The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1994

, The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.67 No.5 July/August 1994 By the time you receive this paper, we will be... In This Issue • Christian Radio can be a partner with your church. page 2 by State Representative Larry Fetzer • New book identifies what's wrong with fundamentalism. u t one year after the collap e of the Regul ar Baptist Fellow hip H ealth Care Plan for our OARBC pa tor and church staff, we can say that it i j u t about over . On November 1, 1992, our tate a ociation was l eft with an indebtedne o f approximatel y $650,000 in hospital , doctor and 0 U1er healUl -rel ated bill . 1-:-or our as ociation of ome 200 churche , many of them small and hort offund anyway, thi s eemed like an impo ' ible burden. Wher e were we ever to obt ain thi much money? One fund rai ing expert told u we could never rai e that kind o f money from our mall con titu– ency to pay off pa l bi ll . We were to l d to expect to have to mortgage Can1p Patmo!), and maybe even the hon1c · o f the Counci l of ' fwel ve member . At (>Ur Council n1ceting, as we faced the seriou5ne~5 of the prob len1 before u~, we read in lhe W ord o f God frc> n1 2 Chron i cles 20 :12 the prayer <>f Jeh<)~hapl1at as he wa under att ack by a great army, "O our God... we havc no rrugh t agai nst thi s great [debtJ that comerh again~ t us~ neither know we what t<J do: but our eyes are upon 1'hee" (paraphrased). That prayer well expressed lhe sentiment of each one of u . Y et each member of the Council agreed that it wa our obli gation to pay all lho e cl aim to lhe ver y be t of our ability . We pent much time in prayer asking God ' help. H ow God an wered our prayer in way we couldn ' t believe. Many doctor and ho pital vo lunteered a di count. Son1e even forgave the debt altogether . Many churches o ffered to cover their pa tor' claims . Our two Brotherl y ·Love Offeri ng brought in over $146,000. God pro tected u f ron1 law uit . We f ound that when we accepted ilic re ponsibility in a god l y way and ought lo pay our bi ll. , even page 3 • Saved at a Temple youth activity, he's been their pastor for 10 years . page 4 • The Task Team needs your help. page 6 • Remembering "Pop" Wolff. page 7 • It's true-Scioto buys a building for $5. page 7 U1os , of the worl d respected t)ur effe_)rts. We were able tc.) pro tect our tcstin1<>ny. Once again lhc Scripture prc)vcs i t:ctr truc,"With n1cn U1is is in1p<,ssible; but wi tJ1 G<>o .... ,, Celebration Conference Set For Westerville The 0Al{ T3(_ AnnuaJ ( onfcrcncc wi ll he held thi s yc,tr ()cH>hcr 2-4 -26 at (iract Baptist Church, Wes tervi l l e. lt w ill be a great cc lcbra t1on e_>f " ' l'hc M 1raclc t)f ( )h10.' ' ·r his i s tl1c sainc church in which we originally infonncd <>ur c<.>n~lltucn · t> f the fai I urc of Lhc ll Jl I: plan. W c rctun1 here l<> cc lchrat • ll1e V l( ' re )l{ Y ( ,t>d has gt ,·en us l'lan now to attend tl1is conference. Its locati tHl 1n tJ1e center o l tli c stall' n1akcs tl easil y acce~~ iblc to al l.