The Ohio Independent Baptist, February/March 1994

, ;. Mark your calendar now for the / _ Church Planting & Chu~ch Growth , Seminar co-sponsored by Baptist · ·" Mid-Missions Baptist Bible College of }' ' Indianapolis ~d the OARBC. Date: June 13- 17. . Place: Baptist Mid-Missions 7 Cleveland. Emmanuel Bapli l in Mary ville need 50 Ma ter Choru book (word only). 2 Maslcr Chorus accon1- pani l book , and youth choru book . The.. e items can be new or u ed. If you can help thi new church, call Jim Ruck at 6 14-873-1349 . ,\ More information will be mailed soon. Cedarville College News Two members of the Cedarville College Department of Biblical Education recentl y completed doctoral stu~ies. Cbri~Miller, assistant professor of Bible, rece1ved lhe Ph.D. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and Richard Blumen tock, also assistant professor of Bible, wa awarded the D.Min . degree at Western Conserva- tive Baptist Seminary. . Dr. Miller, who joined lhe Cedarville College faculty in 199 1, is a graduate of Tennessee Temple University and Grace Theological Seminary. He is a popular youth conference speaker. Dr. Blumenstock, who bold degree fro1n Cedarville College and Dallas Theologi– cal Seminary, returned to Cedarville a a professor in 1990. On February 1, the Artis t Series presenLed the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra in its fifth appearance at Cedarville College . Featured soloist was British cellist Raphael Wallfi cl1 . Professor Charles Pagnard has been principal trumpet for the sympbony for over a decade, and adj unct profe or Richard Chenoweth and Steve Winteregg also are member . During the spring break, Cedarville Coilege gospel and mini try team wi ll serve in tJ1e eastern United State . Mini stering in churches and schoo1 are Swordbearers (C1eveland, Akron, and Youngstown, Ohio areas), Kingsn1~n . Quartet (Washington D. . area), L1fe1ine Players (western New York State) , and Master's I)uppets (Phi ladelphia, f)ennsylvania area). l 'he ollege ,ll so will send two groups under Missionary Internship Service (MIS): The 13rass Choir will be rninistering in Ital y, and a con– ~truction team will go to Jamai ca to wc) rk at U1e J)eaf Village of the ("aribbcan ( 'hristian ( 'enter for the l)ca f. 'l 'wcnty- f our n1embers o f tJ1e ("oJlege will go to Mex ico C' ity lo c<>nstruct ho1ncs witJ1 Ilahitat for Ifumanity. ()ver 50 1n1ssionaries will Lake part in the Spring Missionary C <>nferencc March 21-25 J~eatured ~peaker is l>an C1elalt, 1niss1onary to Argentina under tJ1e As'>oc1atton of Jlaptisu, for World J::.vange J1sm. ()ther 1n1ssionaries will aJ so present challenges to tJ1e c<>llege farn1l y Annual ~EN/ t ,~~~ Talen s 0 ~~ For Christ Competition Set For April T be Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Youth Committee . announces its annual Talents for Chr1 t competition, to be held April 9 at Grace Bapti t Church, Cedarville. Three level of competition, cholar- hip, individual , and group, are offered, with critiques and incentives for each. The indi vidual division is for tho e students who are inexperienced in talent competitions, especially 8th and ? ~1 grader . They are allowed to parttc1pate to gain valuable experience and helpful advice. Their rules have been relaxed; music and scales need not be rnemorized, and no sight reading i required. In ~i divi ion, students compete only against themselves, and receive adj udication heets and a certificate recognizing their participation. . The tate divi ion i for tJ10 e 1 OU1 through 12th grader who de ire to co1npete for a college , cholar hip. Six GARBC approved colleges offer first and econd fini her a $400 or $200 tuition– cholarsbip respectively. Al o, first place fini shers may con1pclc nationally for a half-year or full -year tuition-scholarship during U1e GARDC National Conference in June, in Ilcllevuc, Washington. Each state division particip,u1t wi ll receive adjudication sheets and a n1cda llion o f participation. , . . . Areas of co1npcliti on tor L11e ind1v1dua l and state di vL i<)ns arc: n1alc and fcn1alc voice, n1alc and f cn1alc public speaking, piano, organ, hrlli)S, woodwinds, . trings, writing and llible kn t)wlcdgc (iroup may C()lllpctc on lhc stale level in tJ1c areas o f vocal cnscn1hlc, inslrun1cn– LaJ enscn1bl c and puppets. ·rccns interested in participating n1ay obtain entry fonn s fro1n their ( )/\llll( ' churches <>r fron1 Jlrian I Ian~on, J>l casant I fill llapti st ( 'hurch, J1ox 426, Sn1it.h v1lle, ()hio 44677 , 2 16-669 -2394 . llcgi~traLHHl is due by March l l . l{ulc book~,Lrc ~cnt witl1 regi\ trat1on\ • - Teach 9.·ith material that builds on the foundation of God' Word.This newlyrevised cumculum I ea ier to u e. making the teachmg-learrung proces more enjoyable. L\mg l~e KJ\ ' :1" the tandard text, the le on~ en1pha~1ze t'\ angch~n1 and Bapti l distinctive~. You \Vill ennch your teaching b) u ing the cumculun1th.u 1-. true to His \'ford. For a free copy ofour Curriculum Oualog call: 1-800-RBP-4440 g Regular Baptist Pre~s , 1, C-\\ -\ lll\ Eizenga Min1s tries • ( )1 9) -13.~--1 988 Christ-Honoring Piano Course Play hymns first lesson. U IO l 231093 For free catalog send self-addressed envelope to Mary Jo Moore Dept. 0, 286 Poland Ave. Struthers, OH 44471 Trave l Off the Beaten J>ath... with Lee land & Mary r o ll Baptists for Israel Seminars ontact us for writtc11 detail5 for planning your trip to I ·racl! ~ ·1n1n,1r l 'oord 1n,1tor ( "' ' \ \V l ,1nd1-..h, l '., -.. llH I l',l l hL·r Box 96 • ( ,rtuKI) l 1..•nlL'I II\ ·1( )( \~ :1 1 Y 824 lJ24 l'ns f c>rs: \Vn f t' J<>r our / n ' t' ,11 , 1.111111/ , " f/010 f t> l -'•,ul A St>tt11 ,1,1r l ,,,, 1 , > l sr,u•I."