The Ohio Independent Baptist, May/June 1994
, Vienna B aptist, Vienna, bas called Pastor Frank Odor to come out of retirement to return to the pastorate. This will be bis third term as pastor at Vienna. (Thi s must be somethi ng of a record.) Thi s summer Baptist Dible Seminary i s offering graduate level courses especially desi gned to be convenient to pastors. Offered during tbe M ay 23-June 3 term will be The Church and Baptist Dist inctives (3 hr), Principles of Church Planting (2 hr) and Hebrew Exegesis (2 hr). I-lousing i s $5 per night. Funtastics Reaches I, 7 50 1994 Funtastics 1st Place Winners by Pastor Zac Wilcox, Chairman, Reaching Committee of the Ohio State Youth Committee Can you imagine nearly 170 teams playing 320 games of basketball, volleyball or walleyball all within the space of 12 hours? That is what tran– spired the last two Saturdays of March in Ohio, when 1,750 teens from 75 churches flocked to the campuses of Ohio State and Kent State to have FUN! And that they did! That' s not all, folks. As strange as it may sound to some, many came (along with nearly 350 leaders and staff) to use FUN to share the SON! And that they did, for 500 teens attended as visitors, many needing to know about the truth that real fun comes when you know the Son. What happened was that 22 teens met the Son those Saturdays. Add to a growing number of reports of teens saved before or after the Funt.astic (now at 12), and you end up with many churcbe taking home a newly-saved teen. But is that all, God? Many chose !lQt to respond to the Son who is able to save every las t one of those 500. That is what God can do! Let's continue to trust Him for more to be added to this new "youth group .,, Let's also persistently plead with God that these teens will "be fruitful and multiply,, in their schools. Praise be to the SON who saves and makes every FUNtastic eternally worthwhile. Ohio Talents For Christ Winners Announced by Pastor Brian Hanson, Pleasant Hill Baptist, Smithville member, Ohio State Youth Committee T his year's Talents for Christ, held at Grace Baptist in Cedarville on April 9, was very exciting because of the number of contestants involved (68) and because of the quality of the contestants . We thank you for getting your teens in– volved and for motivating them for serv ice of the King. We would also like to thank everyone responsible for making this a great day. '"fhe 1994 . winners are: Male Voice: 1st, Jerry King, First Baptist, Strongsville; Female Voice: 1st, Meagan Jones, ..mmanuel Baptist, 1 oledo, 2nd, [..eeAnne C'hurgovich, I·ellow~hip Baptist, Wadsworth , Instrumental Ensemble: Isl, Dra~s Quartet, l'lea~t Hill Ilap11st, m1tllv11Je, 2nd, 1··1ute 'I rio, Ple&ant ll.tll Iiaptist, Sn1i lbv1 lie; W oodwlnd : lst, Rebecca I..akes, Southgate Baptist, Springfield; 2nd, Erica Iiunter, First Baptist, Elyria; Puppets: l st, Walnut Creek Baptist, Baltimore; 2nd, Grace Baptist, Canton; Piano: 1st, Jennifer Srail , First Daptist, Medina; 2nd, Julie Saucier, First Bapti st, Medina; Bible Knowledge: 1st, Daniel Anthony, Grace Baptist, Wes tlake; 2nd, Jennifer Gardner, amdcn Bapti t, Oberlin; Brass: 1st, Michael 1'hornp on, Grace Dapti l, 'froy ; 2nd, Kevin Am1 trong, Plea ant Ilill 13aptist, S1nithvillc; Strings: l s t, Aimee Stout, Grace Bapti st, Westervi lle; Writing: 1st, Melissa Ray, Grace 1)aplist. an t on; 2nd. Josh ress, (iracc Dapti ·t, 1' roy; Ji'emale l'uhllc Speaki ng: Is l. l)eborab Grifficlh. (,race flapt1~L, ~l'roy; Male J)ubllc Speak ing: 1st, l\rain Kelly. Lakeview Bapllst. l)undce, 2nd, John Schaadt, (irace 11aptist, ·rroy. The Ohio State University Team Sports Wheelersburg Baptist, Wheelersburg North Park Community, Lima Grace Chapel, West Liberty Cedar Hill Baptist, Cleveland Heights Calvary Baptist, Covington, Kentucky (2 sports) First Baptist , Wellington Individual Contest Ben Gibson, Washington Heights Baptist, Dayton Phill ip Bullmaster, Emmanuel Baptist, Dayton Attendance Highest number of teens: Grace Chapel, West Liberty {63) Most visitors: Grace Chapel (30) Best o/o visitors: First Baptist , Galion (55°/o) Kent State University Team Sports Chardon Baptist, Chardon West Hill Baptist, Akron First Baptist, Medina Grace Baptist, Westlake Northfield Baptist, Northfield Pleasant Hill Baptist, Smithville Calvary Baptist, Norwalk Individual Contest Philip Wanick , Pleasant Hill Baptist, Smithville Nathan Slichter, Mogadore Baptist , Mogadore Attendance Highest number teens: Grace Baptist,Westlake (80) Most visitors: Pleasant Hill , Smithville (50) Best 0 /o visi tors: Eagle Ministries, (100%) Travel Off the Bea ten Path... with Leeland & Mary Crott Baptists for Israel Seminars Contact us for written details for plaruung your trip to I rael! • •n,1n,,r l ' oord in, to r ( :ary W. ~andh-..h I,.t -.. tor TL•,,chL·r Box 9h • ( _; n1ndy lL•ntL•r IA On.18 J 19 824- 1.124 Pns tors: \.Vnte for 011r fn't• ,n,11111,11, uH010 To u>11JI A St>tnin11rTri11 To l sr,1el "
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