The Ohio Independent Baptist, February/March 1994

11 \ rs t) l l: h' C'.,lvary l1~pti . t c, f llcllcf\,nl,l inc. ,vhn ju, t cc,ntp lc lcd a hc.,ut ,ful nc ,v ~::::,... inn , i ng tn pr<,vtdc :-pace fnr the ir gro,ving church anu sch~ 0 1. Price Reduced: 8-c hanncl mixing board . Excellent conditio n. $500. Call llerb Johnson at 21 6-428-9 130. Offered by fliblc Bap tist Church, Madison, Ohio. Across the State Pastor and Susan Hayes celebrate 25th wedding anniversary. T l1e congregation of Millersburg Baptist held a urpri e 25 th wedding anni ver ary recognition for Pastor and u an I Jaye on December 3 1. The evening Utrted with a carry- in dinner followed wil11 I.he trad itional cutting of a beautiful two-tier cake decorated in peach color . Rev. Robert V ecnhui , Lakevi ew n apti. t, Dundee, officiated I.he repeating of the wedding vow . T l1c "wedd ing" was complete wi l11 candelabra, a unity candle, , pecial mu. i c, and bridal veil and b()uquet. r ollowing tJ1e ··wedding" I.he church held it New Y car ' , Eve fell ow. hip wil11 t.he f i lm, " A M~1n Called Nom1an," and volleyball in the fellow hip hall. truthers Baptist Tabernacle i plemed to announce I.hat William L. tevcn has become I.heir new pastor. Rev . Steven , hi wife, Pam, and daughter, ' fiffney, inaugurated I.hi new mini. try on January 1, 1994 . .. teven corne. Lo trutJ1cr fron1 1-:ir t Rap ti. t Church o f .. inclairvi li e, New York, where he pastored for five year . He ha~ al o p~ tored churche in IIud~on, Fl <>rid~ and I Iunting ton, We t Virginia. I le i. a graduate C> f Spurgeon I3apti t College, M ulbcrrv, Fl orida, and hold. a ~ , t-.1ac., ter of TI1eol(>gy from Betllcl Dible Sen1ina.ry . Do than, Alabama. 4 Dr. Floyd EImore Dr. Floyd Elmore has been named senior pa tor at Shawnee Hills Baptist. Dr. Elmore has previ– ou ly erved a interim pa tor at. even other cburche in Ohio and Texa . He will continue to serve as an as ociate profe sor of Dible at Cedarville College. A fom1er in tructor at Dal l as Theol ogi cal emina.ry and Dallas Bible College, Dr. E lmore ha al o erved a a n1i i onary church pl anter and Bible in ti lute teacher in H onduras wil.h Bapti t Mid-Mis ion . Dr . Ellnore received hi undergradu– ate degree in Bible from Cedarville College in 1977. He recei ved bi Doctorate in Sy te1natic Theology f rom Dalla cmina.ry in 1990. Dr . Ehnore and his wife, Pam, resi de in Cedarville along wil11 L11eir children, Nailian, Alicia, Joel and Jared. Mark K ordi c i I.he a ociate pa tor at hawnee I !ill . On November 19, the junior and enior high t.uden l.S a l Emmanuel Baptist ho t.ed a Super Senior ba11quet. for 90 of their enior adult . In addition to erving the food which L11eir rnother had prepared, the teen pre ented a program o f vocal and in trumental election and poem . A ccording to A i skwt. Pa t.or Len Miller, the Super enior banquet i an annual event at Emmanuel, the purpo e of which i to provide the teen opportunity to how I.heir appreciation for tJ1e eni or adult . Thirty- l.hrec people have signed up for Calvary Bapti t 's 1994 cripture memory program, in which the participants agree to memorize at l ea t one ver e per week. The ver es center around a different t11eme each month. Participants may recite the verses to their Sunday school teacher , a deacon or Pastor Bei gbt. An award i s planned for tho e who commit at l east 52 verses to memor y during the year. Deacons Dave Riley (left) and Ron Thomas (right) shown with Pastor Charles Arnett burn ing mortgage. Union Baptist celebrated its mortgage burning on November 28, with a pecial service at 2 :00 p.m. The original mortgage was obtained in 1962. The chi ldren's choir ang for the ervice, and Ted Doughman prov ided peci al mu ic. M en of the cl1urch participated by reading Scripture and by reciting a poe1n. Former pastor Jerry Locher, who led the church in its building program , preached on, 'A Building Bought and Paid For," from Act. 20:28. When L oeber re igned in 197 1, the pre ent pa tor , Charles Arnett, I.hen a deacon of the church, wa called to i ts pa torate. The church voted to authorize Pastor Locher Lo baptize bis granddaughter into the fellow hip of Union Bapti t.