The Ohio Independent Baptist, February/March 1994

, Summer staff applications are being accepted for Skyview Rancb. Opportunities for minis try are available fo r bigb school and college-age studen~. AJI s taff members receive spec ial trai ning for a quality, bands on , supervised ministry experi ence : Co.nt ac t the Ranch o ffice al 216-674-75 1 l for an applica tion. Rev. Max Tucker (left) and Rev . Brad Harbaugh Fostoria Baptist Church concluded i ts centennial year with a homecoming Sunday, November 21. Special guests for the Sunday service were Pastor Max Tucker, who pastored the church from 1958-62, and Pastor Brad Harbaugh, who served as youth pastor from 1979-84 . Both shared te timonie during tbe Sunday cbool time. Pastor '"fucker preached in the morning wor hip service and Pastor and Mrs. Harbaugh provided pecial music. Following a carry-in meal was an afternoon ser vi ce of music and praise. Testimonies were given by Joy Logan, daughter of former pa tor Vernon Billington, and Pastor Larry Durk, grand on of former pa tor Ralph Nordlund. A mini -concert of vocal and instrumental musi c wa provided by the Ray Durk fami l y. Mr . Ray Durk i the daughter of Pastor Nordlund. Pastor David Chapman closed ilie centennial observance wi tJ1prayer that tJ1e congregation would be "stcadfa t, unmovable, always abounding in tJ1c work of ti1e Lord." J~mmanue l llaptis t spon ored a Wal k 'l'hru ti1c llible (Old ·r esta– men l) program on Sunday, January 2. l 'his was the first tin1c I~rnmanuel <) ffcrcd tl1c program in conj unction wi tJ1 tJ1eir Sunday ~erv1ces . ' f'he nl<)rning ~ervice ~erved as tJle intr<)ductic)n t<> tJ1c mater1aJ, w1tJ1 tJ1e se1111nar being held fron1 3 00 to 7.1() p.m. ()ver 175 adul t.') registered tor U1e auditorium pr<)gran1, arid 58 cl1ildren part1c1paled in Kids In 'l'be Book . Church clerk Maurita Garber writes, 4'The e are exciting days at Calvary Baptist. New Year's Eve we were challenged to consider the quality of our spiritual life, a we viewed a film about Dave Dravecky. Sue 1--Iahn hared with u her work in Japan on January 9. Later in the month a group from tJ1e Appalachian Bible College 1nini tered in song. Matt Zurow ki, a member of our church, is part of iliis group. God's blessing is evident a we sec the new . church building going up. Many detail that only God could work out have really encouraged our heart ." Robert Riedy i pastor at Calvary Bapti t. Kent and Debbie Berghu is Kent 13erghui as u1ncd his re pon i– bilitie a youili pa1tc>r/ hri tian education director at Clintonville liaptist on January 14, 1994. Kent i a 1990 graduate of raitJ1 Ilaptist Dible ollege, Ankeny, Iowa, witJ1 a ll A degree in l)astoral Ministric. , and Da ll,t<; ·rheological Sen1 inary, where he has ju_st completed tJ1e 'f hM degree in Acadcn11c Mini strie /l3iblc L~xposi tic)n. Kent and Debbie served with the Institute for I Jol y L.and Studies, Jerusalen1 , in the summer of 1991, and Kent served as a youtl1/ n1usic pastor for tJ1rcc and a halt years while in scn1inary. l)cbbic earned a degree in ('hristian J ~ducation and ( 'ounscl ing fr<>1n I :ail.h ll apti~t l l iblc ( 'oJ lcgc. 'J'hc couple 1~ expecting tJ1c1r fir l child in I :cbruary. Senior l)iL~tor at ( ' l intonvi ll c 1~ C1eorge 1 Iattentield, ~u1d Wilha1n Montgo1ncry as a\si~t,u1t pastor. ·- !!!!!!!!!!!!! OIB news deadline April issue March 2 Three n1en from Abhe Road llaptis t travel led to l~io Rancho, New M exi co, in January Lo help lsaptisL("'hurch Planters n1ission,trics Kirk and Jc)yce Wesselink build a church f<)r tJ1cir new congregation. Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes the whole family in the same , . passage yet each at their own level of comprehension! Grades 1-2; 3-4; 5-6; Teen/Adult Call 513-592-2358 Ken Dady, Box 430, Bellefontaine. OH 433 11 NE Ohio call 216-355-5687 Cecil Cairns WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Whole Church Family Ohio Independent Baptist is a publication of the Ohio Associatio n of Regular l\aplb,t C hurchc~ Editor S1a tc l<cprcscnlativc I arry F1: t11:r Managing Editor J .inda ' l'hon1a:-. Proofreader l)cborah l~ isscll Tect1nical Assislar1ce Rcg1~1cr ( ,raphic, Rando lph , New 't'o1 k. l' lca!'.c dirci: t all 1.:un11nl'n l~. corrcs pondc rH.:c, ,uni nl'\V~ ll 1 Ohio l11deper1d e r1l Baplist P.<). Bux 29 ,0)8 Kcttc11ng, ()11 ~') l ~l) 5 1' 2l),I 029'\ ·1 ht· <> IH 1, puhli , hl·d h1 n,o nthl ) I ch \l ,u ~1.1)/J uth' , Jul y/,\ug l'.,1-./1 >,•l ,11td 11HHllhl } l ,111 Apr, ~l' p l , Ch. l , t ,>t i .i ()X hlf l'tgn) P l'f )l',U h~ lht• ( >ht o 1\ ,,lK.t ,1l 1on n l R,·gul.11 l\ .1pt1 , 1 ( ' hlll l h~, \27 1 1l\ l 1)11\l' 1),1\ll>II l>II l "'l l jl}