358 Ken Dady, Box 430, Bellefontaine. OH 4331 1 NE Ohio call 216-355-5687 Ceci l Cairns WORD OF LIFE Tool s For The Whole Church Family ~ Bap1i .s1 ( ' hildrcn'c; I Ioni c & fan1 il y mi niscri~s • ... ... . Dr . Don W orch Pres ident Family Counseling Foster Care Child Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparaiso. Indiana 46383 Ohio 513-322-0006 Iowa 5 15-964 -0986 Indiana 219-462-41 11 Michigan 517-681-2 171 A mission agency assisting mission and non-mission Baptist churches with their building needs. Preferred Risk Insurance Company • AuJo • /.,ife • Church • Hea/th • Ho,ne • Business • Disability • Annuities Insurance for non-drinkers your " best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Professional con ulting and sales for your financial and insurance net'ds [)orr R. Phe lps. (iP. ( ' FP. R.FI' . QA 659-11 Park Meadows Ori ve Wester ville. Ohio 4 308 1 Phone 6 14-899-6( FAX 899-6022 • Having trouble buying insurance? • Need high-risk insurance? Cancelled/rej ected ? -We <·a n help! Buses & Vans For Sa le 15-84 passenger vehicles avn,lnble Buy quality for less n t :i,l'!Jt,"r.'f Transportation l,Jl,;"t,;~ Equip. Sales Corp. 640 I Sectr ll<lll lld C)rPq<H) t ) I I 4 lt> 1U 4 HJ 8 16 .>U 1•l Toll free nat1onw1de 1 800 22 7 3S72 '819 chur c. h d1 sc.ounts" ask tot Bu<.f C,rc1!1<1n1 7
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