The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1994
The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.67 No. I January 1994 A new year means a new beginning for the ministry of the OARBC and your state repre– sentative. We expect within the first few months of 1994 to be able to leave the RBF insur– ance situation behind us . Soon, we trust, we can move forward into more productive minis– try. So, what lies ahead in 1994? 1. Renewedemphasis on church planting. Earl Shaffercontinues as our churc h plant– ing consultant, working closely with us in e n– couraging and devel- oping church planting. First on the calendar will be our Church Planting Prayer Re treat, to be held at Scioto Hills Bapti st Camp o n J anuary 5-6 . This wi ll involve our c hurc h planters, the churc h planting task team, and other interested persons. 2. In r ased emphasi on evangelism. The Great Commis s io n demands it. If we tand any hope of saving our nation from ruin, it will only be a we pen– etrate our world with the gospel . 3. Res toring our OARBC seminars de igned to be o f he lp to pa tors and c t1urch leade r~~ providing workshops for pa tors in prac tical areas of mini stry. 4. New areas of communica- • Ulll tion between the state office and our pastors, providing help and encouragement in pastoral issues . This will include making more written material available . This promises to be an exciting new year for our As ociation. God ha proved Himself mighty in our midst in 1993. He has done great things for us. Now we shall endeavor to do great things for Him as He works through us . In This Issue • Wapakoneta church makes giant str ides in two years . page 2 • Make your plans for Sanctity of Life Sunday. page 3 • Ohio welcomes three new pastors. pages 4-5 • Send your youth workers to a great conference. page 6 • Master of M1n1stry available by extension. page 6
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