The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1994
BBE Fund-Raising Report Payoff Picks Up Steam D unog lhc last fc\v \vcck~ of 1993, trcn1cnd<)U~ pr()grc. s \vas n1adc 111 ~t' ttltng our ,nsurancc fund clain1s A s c>f ~ lhc end ()f O\'Cn1bcr, tJ1 c dcht was d( l \\' tl t<) " .... 3..t,(X)() and dccrca"ing qu1ckly ~1t)ncy <.)ntinuc. to cc11nc into (1ur l)fficc. enabling u. I t) aggres. i vcl y pursue clai111s. l)a. t<1 r. and churchc~ C()lltinuc to help hy picking up all or part <1f tJ1eir ()W ll ch1in1s. Son1e ho pital · and dt)Cl<)~ have hcen gcncr<)u · in allt)\Vtng u.' di:coun t in our ettl cn1cnt. . ... ·r111 . ha. helped in1n1cn cl y . 111c ft1llowing i , C.)ne exa.inple of (1 ()<l. s people rallying to help. One of our 1n, urcd L a n1i ionary pa tor in ('alifon1ia. When RBF clo ed down, he \\'a . left \.vitl1 hill of over $24 ,000. At t11c tin1e, t11i wa way beyond e it11er hi c.) r our capa ity t pay . Then tl1e churche..· of tlle California A ociation of Regular napti t Cl1urche became aware of tJ1e need. Tho e churche togct11er received an offering of almo t .. l 0,000 toward tllo e bil l . That i Chri .. tianity in action . Thank God for ~ ew. lette r o f the Oh.i o Associatio n o f Regular Baptist Churches PO Box 293058 Kettering OH 45429-9058 t)ur hrotJ1cr. on tJ1c ot11cr ide of the natior\. I>ray tllat God will give u wi dom as we try t<> at.i f y all tl1e claims again tu and our pas tor . A Prayer For Daily Living Lord , give me the patience and endurance To cope with every day's occurrence. Give me lbe wisdom and understanding To face those things so demanding Of my heart and mind and soul, That only You can help control. Dear God, please help me, this I pray, To be faithful to you in every way. Give me a willing and loving heart , Witb the abi lity to impart To others , so that they may see How much Yo ur love bas meant to me. Lena Johns First Baptist Church Louisville, Ohio Non Pr ofit Org. US Postage PAID Dayton OH Permit 838 • Over 15 areas of study • Accredited Baptist liberal arts college • Worldwide Christian ministries • 2,200 students from all over the world • Financial aid: call 1-800 444 2433 Ask about the Ohio Choice Grant Make a friend-and make a diff ere11ce for Christ-at Cedarville College. Call Admissions 1-800-777-2211
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