The Ohio Independent Baptist, February/March 1994

l'os1 o r : \V ' need t,ur inpu t for an upcrHntng arti · le on cvang ,Jisn, i n the h.'cal church Plc.1,c drop l ~arry 1:ct1cr a n<.',tc ab(,ul evangelism prt,g.ran, . that . 1.rc effc tivc in ,·our church Sec address page . Mrs. Detty Paus lcy, wife of Dr. G . Charles Paus ley, died suddenly on I?ece rnhcr 24 . Though retired, the Pausleys were v~ry ac tive al race Dapti s t, Troy, where they had served 10 the pas l? rate for 9 years. Dr . Paus ley also pastored at ll1ghv1ew Avenue B apti t, Akron. Mrs. Pauslcy will be greatly mi ssed. Church Pew Padding • Adds Comfort and Bec1uty to Old Pe,vs • On-Site In ta llation • 15 Year Guarantee • Stavs in Place ... \\' (ll l\'ot Slip or Slide Like a Loose Cushion • t\ early 50 Colors of Fabric Call 1-800-232-1822 The American Pew Padding Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave . Lancaster , Ohio 43130 12,545 Dividend Paid to OAKBC Group Property Insurance Plan RUPP AGENCY, INC. 'pecializing in church property & liabilil)' insurance. 'rvith over 1,300 churches insured statewide. • Church • Life • Auto • Health • Home • Bu. inc s • Disability • Ann uiti cs 1357 We. t Lane Avenue Columbu , Oil 4322 1 Call to ll -free: 1- 00-282-9258 or 614-486-59 11 Co ntact B en Rupp First Baptist Christian School FACULTY NEEDED Part-Time Spanish Teacher For more information and appl ication send re. ume to Ralph C . l)uffy. Admini trat o r 114()() l .aGrange Rd .. PO Box 929 Elyria. () I I 44036 216-458-5 185 Having an Impact on Ohio Larry Fetzer State Representative A state repre entati ve, I have opportunity to work with our churche in all orts of ituations, many happy and gloriou , ome ad and difficult. In the cour e of my ministry, I have become an incurable optimist. There is no situation beyond tbe ability of our God to overcome. In my studies of tbe even churches of Revelation 2 and 3, I ob erve ome triking imilaritie in the seven record . Fir t, I note that each of the records begin with the phrase, "I know thy work .' ' Then in each case our Lord give a urnmary of what He has ob erved a the out Landing characteri - tic of that rr1ini try. A .I work with churches in difficulty, omeume I find the situation incredibly complicated and confu ing. But no matter how confu ing or difficult the matter may be, God ay , "I know thy work ." Nothing mi e I-Iis scrutiny. I le i aJway ready to conununicate that olution to u . The fir t step for u to take every time i prayer and tudy of the Word . The econd imilarity i found in the phra e, "...him that overco1ne ." No church i o far gone that there i not a po sibility of overcoming if there is a humbling before God. Some of t11e e cburche were in horrible hape– hopele , we would ay . But in each case_God ee the po ibility of over– coming. That i why I come to each church as an optimi t. Ch11reh Pla11ting 4t~ Retreat Rescheduled T _he OARBC has established a goal of adding 65 new churches during the next ten year . To facilitate that goal the first annual Church-Planting Prayer Retreat will be held at Scioto Hills Retreat Center April 11 -12. Originally sched– uled for January, the retreat was po tponed when Scioto Hills was covered by a foot of snow. The retreat is a strategic meeting for potential and current church planters, para-churc.h leader , and t11ose vitally interested 1n church planting. This include Church Planting Task Team member , church planters in Ohio, church recovery pas tors, Council of Twelve members, area pas tors fellow- hip chairmen, mi ion board per onnel, college personnel, pa tors and deacons, mi ionary committee members, cburcbe in mother-daughter projects, and intere ted lay people from our churches . The goal are to rekindle and communicate vi ion for church-planting, reopen and e tabli h networks for church planting, and to release God's power through prayer. Seminar leaders include: Larry Fetzer, state representati ve; Earl Umbaugh, former tate mi sionary; Larry Smith, director of church planting, Bapti t Mid-Mi ion /North America; Norm Nickla , director of church planting, ABWE/USA; Frank Hartwig, president of Bapti t Church Planter ; Harold Green, vice president for Chri Lian service, Cedarville College; Ralph Lenz, president of Bapti t Bible In titute, Cleveland; Tom Logsdon, deputation direc tor, Continental Bapti t Mis ion; Diane Vamer, pre ident of Ohio Women' s Mi sionary Union; and Bob Whitty, a sociate director of Baptist Mi ionary Builder . Regi tration for the conference i $35. For further information call Earl Shaffer, OARBC church-planting con ultant, at 513-498-1501.