The Ohio Independent Baptist, November/December 1993
Meeting the Incredible Challenge O ne ag() \VC fa<.'C<.l an in :;rcdiblc unday. 13 Jc. scd be tl1e name of tlle Lord! . '- L' hallr n g c ,L" \\'C cl()Sl'd the Regular Bapti t I ll'alth ( 1lfC 1:und. yet \VC did S<) witl1 great C{)tl fiJ ' fl ' that <)ur CrtxJ \V<)uld nc l ab~u1don U, } le \VOUl<.J g() \Vilh u,· tJ1rough U1C cru i . (;{)()J) l~ ,': (J()I) IS IX)IN(, JU.. ·r Original claim out Landing 173 Present claim out Landing 53 Original debt (12/ 1/92) Current debt (9/30/93) $616,700 $300,787 r1 I ·r ! We arc \.VCII ()11 tl1c way to re 'Olving tJ1i. crisis. \Vill1<)Ul toucl1ing Can1p Pauno , \\'ll1H)Ul hl\\'.'Utts , ,md witJ1out divi i n in our ,\ . soc1atit)n. ·111a11k you t<.) everyone wh cc)ntnhutctl to tl1e wondcrfuJ Victory {)ffen11g l)f S l l3,360 on I~r<>thcrly Love We are actively seeking settlements and expect by the end of 1993 to have this debt ub tantially reduced. Pray for us as we make many contacts. Association Selects New Council Members S tcphen Olsen, Richard Mclnto h, Scott Ren trom and Roben Seymour have been selected by the Ohio church~ co erve on the Council of Twelve. The 1993-94 Council of Twel ve is as follow~: Term, expire 1994 Drew Baker, Emmanuel Bapti l, Dayton, Secretary Jne l 11 arriman , New Richl and Baptis t, Belle Center Merlyn Jones. Faith Bapti t, Mount Vernon Tim Kennyer. Maranatha Bapti t, Columbus, Chairman Term expire 1995 I larold (Gu. ) Guthrie, Calvary Baptist, Tiffin ~1ax McCullough , Grace Bapti t, Canton, Vice-chairman Ci . Ben Reed. Fir t Bapti t, Niles Ken Spink. I~erea Bapti t, Berea Term expire 1996 RicbarLI Mcl nto h. Fir t Bapti st, Galion tephcn Ol ·en, Plea an t II ill Baptist, mithville co tt Ren lrom, No ttingham Baptis t hurcb, Willoughby Hills, Treasurer Robert .. eyrnou r, Mogadore Baptist, Mogadore > e '-" s leuer of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches PO Box 293058 Kettering OH 45429-9058 Non Profit Org. US Postage PAID Dayton OH Permit 838 • Over 75 areas of study • Accredited Baptist liberal arts college • Worldwide Christian ministries • 2,200 students from all over che world • Financial aid: call 1-800-.144 2433 Ask about the Ohio Choice Grant Make afriend-and make a difference for Christ-at Cedarville College. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Call Admissions 1-800-777-2211
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