The Ohio Independent Baptist, February/March 1994

Keeping Up With Our Camps Camp Patmos Thl' ln1stccs have app<) intcd l Jynn R<)~l'~ l<) he tJ1e exccut i vc direct r of ... ( "an1p 1>a tnl {),. , lJ1c executive dire ' t r he \\ 111 be re. ponsiblc t t) provide overall leadcrship f ) r tJ1c d;1i I y opcrat i n f tJ1c 'tunp \vhil c it i.' in sc, si <.)n. I le i .. avai l - ahlc t<) ~p~'lk in churchc rcpre nting tJ1e c,u11p C\ 1l1 tac t hiln at 7 54 Nort11 I1oyden Road. ,"ag~1111o rc IIill.. , 011 44067. ... f _,a.' t year at U1i , tin1c we reported to yc)u tl1at tl1c an1p needed to improve tl1c :C\\•age fa ' ilitic · at a proj ected co t of ~ 175 .()(X) . W e ,lfe happy to rep rt U1at thi project i , well under way . We have invc: tcd 20,000 thu far. An c ' tin1atcd 3200 lineal feet of trenching t11rough rock wa done by KcL t<.)nc, Inc . Manho le and tubbing ex ten ' ion. were in tall cd for future cxpan: i on. ( " learing of Ule wa te water treatn1ent plant · ite We, completed will1 volunteer labor , inc luding L land re idenLS who helped . Piping and tone backfill i in pr cc . Our pr ~ect c timatc to fini h con truc– tion and be operati onal by the umn1er of 1994 i $65,000 additional , for a total co t of $85,000. A you can ec, tl1i am unt i con iderabl y le than our ori ginal c timate, due lo ll1c fact that our project engineer , Mr. Gary H offman, and maintenance foreman, M r . G l enn M cCa lin, have enli ted volunteer and contractor who have been very ympa– thetic to U1i cau e. It i important U1at each of our upport– ing churchc help u at tbi time in order to be ready f or the ummer camping ea on. W on, t you consider having a pecial offering to hel p with thi proj ecL? Pl ea e end al l monies de ignated for tbi project to : Mr. Andy Dyak, 1911 E ldridge Ave., Akron, OH 44312. Brochure f or the coming camp sea on houJd have arrived at your church. Al l regi tration n1ust be ent to Darl ene Morgan, Regi strar, Mogadore Bapti t Church, Box 126, Mogadore, OH 44260. s ·ew Ranch s kyv icw Bapti : t Ranch !hank you for lhe excepti onal , upport from churche and indiv idual l o l11c ··Pop' ' W olff Mcn1orial table :rund. The proj ec t goal of .. 25.000 wa exceeded will1 a total of . 30.595.45 recei ved . Thi '" ha been a trcn1cndou · ble · ing Lo Vi W olff and a \\'C)nderful encouragemenl l o t11e Ranch taff. TI1e re ult o f exceeding our goal will be to ex tend the widl11 of t11e stable, n1aking it a fir. l-cla .. faciliLy . O ther proj ect are on-going al ll1e Ranch lhL winler . The infirn1ary i being enlarged and ll1c nur. e ' quarter ren1od– clcd t<) <) ffc r n1o re con1fort and effi – ciency . [>Jan · arc al o being drawn to remode l tJ1c "chicken coop, " whi ch hou ' e · 4 girL cabin and 2 girl taff cahin:. T he proj ec t will tart ll1i winter and be conc luded in Ulc fall of '94. All of t11c~c cabin · w ill be enlarged and windO\\'. and door replaced. A front porch w ill be added to the lengll1 o f ll1e bui l di ng. ~ l l 1c }{anch· . new video pre. en tation, " A Fc) rcvcr Experi ence:· i now avai l – abl e. Cc)nt11c t t11e Ranch office lo recei ve a copy of tJ1 is 15-rninute video . 1·11e annual ~ k yv icw M en· R etreat \.\- ill he May 5-7, wiUl a w ork day on U1e tahl c and "c<)<)p" on lnur. day . TI1c i \ Dr . Paul Jack. on, pre.. idcnt of 1- v~1nge lical Baptist M L ~ion. Co ti 38 per per,c)n. ·r o regi ster : end a S l O 6 deposit to the Ranch : 7241 TR 319, Millersburg, OH 44654. Pa tor : bring 10 men fronl your church and you attend free; bring 5 men and pay onl y $19. Regi tration deadl ine i Apri l 28. Work group are needed each weekend in March, April, and May. New col or brochures are avaiJable; contact U1e Ranch if your church did not receive them . Scioto Hills A we l ook toward the future, hou l d the Lord tarry, Scioto I-Iill want to erve U1e Ohio churche to il fulle t potential . La Lmonll1 our article mentioned llle purchase of so1ne l and ti1at border the carnp. God ha provided $14,000 of the needed $25,000. Prai e llle Lord! W e' ve made contact with Wayne National Fore t about po ible lease of 25 acre pl u a rnall l ake and recre– ational bu ilding . Thi would enabl e us to u e ll1i propert y for a central outpo t camp ite and other po ibilitie a well. A fea ibility tudy i being done on all of our building , tJ1e land, the per onnc l and all that i connecLed with c iolo Hill to evaluate bow the camp can be u~ed to it fulle t poten t ial w ith Summer Camp Schedules Patmos (419-746-2214) Todd Townsend Ken Vanloon Tom Graff June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug 1 Aug 8 Aug 15 Jr Hi Junior Jr Hi Sr Hi Junior Jr/Sr Hi Family Family Family Family Mel Walker Jeff Niii us Drew Gelatt Bill Arp Jim Vogel Lynn Rogers Willis Hull Scioto Hills {614-778-2273) June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug 1 Jr Hi Junior Junior Sr Hi Jr Hi Junior Junior Family Skyview Ranch (216-674-7511) June 20 June 27 July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug 1 Aug 8 Aug 15 Jun ior Jr Hi Fami ly Sr Hi Junior Jr Hi Junior Family (RV or tent only) Family Skyview Ranch Fees: Cost per camper: $ 119 ($50 deposit due with registration) . Family camp: $119 per adult; $89 children 4 & up; $19 under 4. $ 100 deposi t with registration . Call 216-674-7511 to confirm openings for family camp. ome minor alterations and addition . We plan to rel ocate the offi ce to a central location above the dining hall. W e' re l ooking for idea from you! What can Scioto I-Jill Bapti t Camp and Retreat Center do to better serve you and your church? Winter/Spring Retreat Schedule Feb 25-26 Jr Retreat The Ma ter ' s Puppets Apr 29-30 Men, Retreat #1 Dr . David Drullinger May 3-5 Sr. Sain ts Retreat TBA May 6-7 Men' Retreat #2 Dr . David Drollinger W atch the next OIB f or more exciting action from Sci oto Hill . To God be all the gl or y!